Consent in exchange for money is not consent at all.

Yesterday, the Women’s Support Project and Zero Tolerance revealed the findings of their latest study regarding the reality of prostitution and pornography in Scotland. One of their most hard hitting statistics is that not only that 90% women involved in prostitution in Scotland want to get out of it immediately, but that they had also [...]

Millions of Europeans on strike and in the streets

You might not have noticed yesterday, what with the UK news much more concerned about what high paid cushy job David Miliband will be getting next, but across Europe millions of people were on strike and in the streets to protest the austerity policies of the EU governments. Just like the ConDem government here, governments [...]

BNP: hate will tear them apart, again

Following the well documented events of last Saturday, when the BNP were smashed out of Glasgow by a flash mobilisation of anti-fascists, the reverberations on the wider party have not taken long to become clear. With the national party in disarray over reported financial irregularities and widespread anti-Griffin sentiment, this has been played out in [...]

Venezuela: Socialists win the election, but you wouldn't know it from our media

Sunday saw a key test of the strength of the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela, with elections to the National Assembly. The opposition to the revolution, which is composed of the middle and bosses classes who are angry about losing their monopoly over Venezuela’s wealth and political power, and who are funded by US imperialism, had [...]

NEWSFLASH: Spanish state repression against Askapena

Those of you who were at Camp Secret Squirrel this year, or were around in the week or so afterwards, will remember the comrades we had visiting from Askapena, the internationalist organisation of the Basque pro-independence left. Yesterday the repressive police apparatus of the Spanish state was brought to bear on Askapena, with seven members [...]

Peter Jackson is an anti-union dragon hoarding the worker's treasure

A small band of heroes have set out on a quest to get back what they’re owed from a dragon who just wants to hoard their treasure all for himself. Sounds like it could potentially make a good movie, but it emerged today the big story of the (maybe) upcoming films of The Hobbit isn’t [...]

Like radical music and song? Get yer arse to Aberdeen!

“Part call to action, part show, part club night” An extremly cool, radical cultural and political event is taking place in Aberdeen this Wednesday night with the involvement of SSP/SSY members that is worth letting you all know about! Aberdeen SSP will be present at a radical cultural event this Wednesday 29th September in the Tunnels, Carnegie [...]

Sweden: what went wrong?

It’s now a week ago since Sweden’s general election (which I caught a glimpse of when in Stockholm at the time) and the left there have been faced with the task of reviewing what went wrong, why the Social Democrats have fallen to their lowest level since 1914, why the Left Party lost further support, [...]

Red Ed? Don't think so.

After the most vicious battle between two brothers since Van Damme vs Van Damme in Double Impact, the victor for Labour leader has finally been declared. In a surprising result, Ed Miliband has defeated his brother David, despite being much geekier with him, not as good with women and not allowed to stay up as [...]

Have you heard? There's no such thing as gay people.

This week The Office of National Statistics released the figures from a new survey, which claimed that only 1.5% or 1 in 100 British citizens identity as Gay, Lesbian or Bisexual. After interviewing only a small percentage of the population the ONS have come to the ‘concrete’ conclusion that only “480,000 adults describe themselves as [...]