
Archives: June 2011

Rudolph: US Inequality Quiz

Can You Pass The US Inequality Quiz? The American mainstream media regularly laments the incontrovertible reality of rising inequality yet rarely provides historical perspective or detailed analysis. Rather, the typical article provides…

Notar: Syria and the Palestine Card

Paul Notar writes a guest column for Informed Comment: Palestine: Bashar Assad’s Ace in the Hole? by Paul Notar There has been much speculation in the media that the Assad regime in…
The Audacity of the Gaza Flotilla

The Audacity of the Gaza Flotilla

A new Gaza aid flotilla is set to take off from Greece on Sunday, including 600 persons representing 22 countries, on ten ships. Pulitzer-prize winning author Alice Walker is among them. (Swedish…
House Libya Vote: Anti-War or Just Anti-Obama?

House Libya Vote: Anti-War or Just Anti-Obama?

The Republican-dominated US House of Representatives voted down an authorization for President Obama to have the US participate in the Libya War on Friday. (Many Democrats also joined in). The House did…

Kukis: Leave Iraq, Too

Mark Kukis writes a guest column for Informed Comment: Leaving Iraq: Why total U.S. military withdrawal is best By Mark Kukis The Obama administration’s move to accelerate a U.S. withdrawal in Afghanistan…

Obama: The Tides of War are Receding

June 22, 2011 Remarks of President Barack Obama – As Prepared for Delivery On the Way Forward in Afghanistan Washington, D.C. June 22, 2011 As Prepared for Delivery— Good evening. Nearly ten…

The End of the Beginning in Afghanistan

Breaking news: CNN is reporting that President Obama has decided to take 30,000 troops out of Afghanistan over the next year eighteen months, including 10,000 by the end of this year. Military…

Stewart Figures out what Rupert is Up To

Jon Stewart explains what Rupert Murdoch's Fox Cable News thinks it is actually about, and it has nothing to do with fair reporting. The Daily Show - Fox News Channel - Fair…
Key developments in the Arab Spring Today

Key developments in the Arab Spring Today

Tens of thousands of Yemenis took to the streets Monday to demand an end to the regime of Ali Abdullah Saleh and a move to a transitional government and elections. Saleh is…
Gates:  Winding down the Wars

Gates: Winding down the Wars

Outgoing Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was on CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley on Sunday, and he sees a diminished American superpower on the horizon. Gates foresaw the winding…

Top Ten Mistakes in the Libya War

In the post-World War II international legal regime, there are only two grounds for going to war, according to the United Nations Charter. One is self-defense. The other is if the United…

Maddow on Bloggergate

Warm thanks to Rachel Maddow for her cogent reporting on the Bush White House/ CIA plot to "get" Cole. As she notes, I was a frequent guest on her Air America radio…
Cole on Goodman & CIA Surveillance

Cole on Goodman & CIA Surveillance

With something like being put under CIA surveillance by the Bush White House, you keep thinking to yourself, as in an old argument, about the things you should have said. I talked…
Women to Protest Driving Ban in Saudi Arabia

Women to Protest Driving Ban in Saudi Arabia

Despite its vast oil wealth and the measures the kingdom has taken to buy off potential dissidents, Saudi Arabia is nevertheless not completely able to escape the citizen activism of the Arab…

Pakistan Arrests CIA Informants in Bin Laden Case

The Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence has arrested five Pakistani informants who gave the CIA information leading to the raid on Usamah Bin Laden's compound at Abbotabad, according to the NYT. The arrests appear…
Libya not a War for Oil

Libya not a War for Oil

The allegation out there in the blogosphere that the United Nations-authorized intervention in Libya was driven by Western oil companies is a non-starter. The argument is that Muammar Qaddafi was considered unreliable…

Shadow Internet Story Fishy

Sunday's report by the NYT on the 'shadow internet' being funded by (a paltry) $2 mn. in State Dept. money iis either a psy-ops plant or another sign that the US government…
Top Ten Green Energy Good News Stories

Top Ten Green Energy Good News Stories

1. Environmentalists and peace advocates are hoping that cooperation on solar energy projects can help foster peace between Israelis and Palestinians. What this article doesn't say is that such cooperation might also…

Gates & NATO: Misery Loves Company

Shorter SecDef Robert Gates: European members of NATO need to bankrupt themselves with military spending and wars just as the United States has done, or else the US Congress will stop being…
Thousands Protest in Bahrain

Thousands Protest in Bahrain

The Shiite Wifaq Party succeeded in staging a demonstration some 10,000 strong in the town of Sar, Bahrain, on Saturday. Movement leader Sheikh Ali Salman called a "big lie" the charge that…
Arab Spring Turns Deadly Again

Arab Spring Turns Deadly Again

Thousands of Syrians demonstrated all over the country on Friday, especially in smaller cities and rural towns. Some 7000 came out in downtown Homs. Troops fired on crowds and responded with brutality…
Ellsberg:  All Nixon’s Crimes Against me now Legal

Ellsberg: All Nixon’s Crimes Against me now Legal

Daniel Ellsberg (Website here) interviewed on CNN's "In the Arena": Courtesy Martin Torsleff [CNN:]These days, when you find yourself thinking about Richard Nixon, what comes to mind? [Ellsberg]: "Richard Nixon, if he…
Our News and their News

Our News and their News

Americans live in a late capitalist society where the rich have gotten many times richer and the middle class has gotten poorer, where Wall Street bankers have stolen us blind and blamed…
What if Everything Ran on Gasoline?

What if Everything Ran on Gasoline?

"What if Everything Ran on Gas" is a smart, thought-provoking ad for the Nissan Leaf. I've often thought that one of the problems environmentalists face is that most automobile emissions are not…
Israeli Troops kill 20, wound Hundreds at Golan

Israeli Troops kill 20, wound Hundreds at Golan

Israeli troops on Sunday fired live ammunition into unarmed crowds of protesters who moved toward the barbed wire fence marking the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights (which is Syrian territory). Aljazeera reports: Israeli troops…

One to Go

Zine El Abidine Ben Ali (Tunisia), Ali Abdullah Saleh (Yemen), Muammar Qadhafi (Libya), Hosni Mubarak (Egypt); from: VOA report on Afro-Arab summit, October 10, 2010, Sirte, Libya.
Was there a Yemeni Revolution?

Was there a Yemeni Revolution?

Aljazeera Arabic is reporting that later in the day Sunday, clashes between armed groups of pro-Saleh and anti-Saleh gunmen broke out in the capital, where the situation is "unstable," after Yemeni President…
Top Struggles in the Arab Spring Today

Top Struggles in the Arab Spring Today

The Arab Spring began with peaceful protests in Tunis, Cairo, Alexandria, and elsewhere in the region, with masses of demonstrators giving their elites a choice of getting rid of the country's dictator…
US Should Move Navy Base from Bahrain

US Should Move Navy Base from Bahrain

In the wake of the brutal crackdown by the monarchy of Bahrain on the largely peaceful protest movement this winter and spring, the United States needs to decouple from the small Gulf…
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