Michael West

Michael West

Michael West comments on companies, markets and the economy. He is a former SMH business editor.

Good money to be made before burying dead companies

Michael West Quite often there is more money to be made from a company dead than alive.

Adani loses LG as big customer for Carmichael mine

Michael West

Michael West Korean giant LG has confirmed it will not take coal from the controversial mine.

Where next for troubled Santos?

Santos' debt would appear to now be well in excess of the value of its assets.

Michael West Unless the prices of oil and gas rebound strongly Santos will struggle to meet its interest bill in the current half.

Single mum learns loyalty means little to Westpac

Michael West

Michael West The presumption of innocence is the bedrock of our system of justice. Unfortunately Dana Joab has been denied this right by one of our big three banks.

eBay's corporate behaviour aired in court stoush

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West If the Tax Office wants to know what the online giant has been up to in Australia, it might want to send an officer to the Supreme Court of NSW.

Michael West

Corporate tax avoidance could become a whole lot easier

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Michael West The Rich Mates Act amendment bill was introduced to Parliament on Thursday.

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Nothing dubious in Big Tobacco's tax records

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West Amid the dubious behaviour of many multinationals, the tax record of big tobacco companies is surprisingly, well, good.

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Time for Minerals Council to branch into counselling

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Michael West The Minerals Council and the state peak mining bodies really ought to consider a strategic expansion into the field of marriage guidance and counselling.

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Why Transurban says the taxman can wait

Scott Charlton

Michael West What tollroad group Transurban pays the taxman and what it pays its executives are two very different things.

Shell pumped $20 billion a year from motorists but paid no company tax

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West For the third year on the trot, Shell Australia appears to have paid no income tax, instead, reporting tax benefits in all three years despite sales which may be in excess of $60 billion.

Comments 43

Adani mine's fate may hang in balance for some time

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West The fate of Carmichael may hang in the balance for some time, as the war between new and old energy plays out.

Adani and Commonwealth Bank part ways, casting further doubt on Carmichael coal project

Adani wants to develop coal resources in Queensland.

Michael West and Lisa Cox Commonwealth Bank's key financing role at Adani's controversial Carmichael coal mine has ended.

Comments 104

Adani caned but not canned

Michael West The ornamental snake and the yakka skink are unlikely to be Greg Hunt's favourite animals today, having helped nix his approval of Adani's $16 billion Carmichael coal mine.

Comments 2

Focus on tax avoidance, not GST hikes

Google co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin. Google runs its entire Australian advertising shebang through Singapore; it doesn't even pay GST.

Michael West What is the difference between 30 per cent of zero and 20 per cent of zero? Correct: precisely $5,227.27 less than a Bronwyn-Bishop-taxpayer-funded helicopter trip from Melbourne to Geelong.

With coal going begging, it's time to stop digging

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West It seems Adani and Shenhua are determined to do things the hard way.

Indian billionaire gives receivers a taste of the receiving end

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Michael West Flamboyant Indian billionaire Pankaj Oswal is emerging as the unlikely hero for victims of the insolvency profession, thanks to an inquiry in a Perth court into one the biggest and fastest fee grabs...


Adani shown the door by traditional owners

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Michael West Adani's cunning stunt on a vote with traditional owners backfired.

Big pharma bosses front up to Senate inquiry into corporate tax avoidance

Michael West The numbers told the story, one per cent of revenue paid in tax, even after billions in subsidies from taxpayers.

Australia is getting played for a mug with tax dodging

Michael West dinkus Dinkus

Michael West PayPal and eBay seem hell bent on making as little as possible. Why? Simple, if you make a profit, you have to pay tax on it.

Comments 39

Wall of Chinese capital buying up Australian properties

Michael West dinkus

Michael West Anti-money laundering legislation may be the only way to discourage Chinese investment in Australian properties and moderate rising house prices.

Comments 14