Homeopathic Vaccine Alternative to be Explored by Leading Experts 8

HP Conference co-organizer and homeopathic physician Dr. Cilla Whatcott will discuss safe and natural approaches to vaccination on the next edition of Real Politik, airing at 3:00PM EST Monday on Truth Frequency Radio and archived thereafter here.

Drs. Andrew Wakefield and Isaac Golden to Speak at First International Worldwide Choice Conference

Dallas, TX – February –2015 Medical doctors, homeopaths, an immunologist, an attorney specializing in vaccine exemptions, researchers and other experts from around the world will converge in Dallas this October for the 1st international conference on homeopathic prophylaxis, a three-day event that examines the non-toxic alternative to educating the immune system and Template-HPWorldwideChoicepreventing infectious disease. The conference is open to the public and will be widely attended by health-conscious consumers as well as physicians, nutritionists, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, homeopaths and journalists.


Forgotten Victims of the “War on Terror” 95

This week corporate news media have vigorously circulated the image of a three-year-old toddler whose corpse was found on a Turkish beach in an apparent effort to illustrate the tragic dimensions of Europe’s present refugee influx. Yet the same media have been largely absent throughout the US, Israeli and Saudi-led “war on terror” that has resulted in many millions of injuries and deaths over the past 14 years. In fact, the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Syrian families is a result of a covert Western campaign of regime change being waged against the Assad government.



Inconsistencies in Official CT Sandy Hook Investigations Suggest Coverup 75

duck-walkOn this week’s episode of Real Politik Australia-based independent researcher Allan Powell joins the program to discuss his deep research on the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. Mr. Powell lays out his analysis focusing on a set of images provided in the Vimeo video below.

He argues that the apparent investigation and police report of the incident carried out by Connecticut State Attorney Steven Sedensky and State Police released and released in late 2013 defy normal protocols. Further, there are clear contradictions and suggestion of a coverup based on the documents’  various disclosures concerning the crime scene and related evidence.


Video Comparison: Visual Features of “Real” Shooting vs. Parker/Ward Shooting Footage 141

wdbj-reportYouTube video presents “real bullet shots and fake shots in Virginia WDBJ TV News Live Broadcast Shooting.”

The video below shows footage of shooting an actual handgun, complete with recoil/muzzle flip, spent casings exiting the weapon, and bullet impact versus the footage of the August 26 reported shooting of broadcast journalists Alison Parker and Adam Ward which suggests the potential use of blanks or the equivalent during the event.


“Crisis Actors” Alison Parker and Adam Ward 116

The “journalistic” duo were prone to elaborate get-ups and antics both on and off the air –  UK paper says

Photographs obtained from the social media accounts of slain reporters Alison Parker and Adam Ward posted by the Daily Mail on August 26 indicate the pair greatly enjoyed dressing up at work and play. At one point they are even photographed in a dressing room preparing “fake injuries” as combination crisis actor/reporters.

“The reporter and cameraman shared this photo of them being painted with fake injuries for a news segment,” the Mail remarks.



Was Vester Lee Flanagan Framed? 76

Major news media are furiously pushing the narrative that Vester Lee Flanagan, a seemingly frustrated and alienated young man, shot and killed two broadcast journalists on August 26, and then took his own life. This is by now a williams_tweetscommon scenario in today’s 24 hour corporate news cycle.

Yet let us keep in mind that today’s widespread use of social media makes it especially easy to implicate an individual in a crime she or he may have never committed.

A recent theme at MHB is involves “targeted individuals” and consideration of the electronic weaponry and/or “gangstalking” harassment they often experience.

The following video depicts a confrontation between an unknown white male and Flanagan.


Father of slain TV reporter Alison Parker is a former professional actor 66

Via Dr. Eowyn / Fellowship of the Minds

Obama has a lot more he wants to accomplish


On August 26, 2015, two employees of CBS affiliate WDBJ of Roanoke, Virginia, were shot dead while conducting a live television interview near Smith Mountain Lake in Moneta.

They were 24-year-old news reporter Alison Parker and 27-year-old photojournalist Adam Ward.


Global Movement to Raise Awareness of Covert Harassment and Surveillance 12

mooringOn this week’s episode of Real Politik James speaks with Peter Mooring, founder and director of STOPEG, or Stop Electronic Weapons and Gangstalking. A computer software engineer, Mooring established STOPEG after enduring a severe electronic harassment-gangstalking campaign beginning in the late 1990s.

Peter explains the harassment he experienced, how he now works to raise public awareness of such human rights abuses through the establishment and activities of STOPEG, and most recently his involvement as the co-organizer of the second annual Covert Harassment and Surveillance Conference, taking place in Berlin Germany on October 1 and 2, 2015. This international conference will feature several highly knowledgeable keynote speakers, including Dr. Nick Begich and Ole Dammegård.


VA Reporter and Cameraman Shooting Discrepancy 188


Imagery allegedly circulated via social media of Vester Flanagan confronting WDBJ TV’s Alison Parker.

Video and photographic evidence suggests assailant in video is white, yet so-called shooter Vester Flanagan is black.

There appears to be a major contradiction in what has been presented as the official storyline of what has come to be known as the “TV Reporter, Cameraman Murdered Live on Air” story being pushed by mainstream and even some alternative news outlets.


Jonathan Reich Files Court Corruption Complaint Against CT Assistant State’s Attorney Thomas J. O’Brien 18

Man charged in 2012 for telephoning Connecticut coroner H. Wayne Carver claims unlawful treatment

“I was singled out because I am located out of state and a researcher of public corruption.”

Paid $37,000 in attorney fees and prevented from creating legal defense fund

Court Date postponed 12 times!

From HartfordCommunityCourt.comReich

The following letter was obtained from several national newspapers currently investigating this story:

To all parties receiving this letter,

This is being sent to you in regards to a follow-up of compliance within the Judicial System of the State of Connecticut, and to be sure that the right eyes are seeing and responding to this letter. There has been an issue of respondence of multiple parties
in the past of which FOIA requests and E-mails have not been answered promptly and/or adequately. This letter is to reinforce the structure and chain of command to which the people have a right to speak and be heard.
