
Archives: November 2014

Can the Police Phone-Track you without a Warrant?

Can the Police Phone-Track you without a Warrant?

Hanni Fakhoury and Jennifer Lynch (Electronic Frontier Foundation) Once again, a federal court will decide whether police can track your movements over an extended period of time without a search warrant. Federal…
Gen Dempsey:  US Considering Ground Troops in Iraq

Gen Dempsey: US Considering Ground Troops in Iraq

VOA | -- "America’s top military leader says he is considering deploying a limited number of U.S soldiers to fight with Iraqi troops against Islamic State militants. General Martin Dempsey, the chairman…
Top 5 Disasters If GOP Senate derails Iran talks

Top 5 Disasters If GOP Senate derails Iran talks

By Juan Cole | The Republican Party is already conniving at ways to derail the US-Iran negotiations over Tehran's civilian nuclear enrichment program. When they take over the senate in January, the…
Rehab for Empire Addiction:  Uncle Sam on the Couch

Rehab for Empire Addiction: Uncle Sam on the Couch

By Tom Engelhardt ( [What follows is a transcript of a therapy session between the American Empire and a psychiatrist whose name we at TomDispatch have agreed not to disclose. Normally, even in an age in which…
Denmark to ban Coal by 2016 in Favor of Wind Energy

Denmark to ban Coal in Favor of Wind Energy

Wochit General News "Denmark's climate minister said on Saturday that Denmark should ban coal use by 2025 to make the Nordic nation a leader in fighting global warming, adding to green measures…
Iraq War 3.0?  What could possibly Go Wrong?

Iraq War 3.0? What could possibly Go Wrong?

By Peter Van Buren ( Karl von Clausewitz, the famed Prussian military thinker, is best known for his aphorism “War is the continuation of state policy by other means.” But what happens…
Can Hizbullah save Lebanon from ISIL?

Can Hizbullah save Lebanon from ISIL?

VICE: "As the Islamic State massacred its way throughout Iraq and Syria this summer, a separate battle took place in neighboring Lebanon. This summer, the Islamic State invaded the Lebanese border town…
Incredible Expanding Cairo (Video)

Incredible Expanding Cairo (Video)

NYU STERN URBANIZATION PROJECT "The expansion of built up urban land in Cairo, 1800 - 2000. Prepared for the NYU Stern Urbanization Project using data compiled by Shlomo Angel, Jason Parent, Daniel…
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