NLR cover image


  1. Haim Haneghi, Moshe Machover, Akiva Orr: The Class Nature of Israeli Society
  2. New Left Review: Presentation of Blanqui
  3. Auguste Blanqui: Instructions for an Uprising
  4. Gavan McCormack: The Student Left in Japan
  5. Jon Halliday: Mishima
  6. W. J. F. Jenner: Introduction to Mao's 'Letter to Comrade Lin Piao'
  7. Zedong Mao: Letter to Comrade Lin Piao--January 5th 1930
  8. Norman Geras: Essence and Appearance: Aspects of Fetishism in Marx's 'Capital'
  9. Lucio Colletti: Antonio Gramsci and the Italian Revolution


  1. Fred Halliday: Towards a Red Pakistan