Drug tsar sacked for inconvenient scientific opinions.

The Governments chief scientific advisor, shortly before enjoying a ketamine sundae Chief drugs advisor to the Government David Nutt has been sacked from his post, after a string of “controversial statements” – the most recent being that LSD and Cannabis were less harmful than alcohol. He’s already enraged the Government and Tory Tabloids by saying [...]

Racism in schools

Despite over 250,000 incidences of racism in schools being reported since 2002, the Manifesto Group have called their report on the issue “The Myth of Racist Kids”. According to civil liberties organisation The Manifesto Group, young children are being branded racist before they even know what the term means – and playground spats are being [...]

Harriet Harpersons war against men stalled! Yay!

If you fancy going mental and murdering your wife or girlfriend this weekend if shes been sleeping with someone else, but are scared you might face some significant jail time, breathe a sigh of relief as the Lords have sunk a bill that would have stopped men who kill their spouses getting away with a [...]

Stop. GriffinTime.

Special Guest Post Exclusive by Honorary SSY Member Jo Harvie…. So it’s the morning after Griffin got on Question Time. The Guardian and Independent have slammed the oxygen feed to the fascists, the Star has called him a nuttaaaah, and every single telly programme and radio phone-in, from GMTV to This Morning has discussed the [...]

Fuck the Daily Mail

We all know that the Daily Mail are idiots. I’d like to be able to say that they’ve exceeded themselves with their latest exploits, but in reality it’s just more of the same pish. Unless you’re a middle class, middle aged, straight white man, the Daily Mail hates you – and it hates a big [...]

March for Jobs details confirmed.

After a bit of wrangling with the council and the police, SSY/SSP has confirmed details for the March for Jobs we are organising. The march will take place on the Saturday the 7th of November, assembling at 12 outside Springburn Shopping centre We will be marching through Springburn to Springburn Park, where we should have [...]


It’s been a pretty busy week. Here’s a wee update of what’s been happening with SSY and beyond… EDUCATION: Glasgow Uni Tutors Fight for Fair Pay Post Graduate  Teaching Assistants at Glasgow University could be set for strike action in their ongoing battle for fair pay and conditions. A series of meetings this week among [...]

nazi scum, off our pavements!

When I wrote a thing on here a few weeks ago about the English Defence League, the far-right football casual cum ‘we’re not racist we just hate muslims’ group, I made a passing comment that if they ever do come to Scotland, we better be ready for the fight back. I didn’t seriously believe they were [...]

Support the march for jobs – No to another lost generation!

With a media circus about to descend on Glasgow North East, for a by-election triggered as the consequence of political and personal corruption in Westminster its time to remind the politicians about the communities they have abandoned. Youth unemployment in the UK has now risen to a staggering 20% for 18-24 year olds, and is [...]