US Korea Institute

Saturday September 5th 2015
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Satellite Imagery

Still No Sign of Launch Preparations at North Korea’s Sohae Launch Facility

Still No Sign of Launch Preparations at North Korea’s Sohae Launch»

A 38 North exclusive with analysis by Jack Liu and Joseph S. Bermudez Summary While speculation that North Korea intends to launch a long-range space launch vehicle (SLV) on the 70th anniversary of the Korean Workers’ Party in October continues, it is still not possible to determine whether Pyongyang will conduct such a launch using commercial satellite imagery. Imagery from August 27 and September 1 show that a movable structure on the [Read More]

NK Nuclear Futures

North Korea’s Evolving »

North Korea’s Evolving Nuclear Strategy

Over the past two decades, North Korea’s nuclear program has grown from a proliferation problem to a military threat to its neighbors and the United [Read More]

Domestic Affairs

North Korea’s New Propagandist? North Korea’s New »

In late July 2015, the international media briefly shifted its attention to Kim Jong [Read More]

North Korea’s July 19 Local Elections Dispel ROK Allegations of Public Unrest North Korea’s »

Summary The West’s take on North Korean elections is familiar: they are neither free [Read More]

The Rise and Fall of General Hyon Yong Chol The Rise and Fall »

  Kim Jong Un dismissed Hyon Yong Chol as North Korea’s minister of defense [Read More]

James Church

The 50-Year Rule »

The 50-Year Rule

“Inspector! Long time no see!” I spotted Inspector O in the corner of the café where his cryptic message had said we should meet. He sat at a small table covered with papers, hemmed in by books piled on the floor next to his chair. “Shall we move to something in the [Read More]

Recent Stories

Credit for photo of young North Korean girl: T.M. All rights reserved, used with permission.