
Archives: November 2010

Gaza as Israel’s Gimp

Gaza as Israel’s Gimp

In Quentin Tarantino's camp noir classic, Pulp Fiction, the Bruce Willis and Ving Rhames characters have an altercation and one chases the other into a pawn shop, the proprietor of which is…

Wikileaks Gates: No Iranian Help to Taliban

What they tell us: In summer of 2009, it was revealed that Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair informed the US Congress that, according to Marcus Baram at HuffPo, "Iran is covertly…

Blair, Hitchens Debate Religion

Here is the transcript of the debate between Tony Blair and Christopher Hitchens on the motion, "Be it resolved, religion is a force for good in the world". It is being said…
Political Cartoon:  Obama’s Stitches

Political Cartoon: Obama’s Stitches

President Obama received 12 stitches for a busted lip after being elbowed on the basketball court Friday. In other news, the Pentagon has been dressing up the Afghanistan debacle as best they…

149 Alleged Terrorists arrested in Saudi Arabia

Authorities in Saudi Arabia, according to Al-Sharq al-Awsat writing in Arabic, have arrested 149 persons organized in 19 cells on charges of conspiracy to commit terrorism. The cells were operating independently of…

Iran Must Free Josh and Shane Now

CNN has a report on the situation of two American hikers kidnapped by Iran, who are being held on false charges of crossing the Iranian border (they were on the side of…
Palin:  “We must support our North Korean Allies”

Palin: “We must support our North Korean Allies”

Sarah Palin discussing foreign affairs with Glenn Beck is sort of like Lindsay Lohan discussing sobriety with Paris Hilton. Unsurprisingly, when asked about the Korean crisis, Palin opined that "We must stand…
Photo of the Day:  Nile Valley from Space

Photo of the Day: Nile Valley from Space

NASA image from space of Alexandria, Cairo and the Nile Valley at night. Greater Cairo, now with an estimated population of 18 million, shines like a small sun in the midst of…

Pashtuns lose Parliament, Violence up 70% in Afghanistan

Most of the results of the disputed parliamentary election in Afghanistan were announced on Wednesday. Altogether 24 candidates were disqualified from parliament because the Independent Electoral Commission found them guilty of fraud.…
Scammed in Afghanistan

Scammed in Afghanistan

The announcement by the New York Times that one of the supposedly prominent Taliban with whom the Karzai government has been negotiating turns out to be an impostor is only the latest…

Tyger, Tyger, a fire snuffed out

The Romantic poet William Blake wrote, in the age of European colonial expansion and encounter with Asian fauna: TIGER, tiger, burning bright In the forests of the night, What immortal hand or…

“Don’t Touch My Junk”: The Rap Video

Mike Adams at has a rap video on the intrusiveness of the new TSA inspections at airports. It is based on the protest of passenger John Tyner's protest of being searched…

Southern Afghans Have Never Heard of 9/11

An opinion survey carried out in Helmand and Kandahar provinces showed that 92% of the Afghan respondents (1000 men) had never heard of 9/11. Most Americans are ambivalent about the Afghanistan War…
Cleopatra:  A Power to be Reckoned With

Cleopatra: A Power to be Reckoned With

This article about Cleopatra in the Smithsonian Magazine questions the image of her in subsequent Western literature as a mere seductress. The author argues that she was a canny and powerful monarch,…


Los Angeles Times, November 17, 2010: "As NATO leaders meet in Lisbon this weekend, the U.S. is expected to endorse a plan for slow withdrawal and gradually handing over security responsibility by…
Species Loss Threatens Humankind

Species Loss Threatens Humankind

The attempts by the world's governments 2002-2010 to stem massive loss of species completely failed. So the recent conference on species loss at Nagoya in Japan found. Failed. It doesn't make a…
Shimkus Pwned on 2 Percent Climate Claims

Shimkus Pwned on 2 Percent Climate Claims

Rep. John Shimkus (R-Ill.) says that only 2 percent of the atmosphere is made up of greenhouse gases, and that only 2 percent of those gases are man made. He somehow seems…
Some Attackers Escaped After Karachi Blast: Dawn

Some Attackers Escaped After Karachi Blast: Dawn

Dawn is breaking the news that some of the attackers behind the massive explosion on Thursday night at a Sindh Crime Investigation Department building in Karachi, which killed 18 and wounded 100,…

Cole in Tomdispatch: Asia Rising, American Hessians

My column is out in Tomdispatch on the troubling ways that President Obama's Asian trip suggest America's weakening position in the world, especially with regard to a rising Asia-- given our debilitating…
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