Sep 04

“You only live once, and the way I live, once is enough”

This sounds fantastic.

Forgive the short notice, but if you are in or near New York City, please run to see “Sinatra: An American Icon.” September 4 is the last day to see this superb exhibit at Manhattan’s Lincoln Center Library for the Performing Arts, nestled between the Metropolitan Opera House and the Vivian Beaumont Theater. The library is open Friday from Noon to 6:00 p.m.

December 12, 2015 would have been Francis Albert Sinatra’s 100th birthday. Lincoln Center has been celebrating Sinatra’s centennial year with a display of artifacts and performance clips from across the legendary entertainer’s stunning career. From his humble roots in Hoboken, New Jersey, through his years at the pinnacle of show business in the 1950s and ‘60s, through his latter days in Palm Springs, where he spent hours playing with toy trains, this retrospective has plenty to enthrall fans and intrigue newcomers to Sinatra’s story.

Highlights include sheet music and stage instructions from his early days with the Tommy Dorsey Orchestra, the special Academy Award he won in 1946 (at age 30) for an anti-racism short-subject film titled The House I Live In, multiple Grammy Awards, and posters from many of his motion pictures, both the still memorable and the long forgotten. Two small mixer boards empower each visitor to impersonate a sound engineer and mix his own versions of several songs, adding and subtracting drums, bass, piano, and Sinatra’s voice to suit individual tastes.

Okay, make that: REALLY fantastic. What a great idea for getting people engaged with such an exhibit, and with good music itself.

Amid many audio and video samples of Sinatra’s artistry, my favorite captures the finest male vocalist of the 20th century singing a duet with his female counterpart, Ella Fitzgerald. The Chairman of the Board and the First Lady of Song swing their way through “The Lady is a Tramp” with elegance, grace, good humor, professionalism, and perfect creative chemistry. Watch that footage and weep for what yielded to Miley Cyrus.

I’ve often said over the years that I just can’t figure out how musical culture managed to degrade itself from the staggering heights of Duke Ellington all the way down to Fitty Cent, but that ain’t no race thang, and no white person needs to be feeling too terribly smug about it, as Murdock just demonstrated.

Update! More Sinatra, from Steyn. Stick with it to the end, if you have any interest in this sort of thing at all; Steyn writes about the music and musicians of the Great American Songbook with reverence, joy, intelligence, and love, and few things are as fascinating (to a guy like me, anyway) as the look behind the scenes from these great old days he so adroitly provides.


Sep 04

Rebellion officially over

Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.

The GOP has finally muscled its maverick front-runner, Donald Trump, into submission. A Trump adviser said on Thursday the billionaire has agreed to sign the Republican “loyalty pledge” he famously refused at the first debate in Cleveland last month, apparently ruling out a scenario that utterly terrified the GOP establishment: that Trump would launch a third-party bid and almost certainly deny Republicans the White House. With the stroke of a pen, Trump will put these fears to rest—and immeasurably weaken his own standing. He’s probably signing his political death warrant.

The adviser gave four reasons for why Trump decided to sign the pledge:

  • He’s leading in the polls, so there’s no harm. It might even help him.
  • This will deprive opponents like former Florida Governor Jeb Bush of an obvious line of attack: that Trump’s only in the race for his own aggrandizement. 
  • This inoculates Trump against his own history of supporting liberal candidates and policies. He can say, “Look, I signed the Republican pledge.” 
  • This ratifies Trump’s “alpha male” status because Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus was set to come to Trump Tower with the pledge, rather than the other way around.

But signing the pledge is unlikely to accomplish any of the first three things, and the fourth is immaterial to anyone but Trump. There are a number of other reasons why it will hurt him.

Well, it danged sure ain’t gonna help him any with me. But since we’re a totalitarian/authoritarian nation now, and the Republicrats are the junior wing of the Imperial Ruling Party, I suppose swearing fealty to the Regime via a loyalty oath makes a certain kind of sense.

At that point he’s stuck. He can’t broaden his appeal. He can’t run as an independent. And because he signed the Republican pledge, he’ll be expected to act like a good Republican and get behind the nominee. He can throw a tantrum, if he likes. But all that will do is cost him a speaking slot at the convention. Which, if you’re Reince Priebus, was part of the plan all along.

The master of the Art of the Deal, outmaneuvered by a grubby political hack? Food for thought, most of those thoughts unpleasant.

Sep 04

He said a mouthful

There was only one Milton Friedman. Which is tragic, because we desperately need a million or so of ’em.

“Indeed, a major source of objection to a free economy is precisely that it…gives people what they want instead of what a particular group thinks they ought to want. Underlying most arguments against the free market is a lack of belief in freedom itself.”

There are nineteen more, every one a glittering gem reflecting not just truth, but profundity and wisdom.

(Via Maet and Scott Johnson)

Sep 04

It’s coming sometime…maybe

The Fuck You Revolution, in slightly different form than I originally envisioned it.

Right now, people are having a little hissy-fit over the robo-signing scandal, and the double-booking scandal (where the same mortgage was signed over to two different bonds), and the little fights between junior tranches and senior tranches and the servicer, in the MBS mess.

But none of that shit is important.

What’s really important is Brian and Ilsa: What’s really important is that law-abiding middle-class citizens are deciding that playing by the rules is nothing but a sucker’s game.

Just like the poker player who’s been fleeced by all the other players, and gets one mean attitude once he finally wakes up to the con? I’m betting that more and more of the solid American middle-class will begin saying what Brian and Ilsa said: Fuckit.

Fuck the rules. Fuck playing the game the banksters want you to play. Fuck being the good citizen. Fuck filling out every form, fuck paying every tax. Fuck the government, fuck the banks who own them. Fuck the free-loaders, living rent-free while we pay. Fuck the legal process, a game which only works if you’ve got the money to pay for the parasite lawyers. Fuck being a chump. Fuck being a stooge. Fuck trying to do the right thing — what good does that get you? What good is coming your way?


When the backbone of a country starts thinking that laws and rules are not worth following, it’s just a hop, skip and a jump to anarchy.

TV has given us the illusion that anarchy is people rioting in the streets, smashing car windows and looting every store in sight. But there’s also the polite, quiet, far deadlier anarchy of the core citizenry — the upright citizenry — throwing in the towel and deciding it’s just not worth it anymore.

If a big enough proportion of the populace — not even a majority, just a largish chunk — decides that it’s just not worth following the rules anymore, then that society’s days are numbered: Not even a police-state with an armed Marine at every corner with Shoot-to-Kill orders can stop such middle-class anarchy.

Brian and Ilsa are such anarchists — grey-haired, well-dressed, golf-loving, well-to-do, exceedingly polite anarchists: But anarchists nevertheless. They are not important, or powerful, or influential: They are average — that’s why they’re so deadly: Their numbers are millions. And they are slowly, painfully coming to the conclusion that it’s just not worth it anymore.

After last week, ask my mom what she thinks about that. Thing is, in a nation collapsing under the weight of nobody-even-knows-how-many laws and regulations, how could it possibly be any different? When the average person commits three felonies a day, what else can they do but pick and choose which ones they’re going to obey and which ones they’ll ignore? The beautiful irony is this: this horrid Progressivist system, designed as it was for top-down control of each and every one of us, actually winds up eroding that control over time. As with all their works, the seeds of the Left’s ultimate destruction are baked right into their own cake.

(Via Glenn)

Rule of (some) law update! The ones that “liberals” find ideologically congenial, naturally–and no others.

As far as I can tell, there are only three unassailable constitutional rights left in the United States: the right not to be “discriminated” against, the right to have an abortion and the right to have a gay marriage. In the eyes of liberals, nothing — not the freedom of association or religion or anything else mentioned in the First Amendment or Second Amendment — will ever supersede these consecrated rights.

The rest? Well, it’s malleable, depending on the situation.

In America, we have a city council in Denver that advocates shutting down a business such as Chick-fil-A because the CEO once took a public position against gay marriage. In this country, people who are here illegally can march in the streets to protest their station without any genuine fear of being rounded up and expelled. They are celebrated. Moreover, we have cities across this country that ignore immigration laws they don’t like and create sanctuaries from law. We have cities that ignore federal drug laws because they find them oppressive. Yet no one finds himself in jail. When Californians approved Proposition 8, which banned gay marriage, a number of officials refused to enforce the law. They were celebrated. I may even agree with the impulse. But not one elected official has been hauled off to jail for any of these stands.

Yet a Christian struggling to come to terms with the implications of a decision that the Supreme Court reached only a couple of months ago — and our progressive president embraced only a couple of years ago — is hauled off to jail. In the end, the state is creating martyrs. Christians will have no choice but to take more obstinate positions in these battles of the culture war — battles that could easily have been avoided if a judge had exhibited more compassion and come to an accommodation. There are about 125 other marriage clerks in Kentucky who can issue licenses to gay couples. And they should.

Or we could go the other way. And if we’re going to be rigid about the rule of law, let’s throw all officials who ignore it into cells. We can start with the president and work our way down. 

Oh, sure. But the only way that will ever happen in Amerika v2.0 is in the unlikely circumstance of having an actual Constitutional conservative as president. Let’s just say it like it really is: what we have now in this country is not the rule of law, but the rule of “liberals.” And there’s absolutely no reason why anyone other than “liberals” should be happy about that.

Sep 04

This video is a perfect metaphor for everything government does, and everything government is

It makes even the simplest things more complicated, more difficult, more expensive, more unworkable.

Sep 04

“Sometimes when you repeatedly tell someone to get lost, they actually take you up on it”

Reasons to vote Republican.

I’m not sure that Republicans quite get the nature of the problem — and their obsessive focus on Trump is giving them an excuse to ignore it.

A few days ago the user behind the Twitter account ThomasHCrown began tweeting out sarcastic explanations for why he votes Republican, using the hashtag#WhyIVoteRepublican. Here are some of them. No, you don’t need to read them all but a good skim is rewarding:

  • So Mitch McConnell can be Majority Leader and help the Democrats to victory.
  • So John Boehner can fund President Obama’s usurpation of power.
  • So Planned Parenthood can continue using tax dollars to butcher the unborn and sell their parts for profit.
  • So Fortune 100 Companies can be shielded from the free market.
  • So yet another Clinton or Bush or whatever can be President.
  • So Supreme Court rulings that clearly exceed any possible basis in the Constitution can be quietly accepted.
  • So that we continue to turn perfectly useful corn into energy-inefficient and starvation-causing ethanol.
  • So the regulatory state will continue to grow without even pausing.
  • So my children can be forced to learn how all the heroes of the twentieth century were Democrats.
  • So sugar subsidies can increase.
  • So that our immigration laws are merely code for “whatever the Chamber of Commerce wants.”
  • So that we get another minimum wage hike.
  • So conservative Republicans can be called racists basically whenever.
  • So that John McCain will be a Senator until 2136.
  • So that my kids will be forced to learn math with more steps and in a harder way than they would have in 1963.
  • So that one million children, give or take, will be aborted per year, and I’ll learn about it in fundraising letters.
  • So that I can live in fear of the IRS even though I pay my taxes.
  • So the powerful can break the law with impunity.
  • So we can have Meaningful Hearings About Important Things and then get fundraising letters.
  • So that we can elect more Republicans in order to elect more Republicans in an endless loop.
  • So my country will spend more time rummaging through my life than that of any terrorist.

There are many, many more, all of them at least as valid as any proclaimed by the rah-rah GOP Party Uber Alles spirit squad. Molly tweaks ’em with this:

Over at National Review, Charles Cooke has a piece headlined “Trump Has Succeeded in Convincing Conservatives To Discard Their Principles Overnight.” He looks at all the many non-conservative positions Trump holds — from guns to abortion to the economy. And it’s absolutely true. But if you look at Mr. Crown’s list above, why would we think it was Trump who convinced Republican voters that principles didn’t matter? That bed was made by (the) GOP long before Trump showed up.

Yep. But they sure don’t seem to want to lie in it, do they?

Sep 03

A quibble

Yeah, yeah, I know. But still. This is just the kind of thing that gets under my skin and makes me itch.

Denali is still comfortably the tallest mountain in North America, 759 feet taller than Canada’s Mount Logan, the runner-up. Mount Saint Elias, on Alaska’s border with Canada, is a distant second to both Denali and Logan, at 18,008 feet.

So…wouldn’t that make Elias third, then?

(Via Glenn)

Sep 03

In the eye of the beholder

The New Nativists.

And note well, to Hansen’s point exactly Fred Hiatt’s Washington Post editorial board insists the name of the Redskins should be changed because it “is a racial slur with no place in civilized society” — yet huffily defended Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor from charges of being “‘racist'” for her past affiliation with the Hispanic advocacy group, the National Council of La Raza. Suffice to say, precisely as Hansen notes, “The public knows that La Raza means ‘The Race,’ and that those who founded that organization chose that racially charged noun for the precise purpose of ethnic triumphalism — in the way that every infamous 20th-century Latinate racist demagogue from Mussolini to Franco found a use for Raza/Razza.” Exactly. And the Post openly endorses this wretched racial business.

What all those Trump supporters out there recognize instinctively — be they of African, Italian, Polish, German, Jewish, Irish, Asian or — yes — Hispanic descent is that they are having the race card played on them by an arrogant intellectual elite who are determined to remake America into a race-driven society. Worse still, the thought of some is to use the Party of Lincoln to accomplish this.

The Know Nothing nativists of two centuries ago have re-emerged as the New Nativist Know Everythings. And the guessing here is that large numbers of what might be called “Melting Pot Americans” supporting Donald Trump will go out of their way to make certain the New Nativists have as much success as their predecessors the old Nativists had. Which is to say they were eventually ridiculed into oblivion.

A more appropriate fate for the New Nativists who are the Know Everythings would be hard to imagine.

Know what the truly great thing is, though? Their Republicrat collaborationists are working just as hard as they can to help ensure their own consignment to electoral outer darkness.

Some of Mitt Romney’s top donors — disillusioned with what they see as the unraveling GOP primary “circus” — say the former Bay State governor can save his party by jumping in late to the 2016 presidential race, and support for that idea is growing.

“Things are really playing out in a perfect fashion for him to come in and wrap this thing up…The party really needs someone like Mitt,” said David Van Slooten, a top Romney donor. “I think there’s a real opportunity for him…The people I’ve spoken to, many of them feel the same way I do, and the sentiment has been increasing.”

Van Slooten dismissed the crowded GOP race as a “circus,” noting former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush has failed to catch fire and front-runner Donald Trump is “more personality than presidential” — and suggested their backers would dump them in an instant for Romney.

“There are those that backed Jeb Bush who are regretting that decision,” Van Slooten said. “There are those that backed Scott Walker and others who are regretting that decision. If (Romney) indicated he’d make a run at it, I think many people would peel off and back a run.”

Dr. Gregory DeVore, a top Romney fundraiser in 2012 whose car bumper sticker reads “ROMNEY 2016: I TOLD YOU SO — LET’S FIX IT,” told the Herald a Romney run would finally jolt uninspired donors into action.

“People would just jump on board and write checks,” said DeVore. “I think there’s a lot of them out there who are sitting there saying, ‘Where’s my money going to go?’ You have 17 people and you want to get behind someone that can make a difference.”

Oh, GOD, yes! Please, GOP, please, please, PLEASE make this happen. I can think of no better way to guarantee your utter destruction as a national party than to get behind this two-time loser (more, if you count the dozen or so times he failed to get the GOP nomination; he basically got elected governor of the People’s Republic of Massachusetts–once–and somehow parlayed that into a Party Elder Statesman status he still inexplicably enjoys), this shamble-icious Sominex tablet, and push him as hard as you can. Watch those donations dry up like water on the surface of Mercury; assault and insult conservatives as your hapless handpuppet stumbles and stutters his way through more miserable debate performances en route to another Democrat Socialist candidate–any Democrat Socialist candidate at all; Hillary! could run from a Supermax prison cell and hamstring Mittens completely, and Biden or Sanders could do it from whatever rubber-room “managed care facility” they wind up in–pinning his ears back with yet another well-earned election-day drubbing. Feature yourselves marginalized so thoroughly you won’t be able to get a Mitch McConnell or John Boehner elected to their local school board. Feature yourselves reduced to selling Girl Scout cookies out of the trunk of your car in a Wal Mart parking lot to finance your 2020 nominee for president’s piteous campaign.

T’is a consummation devoutly to be wished. Why, the amusement factor of watching him desperately trying to feign passion again while tripping over his own tongue every step of the way will be worth the price of admission all by itself. And seeing the Establishmentarians delude themselves into thinking “Hey, it might actually work THIS TIME” and then getting slapped silly upside the face with a spiked reality stick yet again will be even better.

So: go Mitt go! And take the GOPe with ya. As AP says:

Literally nothing would better capture establishment tone-deafness to the mood of the electorate, which has pushed three non-politicians to the top of the GOP polls in Iowa, than recycling an aging failed nominee from an era of GOP politics that’s ending ignominiously. It’d be a bit like nominating Spiro Agnew to face Jimmy Carter in 1980.

Instead of learning the first law of holes, they’re digging themselves a grave many of us will be deliriously happy to dance on. Come on, GOP! Get your backs into it, and make that dirt fly.

Update! Tracinski digs deeper:

I recently tried to identify six groups of supporters of Donald Trump’s presidential bid. Afterwards, I got a lot of complaints that I left off a seventh group that a lot of his supporters say they belong to.

I’ve been convinced that there is such a group, though I am not sure how big it really is. Judging from the reaction on social media and in the comments section of my articles, the seventh group consists of people who want to burn down the Republican Party for not giving them enough of their agenda. They don’t love Trump so much as they hate the GOP leadership and want to use the coiffed avenger as a wrecking ball to tear it apart.

There is a kind of political nihilism at work here, a desire to see the whole system destroyed if you don’t get everything you want right now. If you look at the American political situation and you see that it consists of one party run by people who want outright socialism and another party run by people who don’t want socialism but are fairly ineffective at resisting it, and your answer is: let’s get rid of the ineffective resistance—then you’re not trying to accomplish anything positive. You’re just venting your anger. If this is the case, please go find a hobby to channel your excess energy into, and leave politics alone. Politics is not about venting your emotions. It’s about accomplishing results, which takes planning, persistence, and patience.

Problem is though, Robert, that we already tried going to war with the army we had, as opposed to the one we wished we had, and our supposed squad-mates proved to be way more interested in machine-gunning us in the back as we led the charge on the trenches than they were in potting Democrat Socialists. So now we know we need to clear our baffles (yeah, I know, mixing my service-branch metaphors pretty baldly there) before proceeding on to dealing with the Main Enemy.

And as for that sniffy bit about how we’re all whining brats who didn’t get everything we wanted right away, like right now, dammit: Can you name for me one single damned thing the Republicrat Congress has done, not to reverse our Leftward lurch, not even to stop it, but just to slow it down a little? One? And how many decades do you think it appropriate for us to wait for them to make a start? All while being attacked by them, insulted by them, dismissed by them, smeared by them in the exact same terms our Leftist enemies use?

When, exactly, might it be acceptable to you for Constitutional conservatives to recognize that they have no representation in government, and that those who claim to want to represent us when it’s time to pony up contributions and march off to the polls actually hold us in contempt?

Tracinsky goes on to cite Madison:

Their beef isn’t with the Republican Party, it’s with the whole American system of government. Their enemy isn’t Mitch McConnell. It’s James Madison. If you’re the sort of person who uses “cuckservative” as an epithet for anyone who settles for less than what you imagine the right kind of strongman could deliver, then I’ve found your ultimate nemesis. James Madison is the original “cuckservative.”

Ah, but here’s the rub: he seems to believe that Madison’s system still has anything much to do with the way we’re governed, or that either political party has any real interest in seeing Constitutional governance restored. And here’s where we disagree: I submit that it does not, and they do not. The Constitution is mostly an irrelevancy, lying as it does in tattered shreds before the feet of professional career politicians standing before a grotesque bureaucratic edifice the likes of which would offend Madison to his very marrow. And the political party we’ve heretofore looked to to at least pay lip service to limited government barely bothers even with that threadbare charade anymore.

Robert has this much of it correct:

Why do the supposedly tough, charismatic outsiders fail? Because the system reflects the will of the people, not the will of a charismatic governor or president. And the will of the people is not for the kind of radical, fundamental reversal of direction that many of us on the right would like to see. That doesn’t mean we’re wrong (though Trump’s supporters are definitely wrong on some issues). But it does mean that we have to have more reasonable expectations—and less trust that a single charismatic leader is going to save us.

For all our complaints, we still actually live in a representative republic, and the current state of things more or less reflects the actual will of the American people—not what we would like their will to be, but what it actually is. To paraphrase Mencken, the common people know what they want, and they’re getting it good and hard.

True enough, excepting that “representative republic” bit, which is kind of a tough argument to make when you have Obama’s Iran deal–backed by fake-reluctant Democrat Socialists, enabled by fork-tongued Republicans, overwhelmingly opposed by the people–as just one example among many of how we’re being governed against the will of the people. But the proposition that all too many Americans have allowed themselves to be de-balled and transmogrified into sheeplike “liberal” drones–yeah, so stipulated. Which is a big part of the problem here, and not a particularly good argument for settling for incremental business as usual when what’s really needed is a grabbing by the ankles, an upending, and a good hard shaking.

But if Trump can at least force a discussion of the issue of colonization by illegal immigrants as a political manipulation by a sleazy, insidious party in hopes of permanently securing the perversion of the Madisonian ideal of good government into its very opposite, then he’s done us a far greater service than Boehner, McConnel, McCain, Romney, or any of a thousand other false-flag conservatives ever will. And if a president Trump can actually enact some palliative measures along the lines he proposes, no matter how stop-gap or inadequate, so much the better.

And if it turns out that all he manages to do is heighten awareness of just how deep the rathole of Republicrat betrayal goes, and inspire more of us to turn on the rats who have sold us all out prior to a vigorous cleaning-out of the larger nest over to the Left, well, at this point in our decline we’ll just have to take what we can get.

It’d be nice to be able to kid ourselves otherwise, and many of us are still mired in that comfy delusion, but the truth is that this ain’t your grandfather’s USA, as the Olds ads used to say. It’s Amerika v2.0, and those of us who would like to see a restoration of the Constitution currently have no political party speaking for us and addressing our concerns. Instead, we have a party that, while we’ve faithfully hewed to them all along, has been backstabbing and deceiving us for years now–while we dutifully and loyally packed the House, Senate, and state legislatures and governorships with their candidates for office over three separate elections, only to be told over and over that “nothing can be done,” or that “this isn’t the hill to die on,” or that “we’ll fight the next time, after we elect more Republicans.”

Now it’s reckoning time, a time that calls for real change at every level–a time to look with a clear eye at the bill of goods we’ve been sold, count the costs to our once-mighty nation of this “long train of abuses and usurpations,” and square accounts with those who snookered us. We have petitioned for redress in the most humble terms; our repeated petitions have been answered only with repeated injury. And if we have to back an admittedly flawed and imperfect candidate to get the job done, well, it ain’t like we haven’t done just that before…with every RINO shit sandwich they crammed down our throats to date, lecturing us the while about the importance of unity and a mature acceptance of political reality on the ground, and accusations of being petulant children hurled in our teeth to boot.

Enough already–more than. Some of us are hungry, all right, but not for shit sandwich. We’re out for blood this time around, and in Empire of Jeff’s perfectly apt and now-famous quote: Trump ain’t our candidate. He’s our murder weapon. So be it. The GOP has sown the wind. Reaping time is here.

Sep 03

Behead all those who say Islam is violent!

Birds of a feather.

People who say Communism is the most oppressive form of government ever should be drugged and shoved out of planes over the Atlantic Ocean.

Or, y’know, thrown into a gulag or something. THAT will teach those H8TRZ!! all about what’s really oppressive, eh?

Of course, you expect plenty of blank, self-contradictory stupidity from Lefty idiots like this, and you never, ever fail to get it. But in this case, it gets worse, as Rob diligently describes at the link. Really, really worse. Looks like there’s no pustulent belief system too repellent for oozing Left chancres to attach themselves to.

Update! Related, I guess. Tangentially. Which, hey, I really just wanted to use that word, since you don’t get all that many opportunities.

“I wasn’t hurting anyone and I didn’t want to feel segregated out. I didn’t want to be in the gender neutral bathroom. I am (a) girl, I shouldn’t be pushed off to another bathroom,” said Perry.

No, what you are is a sad, confused, mentally ill young boy in a dress who is in desperate need of some competent, un-PC professional help. Sorry, but that’s the way it is; your argument is not with me, but with your chromosomes, hence with reality itself. Deal; it’s a tough old world out there. I really don’t have any interest in seeing you hurt, but hey, it happens sometimes. Life is like that.

Sep 02

Metrosexual douche pickles

An excellent companion piece for Cooke’s epic 2A rant.

What Your Reaction to My NRA Sticker Says About You
OK, so I don’t have an NRA sticker. Although I’m an ardent gun rights advocate, I am not an NRA member. The NRA and I never really got along all that well. But nonetheless, bear with me here, because I’m about to explain why the NRA sticker says much more about the metrosexual douche pickle who wrote this column than it does about anyone who has that sticker on their vehicle.

I see you quivering in your panties about a sticker, and I snicker just a bit. I look at you and I wonder if you ever had any courage, any integrity, and any understanding of the laws and principles on which this nation was founded. And I wonder if you’re a threat.

A threat to my freedoms. A threat to my way of life. A threat to the Constitution.

Well, seeing as how they’ve done away with most of the Constitution already, I’d have to say that–despite their no-ball, gutless, bedwetting nature–why, yes. Yes, they most certainly are. They’re why the Second Amendment was written in the first place, in truth. And sooner or later, they’re going to have to be dealt with.

Read the rest of it. You’ll love it, I promise. And on the plainspoken merits of this post alone, into Ye Ol’ Blogroll the good folks at Liberty Zone go.

Sep 02

Sound familiar?

All too.

Way back in 1963, a list of communist goals was given to congress. Certain parts of the list seem like they were tailor made for what’s happening in America today.

3. Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.

17. Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.

20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.

21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.

26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”

29. Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.

35. Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.

36. Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.

40. Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.

All that has been the Democrat Socialist Party platform for decades now. And it’s exactly how the scurrilous bastards defeated a once-staunch, freedom-loving people without firing a shot, and stole the “last, best hope of earth” from them. Then there’s this (via Maet), on the “malignant creed” of “deep-dish Communism,” as Steven Hayward refers to it:

There are no rational means of predicting the ‘future of humanity’ over a long period or foretelling the nature of ‘social formations’ in ages to come. The idea that we can make such forecasts ‘scientifically,’ and that without doing so we cannot understand the past, is inherent in the Marxist theory of ‘social formations;’ it is one reason why the theory is a fantasy, and also why it is politically effective. The influence that Marxism has achieved, for from being the result or proof of its scientific character, is almost entirely due to its prophetic, fantastic, and irrational elements. Marxism is a doctrine of blind confidence that a paradise of universal satisfaction is awaiting us just around the corner. Almost all the prophecies of Marx and his followers have already proved to be false, but this does not disturb the spiritual certainty of the faithful, any more than it did in the case of chiliastic sects: for it is certainty not based on any empirical premises or supposed ‘historical laws,’ but simply on the psychological need for certainty. In this sense Marxism performs the function of a religion, and its efficacy is of a religious character. But it is a caricature and a bogus form of religion, since it presents its temporal eschatology as a scientific system, which religious mythologies do not purport to be…

At present Marxism neither interprets the world nor changes it: it is merely a repertoire of slogans serving to organize various interests, most of them completely remote from those which Marxism originally identified itself.

From another Hayward post:

At the end of the day, of course, the socialist impulse is not really rooted in reason or epistemology, but in envy and the desire for authoritarian control. That’s why we’ll never be rid of these people, no matter how many Venezeulas and Cubas you pile up.

That’s about the size of it. About all you can really do with ’em is just shoot ’em, seems like. But let’s not forget: they’re evil.

Yes, evil. I said it, and I meant it.

Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history…the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.

Ahh yes, the ultimate inspiration for all Leftism: Old Scratch himself. Click on over for a look at who said that one. I daresay you won’t be at all surprised.

Sep 02


Barbaric mental disorder: it’s not just for Moslems anymore.

Two sisters who have been told they will be repeatedly gang-raped as a “punishment” for the crimes committed by their brother have pleaded with the Supreme Court to be protected.

The pair fled their village after an all-male council “ruled” that they should be raped, have their faces blackened and then be paraded naked because the brother eloped with a married woman from a higher caste.

The council called this an eye-for-eye form of justice.

Amnesty International, who are running a petition for the girls’ protection, said: “Unelected village councils such as this are widespread in parts of India. More often than not they are made up of older men from dominant castes, who prescribe rules for social behaviour and interaction in villages.”

I don’t care who you are, where you are, how economically successful your nation might be overall. If you live in a country where women are raped as punishment for “crimes” committed by others (which shouldn’t even be crimes in the first place) you are living in a nation of savages, barbaric by any meaningful definition of the term. Civilized nations are not bound in any way to respect your repellent, immoral, and inhuman culture, no matter how “beautiful” dumbass multiculti libtards might declare it to otherwise be. And you ought to be deeply, deeply ashamed of it.

Via Ace, who says: “What this proves to me is that Western civilization is corrupt and awful and that we have to learn to appreciate the cultural contributions of undocumented Americans living in remote Indian villages.” It would be a grim sort of poetic justice to see every spoiled Femileftist brat somehow forced to live at least one year under some of the regimes they side with against the Western culture that protects them from wet-brained troglodytism like this.

Sep 02

Minimum wage? Zero

The writing on the wall. Too bad Leftards are too dumb to read. This is more of what Heinlein referred to as “bad luck.”

Those sick and tired of having to deal with their fellow humans all the time have a new respite – a fully automated restaurant in San Francisco.

Customers at Eatsa in the Financial District will order from an iPad, sending the order to the kitchen. When the meal is ready, it appears in a small glass compartment. The food is prepared by real people, but the patrons never have to see them.

This bit is especially…apt.

The owners of Eatsa may have felt that San Franciscans needed to ease themselves into such a radical change, however; for the launch on Monday, concierges in red shirts met guests to help them order. But eventually they will disappear.

Hm. RED shirts, you say? That’s apt in more ways than just one.

(Via Ed)

Sep 01

Molon labe, motherfuckers

I’m gonna excerpt way more of this one than fair use allows. Yes, it’s that good.

When the likes of Rob Delaney and Bill Maher and Keith Ellison say that we need to get rid of the Second Amendment, they are not speaking in a vacuum but reflecting the views of a small but vocal portion of the American population. And they mean it.

That being so, here’s the million-dollar question: What the hell are they waiting for? Go on, chaps. Bloody well do it.

Seriously, try it. Start the process. Stop whining about it on Twitter, and on HBO, and at the Daily Kos. Stop playing with some Thomas Jefferson quote you found on Google. Stop jumping on the news cycle and watching the retweets and viral shares rack up. Go out there and begin the movement in earnest. Don’t fall back on excuses. Don’t play cheap motte-and-bailey games. And don’t pretend that you’re okay with the Second Amendment in theory, but you’re just appalled by the Heller decision. You’re not. Heller recognized what was obvious to the amendment’s drafters, to the people who debated it, and to the jurists of their era and beyond: That “right of the people” means “right of the people,” as it does everywhere else in both the Bill of Rights and in the common law that preceded it. A Second Amendment without the supposedly pernicious Heller “interpretation” wouldn’t be any impediment to regulation at all. It would be a dead letter. It would be an effective repeal. It would be the end of the right itself. In other words, it would be exactly what you want! Man up. Put together a plan, and take those words out of the Constitution.

And when you’ve done all that and your vision is inked onto parchment, you’ll need to enforce it. No, not in the namby-pamby, eh-we-don’t-really-want-to-fund-it way that Prohibition was enforced. I mean enforce it — with force. When Australia took its decision to Do Something, the Australian citizenry owned between 2 and 3 million guns. Despite the compliance of the people and the lack of an entrenched gun culture, the government got maybe three-quarters of a million of them — somewhere between a fifth and a third of the total. That wouldn’t be good enough here, of course. There are around 350 million privately owned guns in America, which means that if you picked up one in three, you’d only be returning the stock to where it was in 1994. Does that sound difficult? Sure! After all, this is a country of 330 million people spread out across 3.8 million square miles, and if we know one thing about the American people, it’s that they do not go quietly into the night. But the government has to have their guns. It has to. The Second Amendment has to go.

Sure, there are probably between 20 and 30 million Americans who would rather fight a civil war than let you into their houses. Sure, there is no historical precedent in America for the mass confiscation of a commonly owned item — let alone one that was until recently constitutionally protected. Sure, it’s slightly odd that you think that we can’t deport 11 million people but we can search 123 million homes. But that’s just the price we have to pay. Times have changed. It has to be done: For the children; for America; for the future. Hey hey, ho ho, the Second Amendment has to go. Let’s do this thing.

When do you get started?

Well, the effeminate urban Pajama Boys will have to grow a pair of testicles first, and the scary bull-dagger Feminazis will need to let some hair grow back on theirs. So all in all, I’d say not soon.

I’ve been saying it over and over: want to see a real shooting war in this country, one that will rip this nation into the two opposing, warring halves that it probably ought to be divided into anyway–seeing as how the gulf between Left-fascist authoritarians and freedom-loving real Americans is completely unbridgeable? This is how you do it; if there’s ever to be such a civil war, this is how it’s going to start. The Goose-steppin’ Left will finally get its Final Solution “common-sense gun control,” send out their goon squads to collect ’em all up–because, as Charles says, most of us simply will not comply voluntarily–and some guy defending his home and his unalienable rights will get killed, along with his dog, his wife, and his children, most likely.

And all of a sudden, the Goose-steppin’ Left will hear the clicking-clacking sound of millions of slides being racked back, bolts being released, and rounds being chambered. All of a sudden, the Goose-steppin’ Left will find itself staring over millions of muzzle bores into the eyes of real Americans, all of them bearing a gaze as blank and pitiless as the sun. The powder keg will be well and truly lit at last, after years of the Goose-steppin’ Left playing at tossing matches at it. And then the Goose-steppin’ Left just might find themselves wishing they’d tended to their own knitting, kept their big noses out of business not their own, and left people the hell alone, just as we’ve pleaded with them all along to do.

It’s a fearsome, chilling prospect in many ways, sure. But I won’t say it’ll be entirely without its gratifying aspects.

And I’ll just note once again the deliciously wry irony that one of our foremost and absolute best spokespeople for 2A rights is Charles Cooke–an Englishman, of all things, a people who docilely sat back as their rights on this issue were taken from them long ago. Dare I say it? UNEXPECTED!

Aug 27

Cold fury? Try white-hot rage

First off, apologies if the writing in this post isn’t up to the usual standard (however you might feel about that standard in the first place–ahem). But the truth is, I’m so furious my hands are shaking as I type this. “Angry” doesn’t even begin to cover it; it barely even points in the right direction.

Update! Thanks to all you fine folks who contributed, and to Glenn and Bill who were kind enough to link this post, over the weekend we managed to recoup all the money my mom lost, plus a couple of hundred more which will serve as a cushion against the likelihood of the bureau-rats moving much more glacially to restore her money than they did in seizing it. I’ll leave this post up top here for a few more days, since God only knows how long it may take our wise and benevolent masters to put things right; that cushion might come in very handy indeed before this mess is all sorted out, I believe. I can’t thank you enough, people, and my mom says the same; she was simply astonished at your generosity, and your kind expressions of sympathy and support. I’ll say it again: you bigoted right-wing hatey-hate-haters are all right by me. Read the rest of this entry »

Aug 27

Another of my erstwhile favorites misses the point by a country mile

Tracinski uncharacteristically gets it completely ass-backwards and wrong.

I heartily agree with Ben Domenech, whose article on this just made it harder for me to fulfill my obligations to his publication, by pre-empting most of what I was planning to write about Trump for The Federalist. Ben argues that Trumpism would turn the Republicans from a “classically liberal right” to a European-style nationalist party that is “xenophobic, anti-capitalist, vaguely militarist, pro-state, and consistently anti-Semitic. If you criticize Donald Trump, it is exactly the sort of hate mail you should expect to receive.” If that happens, he writes, we would be “losing a rare and precious inheritance that is our only real living link to the Revolutionary era and its truly revolutionary ideas about self-government.”

I don’t think this is actually going to happen, because the “classically liberal” wing of the right is too big and too strong. The Republican Party just spent the last six years, during the rise of the Tea Party movement, absorbing a fair portion of the “libertarian” wing of the right, the Rand Paul wing, which I suspect has little overlap with the Trump phenomenon. More widely, the right has benefited from a long intellectual renaissance focused on the universal ideas on which America was founded, which has no need for what Ben calls “identity politics for white people.”

“Absorbing” them? The GOP used them like toilet paper, insulted them, harassed them, betrayed them, sold them out, and in the end, ran them off. Now they’re oh-so-shocked that such a large number of Tea Partiers no longer wants anything to do with them and are mightily enjoying the delicious spectacle of the party crashing and burning at long last, by the hand of someone the Party uber alles types hold in at least equal contempt.

But it would help to have some more exact information on the size and composition of Trump’s supporters. That Trump will not be the party’s nominee is something we can (pretty much) take for granted. Too much of the party hates him, and not just the “establishment”—which critics like myself are somewhat comically assumed to be part of—but the rank and file and a fair portion of the punditry. Thus, we find that about a third of Republicans say they would never support him, far more than any other candidate.

Demonstrating yet again, as I said earlier, that all that bushwa about the dire necessity of “uniting” behind an unsatisfactory candidate–yet another “electable” candidate we must all climb into the clown car and ride enthusiastically along with to another farcical defeat–only works one way: in the favor of the mushy moderates. Odd, that: the only ones allowed to vote their conscience, to “unreasonably” cling to principle, are the people who have none.

So that leaves us to contemplate what will happen if Trump doesn’t get the nomination. Will he be this cycle’s Ross Perot, who runs a third-party campaign and scoops up such a large portion of disaffected Republicans and independents that he tips the election to a Democratic candidate who only gets 35% of the vote?

Which didn’t actually, y’know, happen.

Tracinsky then gets busy hurling the usual insults at Trump enthusiasts (“low-information voters,” “Archie Bunker types,” “single-issue anti-immigration fanatics,” “outright racists,” and “genteel quasi-racists,” you’ll be unsurprised to learn), which insults sound a whole hell of a lot like the Left’s perception of Republicans generally no matter who’s slinging them. He declares himself not remotely an Establishmentarian type, which I would have mostly agreed with before reading this tripe. Then comes the denouement: “So how many of these people are there, how committed are they, and how bitter will they be if their newfound champion doesn’t win?”

Robert, Robert, you still don’t get it. We expect nothing from the Republican Party; we want nothing from them. We are laughing at them. We aren’t bitter at all, except over the larger tragedy of seeing the nation we loved destroyed before our very eyes; the (self-)destruction of the Republicrat Party is pretty small beer compared with that. We are enjoying watching them (and their pet-poodle pundits) goad themselves into hysterical paroxysms over the unlikely spectacle of a wealthy blowhard running rings around them by merely expounding on some simple but heretofore-forbidden truths, and never expressing the slightest remorse over giving the business-as-usual types the shrieking fantods along the way. I doubt there are all that many of us who think we’re going to be saving anything with Trump or without him; there’s not a lot left that’s worth the saving anyway, and we’ve been burned way too many times to have much faith in mere politics to provide much more than its usual distraction. And if we do manage to at least re-establish some reasonable facsimile of a border in the process of having a few laughs at their expense, well, what’s not to like?

For an awful lot of us, although certainly not all, Trump is a means to an end these guys just can’t seem to grasp. The odds of us ever marching dutifully off again en masse to vote for whichever GOP empty suit they try to cram down our throats this time are precisely nil. If Trump is nominated, we might vote for him…or we mightn’t. Mostly, we are amusing ourselves while we wait for le deluge, a deluge that’s coming no matter which authoritarian Statist gets elected. In the meantime, we get to see at least some of our viewpoints openly expressed and affirmed without fear or shame, and that’s worth something to us too. If that gets the Establishmentarians all hot and bothered and pissing themselves in public, well…good. It’s really not complicated or difficult to understand at all, for anyone who’s been paying close enough attention for the last, oh, decade or so.

Aug 27

“Actually, it’s exactly who you are”

As big a Steyn fan as I am, I didn’t know about this.

I’m generally well-disposed toward Ted Cruz, and I’m often asked why I haven’t written about him much. On most of the issues facing America, he’s on the right(ish) side. But this interview with Megyn Kelly was not impressive. The senator was asked:

If you have a husband and a wife who are illegal immigrants, and they had two children here who are American citizens — would you deport all of them?

That’s a direct question and, despite several attempts by his interviewer, he did not give a direct answer, eventually complaining:

Megyn, I get that that’s the question you want to ask. That’s also the question every mainstream media liberal journalist wants to ask.

It’s an entirely fair question. I have the advantage on Senator Cruz in that I’m an immigrant – a legal immigrant, that is, and so an asshole from the Department of Assholian Security once threatened to deport my then middle-school daughter, who’s also here perfectly legally and in full compliance with the Bureau of Compliance. So, unlike all the sentimentalist sob-sisters of the media, I know that America’s dysfunctional and incompetent immigration bureaucracy is not shy about deporting minors, or at least threatening to. Nor are they shy about deporting anchor babies: as I told Sean Hannity, they threatened to deport Deena Gilbey and her two US-born children a week after her husband died in the World Trade Center.

Why? Because, as any third-rate “family court” judge from Maine to Hawaii can tell you, the government long ago assumed the right to decide where minor children get to live. If two parents found to be in the country illegally are deported back to, say, Guatemala, the assumption is that their kids would go with them – at least until they reach the age of majority. Only a week ago, on the self-same Megyn Kelly show on which Ted Cruz was unable to give a straight answer, an American actress called Kelly Rutherford had her American children ordered overseas by a New York judge to live with her German ex-husband in Monaco. American courts do this all the time.

That’s my answer. But as I say I’ve already been threatened by the United States Government with the deportation of my kids so I don’t recognize all this teary pap about “Golly, deporting children? That’s not who we are.” Actually, it’s exactly who you are: you split up families every day of the week – husbands, wives, parents, children – with nary a thought. It’s only the illegals who are exempt.

The government long ago assumed the right to decide pretty much anything and everything for its hapless subjects. That odious principle is the black, beating heart of Progressivism, and has been right from its beginning; Progressivism’s ascension to absolute power has not altered or moderated its core catechism one iota. That, too, is who we are now.

Update! More from Mark, no more than somewhat related, I guess:

I asked the question during the show “What is the Republican Party for?” I’m not sure I got a satisfactory answer. One chap who might have provided one is Rick Wilson, the self-proclaimed top GOP strategist last heard from asking Ann Coulter if Donald Trump paid her more for anal sex. (Don’t worry, he focus-grouped the line.) Mr Wilson spent yesterday Tweeting that I was a sniveling milquetoast pantywaist who didn’t have the cojones to go mano a mano by having him on the show, so today we DM-ed him to ask for a phone number where we could reach him to put him on the air – and heard nothing back other than that he was “in a meeting”.

In a two-party system, one party is useless and the other is corrupt.

And both are venal, self-serving, gutless, and fraudulent. The real difference is that the Democrat Socialists are just a tad more honest about who and what they are. Read on for some pretty damning speculation about one possible (damned near certain, if you ask me) real-world consequence of Her Would-Be Majesty’s “private” (snort) e-mail server, amongst other good stuff.

Aug 27

Weep not for them

Ace nails it down pretty good here on Trump’s proposed “tax increase” on the rich–which, as I understand it, is more of a simplification of the tax code, elimination of loopholes, and the actual raising of just one tax. BIG FAT CAVEAT: I have not read the plan, and could easily be very, very wrong about that.

But still.

Eh. Make up your own minds. Personally, I have been extremely angry at the Donor Class for beating the shit out of the grassroots with every dime they have, completely spurning the concept of an alliance — in which I agree to adopt some of your agenda, and you agree in turn to adopt some of mine — to pursue a wholly mercenary agenda that serves themselves exclusively, destroying grassroots challengers at every opportunity.

Personally, I will not weep if the Donor Class takes a haircut. That might remind them next time that we in the grassroots only agree to their agenda to the exact extent they agree to ours.

I know that’s not a popular sentiment — especially with really good conservatives who aren’t to blame for the current state of affairs — but it’s what I feel.

I feel badly used in this “alliance.” I feel like a booty call for the Donor Class, and I would not mind them learning a lesson about what happens to political turncoats.

Plus, frankly, the super-rich are by and large liberal, except for their resistance to taxes on themselves, so the hell with them. Since they want to enact most of the Democrats’ agenda, they can get their protection from tax hikes from the Democrats, too. One-stop shopping, boys. Enjoy!

However, people need to understand you’re getting a different kind of Republican with Trump, and by a “different kind of Republican,” I mean a Democrat who wants to restrict immigration.

And actually attempt to defend the nation from its enemies rather than apologizing to them; put American interests first both abroad and domestically; and stop kowtowing to the whining tantrums of spoiled, petulant PC brats who are too stupid to understand the birthright they’re pissing on, too cowardly to acknowledge our real problems, and too effete and slovenly to do what’s necessary to correct them. That stuff too.

As for getting “a different kind of Republican”: well, both wings of the Ruling Party have made it plain that we won’t be getting a Constitutional conservative if they have anything to say about it, so what the heck. Might as well have a little fun and entertainment on the road to ruin, right?

If we’re cool with that, fine, but we better make sure we’re cool with that.

There may be some good political and strategic reasons to do this, but we just spent 7 years tearing our hair out over a guy determined to expand the welfare state at any cost; you all better be chill with the idea of having a president from your own party pushing to expand it.

It’s what you were going to get anyway. This is Amerika v2.0 we’re living in now, and Obama didn’t just whip it up from scratch all by himself. The older, freer America isn’t coming back, and there’s not one damned thing you, I, or anyone else can do about that. Given all that, did somebody mention fun and entertainment? Because here’s the kind you’re gonna get from the “serious” Republicrats:

Jeb Bush says that Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, who was escorted out of a press conference held by Donald Trump on Tuesday night, should have been “treated with a little more respect.”

“I think people with the press ought to be treated with a little more respect and dignity,” he told reporters.

Uh huh. Because hey, if you’re nice to them, they’re bound to be nice to you, right? We’re all in this together, both real Americans and commie bullshit artists pretending to be journalists, eh? If you don’t think so, maybe you should ask president McCain about it.

Yawn. Somebody pass the popcorn hit the snooze button.

Turnabout update! Somebody finally asks the question:

Ah, the faith of the Trump-hating true believers at NRO.

Unfortunately for their certitude, Trump is closer to a third of the GOP vote, not a fifth. And Jeb!, Rubio, and Cruz are sinking out of sight.

So let’s ask Ramesh for the “purity guarantee”: How about it, Ramesh – will you support and vote for Trump if he is the nominee? If not, don’t require Trump to offer you a similar guarantee.

I’ve always thought it funny how, for the mushy-moderate Establishmentarians, all that Reagan’s 11th Commandment/CIVILITY NOW!™ stuff only seems to work one way.

Aug 26

Is it high treason yet?

Well, let’s see: adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. Yep, I’d say so. But YMMV.

When Obama took office, his first phone call to a foreign leader was to the head of a terrorist group.

“This is my first phone call to a foreign leader,” Obama told the PLO’s Abbas. “And I’m making it only hours after I took office.”

Obama repeatedly bent, twisted and mutilated existing laws to keep the money flowing to the PLO’s
Palestinian Authority.

When Hamas and the PLO temporarily reconciled, Obama sent them money anyway. When Congress froze aid after the PLO defied the peace process by trying to join the UN, he signed a waiver claiming that aiding the terrorist network was “important to the security interests of the United States.” Earlier this year, when the PLO went after Israel at the International Criminal Court, Obama defied a Congressional law and bipartisan demands mandating a cutoff of aid.

If Abbas personally flew a plane into the new World Trade Center, Obama would find some excuse to keep the money coming to his terrorist group anyway. But now his determination to aid terrorists has hit a new low as he sides with terrorists against terror victims.

Eleven years ago, ten families who had suffered at the hands of the Muslim terror network filed a lawsuit against the PLO, Arafat and assorted PLO/PA officials. The American families suing the terrorists included Jamie Sokolow whose eye was damaged by shrapnel in the Jaffa Street bombing that injured 100 people and killed a 81-year-old amateur painter who had been out shopping for painting supplies.

“I’m 12 years old, I’m from New York, and I’m going to die,” she recollected in court thirteen years later.

Shayna Gould was a 19-year-old college student waiting at a Jerusalem bus stop in the rain when a PLO terrorist opened fire. She had no life signs when she arrived at the hospital.

Janis Coulter was killed when a PLO terrorist set off a bomb in the Frank Sinatra cafeteria at Hebrew University. Her family has been fighting for justice for a long time.

Dr. Alan Bauer was walking down the street with his 7-year-old son when a PLO terrorist set off a bomb in the French Hill bus station. “I couldn’t find my son. I then saw him face down. I picked him up and heard him moaning, so I knew he was alive,” he said.

A screw had torn through his son’s brain. “He was put in coma to let fluid drain out and was then left blind and paralyzed on his left side.”

Some of the killers were part of the “police force” armed and trained by the Clinton administration. They were dispatched by the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, which is listed as a terrorist group even though it’s part of the PLO network whose regime in the West Bank is funded by the United States.

Finally the families won their case in court. A jury found the PLO/PA guilty and ordered the terrorist network to pay $218 million to the families. The Antiterrorism Act tripled that award. The PLO appealed, but the terror group was required to post a bond to show that it was willing to pay the judgment.

And that’s when Obama came to the rescue.

Not enough for ya? Try this on for size, then.

President Obama’s agreement with Iran over its nuclear program will likely remain viable even though he’s lost Senators Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ). But now that the Associated Press is reporting on one of those secret side deals that not even the Congress is allowed to see (apparently neither is Secretary John Kerry), Obama will lose the public relations battle for good as well as his hope of being seen as a great foreign policy president.

According to AP interviews of anonymous officials, Iran will control the inspections regime at the Parchin military base, a site long suspected of housing experimentation related to the weaponization of nuclear materials.  Per the agreement, Iran will provide photos, videos and environmental samples of inspection sites “mutually agreed between Iran and the Agency (IAEA), taking into account military concerns.” So much for the “robust verification measures” the administration promised for two years. This is, of course, the flaw that any child can see. It is hard to imagine any further revelations about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) that could do more damage to it or more clearly reveal that the president’s goal all along was simply any deal that Iran would accept.

Sensing peril for the JCPOA, Obama’s supporters pounced immediately, first trying to argue that such secret arrangements between the IAEA and the target of its inspections are normal. While it is true that the IAEA does make confidential arrangements sometimes to protect the overall national security of a target of inspections, it has not before allowed the target to control the actual inspections. And irony abounds: we should recall president Obama’s words about the inspections his deal would impose on Iran, that they would require “unprecedented verification.” Allowing the target to control not only what sites can be inspected but also to actually do the inspecting is indeed unprecedented.

Know what’s really unprecedented? Having a national “leader” who despises the nation he’s “leading”–and having him lead said nation right over a cliff by giving its enemies aid and comfort.

The public will scratch their heads over this and do one of two things or a combination of both: question Obama’s intelligence or question his self-seeking ambition.

They understand that a person who is guided by reason—no matter how smart he or she is—does not study the Iranian regime and conclude that it can be trusted. And a person who is guided by the national interest does not prioritize personal glory.

Which raises a third question, about what the treasonous cur’s true motivation might be. I’ve said many times that I just don’t buy the Obama-is-a-Muslim stuff, any more than I buy the idea that he’s a Christian. He’s whatever he thinks he needs to be to keep moving his agenda forward, to deceive whoever he needs to deceive, and to keep his gargantuan ego inflated. His allegiance will only ever be to himself and his warped ideology, and he doubtless considers any traditional religion to be beneath him: unworthy of any true fealty on his part, suitable for only lesser intellects than his own, meaningful only insofar as it’s useful to him. But at some point I have to wonder: if he was some kind of sinister clandestine Muslim, what would he be doing differently?

Aug 26

Getting it yet, GOPers?

Probably not.

At a press conference during GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign event in Dubuque, Iowa, Jorge Ramos interrupted Trump’s exchange with another reporter, spurring a dispute between the real estate mogul and the Univision television personality.

“Excuse me, sit down. You weren’t called,” Trump stated. “Sit down. Sit down. Sit down!”

“No you don’t. Go back to Univision,” Trump charged, after Ramos challenged that he has “the right to ask a question.”

Trump had called on another reporter, but Ramos allegedly started shouting questions. Ramos was eventually escorted by security out of the press conference.

THIS. IS. HOW. IT’S. DONE. Don’t give them so much as a single inch; don’t take a second’s worth of shit off of the worthless fascist cockbiters. Shut them the fuck down, throw them out, make every problem for them you possibly can. Give them as big a dose of their own bullshit as you can stuff down their throats. Then sew their fucking mouths shut, cut off their fucking heads, and toss their empty fucking skulls into a slop trough for fucking hogs to eat.

Figuratively speaking, of course.

Trump then pointed out that Ramos used the term “illegal immigrants.” However, Ramos denied saying “illegal immigrants.” Trump responded, “Well you should use it. That’s what they are, ‘illegal immigrants.’”

Speak the truth, which is neither complicated nor obscure. Their program depends entirely on two things: 1) lies, and 2) our acquiescence. Allow them neither. They won’t like it; who the fuck cares? You are NEVER going to earn their respect; they will never treat you with civility and decency, no matter hard you try. They will never treat with you honestly, they will never argue in good faith. They are not trying to win any debate on merits; they are trying to destroy their opposition. Destroy them instead. They are not “honorable opponents”; they aren’t the “loyal opposition.” They are self-declared enemies of everything this nation is supposed to be about. Shut them down, just as hard and fast as possible. Period.

“We’d love for Mr. Trump to sit down for an in-depth interview with Jorge to talk about the specifics of his proposals,” Univision’s president of news Isaac Lee stated in a released statement addressing the incident.

Fuck you. WAR.

Think I’m kidding about their desire to destroy not just a way of life, but the entire concept of nationhood itself? Think again, boyo.

If you believe, as I do, that anyone should have the chance to move, settle and work wherever they like, then it should not matter why they are coming. A refugee fleeing the civil war in Syria should have no greater right to move here than an Australian or a Canadian looking to work in a new country. With open borders, one doesn’t need a greater right than the other. The only thing that should matter is a migrant’s absolute right to self-determination – a right that is currently being inhibited by the exclusions enacted across the world by the ongoing existence of national borders.

The UK’s refusal to help drowning migrants in the Mediterranean is appalling, but we must recognise it as an extension of the logic of borders themselves. Borders are not benign, bureaucratic frameworks, but the racist and cruel inhibitors of all mankind. It’s only once we reject the logic of borders, and adopt an absolute and universal approach to freedom of movement – one which applies to the economic migrant as much as the refugee – that people will no longer have to drown in the waters of the Mediterranean on their journey to a better life.

Everywhere you look, all over the globe, Leftists are exactly alike, and are trying to advance the same ruinous agenda. They are incapable of truly building anything; they are wreckers, and chaos, deprivation, and misery follow in their wake. We’ve seen the poisonous fruit of their “successes” who even knows how many times–in the Soviet Union, in China, in Cuba, in Venezuela. In Cambodia, Vietnam, Nicaragua; in plenty of other places. Their ascension to power results in nothing but devastation, tyranny, and human corpses stacked up in windrows–literally hundreds of millions of them to date.

They’re not done piling up the bodies yet, and they will never stop. They will have to BE stopped. Think yet another of your Republicrat squishes is the guy for the job? If so, you’re either a fool or an enabler, whether fully cognizant and carefully closeted…or otherwise. Donald Trump may well not be the guy for the job either, I freely admit. But he’s the only one in sight who’s actually rolling up his sleeves and making a start at it. As long as he’s continuing to take steps in the right direction like this and snootering the would-be destroyers of Western civilization, I’m all for him.

Update! Trump wound up the confrontation by going out of his way to make nice at least somewhat with the asshole “liberal” “journalist.” The reward for his unwarranted civility? This.

In the first major network news program since 2016 GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump sparred with liberal Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos at a press conference on the subject of illegal immigration, ABC’s Nightline was there to circle the wagons for their Disney partner and “America’s best known Latino anchorman.”

Correspondent and Sunday World News Tonight anchor Tom Llamas reported from the site of the presser (and subsequent campaign rally) to declare that “a prestigious Hispanic journalist” in Ramos’ name is now worth being added “to the list of people clashing with Donald Trump on the campaign trail.”

Llamas hyped how Trump “tangl[ed] with Jorge Ramos” while the Fusion/Univision anchor “repeatedly interrupted the presidential hopeful” (which is putting it mildly).

After explaining that Ramos was briefly removed from the press conference by a Trump security guard before being allowed back in, Llamas was able to speak with Ramos, who was beaming with pride that he “had to go back and ask questions” since: “That’s – that’s my job. As a reporter, as an immigrant, a U.S. citizen, I have the right to ask any questions to anyone.”

Learn the lesson, Donald. Being conciliatory to them is always a waste of time. No letup, no mercy. Not now, not ever. Hammer them right into the fucking ground.

Updated update! More penetrating, insightful analysis from Scott Adams:

It seems the press will be reporting the “story” as Trump being inappropriate at a press conference in some generic ways that will not register as particularly important to anyone.

Now consider the visuals. Trump remained calm, put the reporter in his place, and eventually nodded to security to lead the protesting reporter out while cameras followed the entire episode.

Trump, that magnificent bastard, made his enemy do the perp walk on International TV while appearing 100% in charge of the situation.

Yeah. You can’t beat that. No accidents are happening here.

And do you know what his core supporters saw? They saw Trump deport that Mexican reporter right out of the room, metaphorically. Those other candidates are talking about immigration but Trump has already started. Remember we are not talking about anyone’s rational thinking. These sorts of images sneak through your rational defenses.

And Trump sent a message to the rest of the press, which helps to keep them nervous during future interviews. That’s how a world-class negotiator does it. He makes the other person less confident. Throws them off their game. And apparently he decided some collateral damage in the press would delight the viewers. I know I appreciated it.

So did I, and so did lots of others, including Bill:

People don’t like Trump just because “he fights.” They like him because he leads the fight. And he seems to be utterly fearless of the usual shibboleths of the political class.

There’s still plenty of time for Trump to screw up and flame out somehow. Should that transpire, we’ll suddenly see his greatest strengths become serious liabilities in pretty short order. But for now, he’s giving those of us who are damned good and angry at what the evil Left has done to our country not only someone to cheer for but to rally behind, in our last-ditch effort at effecting real change through the ballot box…before we’re forced to reluctantly resort to the cartridge box instead.

All thumbs update! Oh, they’re running scared all right. It’s a beautiful thing to watch.

Amid mounting concerns about Donald Trump’s candidacy from the GOP establishment, Republican leaders in at least two states have found a way to make life a lot harder for him.

The Virginia and North Carolina parties are in discussions about implementing a new requirement for candidates to qualify for their primary ballots: that they pledge to support the Republican presidential nominee — and not run as a third-party candidate — in the general election.

The procedural moves are clearly aimed at Trump, who pointedly refused to rule out a third-party run during the first GOP debate.

They come amid Republican fears that the real estate mogul is gaining strength in the primary contest, and that his jeremiads against undocumented immigrants will alienate Hispanic voters. Despite coming under a hail of criticism in recent weeks, Trump has held steady atop state and national polls.

John Whitbeck, chairman of the Republican Party of Virginia, said the proposal was among many that the organization was considering as it sketches out its ballot access requirements for the 2016 GOP primary. The ultimate decision, he said, would be made by the 84 members who make up the state party’s central committee, which is slated to meet on Sept. 19. The requirements must be submitted to the Republican National Committee by Oct. 1.

“It happens to be one of the things that we are discussing for the 2016 primary,” said Whitbeck, who expressed confidence that Trump would eventually commit to supporting the GOP nominee. He said the aim of the proposal is to unify the party and “isn’t about any single candidate.”

Yeah, right. You mealy-mouthed pissant. If Trump actually did make a “commitment” like that, his support would halve by sundown the day he did it. It would also be the final nail in the GOP’s coffin–one you had driven in yourself. So by all means, you go right ahead and keep a-building. The sooner you clueless, gutless wimps dry up and blow away for good, the better off we’ll all be.

Comes the dawn update! Chock-full of the usual conventional-wisdom whoop-de-do, this column is nonetheless at least somewhat perceptive:

I ought to mention that I’m more hesitant in ruling out Trump’s chances of winning the nomination than I was a couple of weeks ago. Immediately after the Republicans’ first debate, I ventured to disagree with a neighbor in West Virginia — a retired coal miner, Democrat-turned-Republican, Trump supporter — who said his man did well. I said I thought Trump made an ass of himself and would pay for it in the post-debate polls. My friend laughed and said, “We’ll see.”

He and many other Trump supporters regard their candidate as a Ronald Reagan for these times. Reagan, like Trump, was an object of disdain among those who consider themselves smarter than the average voter. The liberal media thought Reagan was a joke, and kept on saying so all through his two terms in the White House. That contempt helped him a lot.

It’s helping Trump, too. Truly, he invites derision — a pit bull with a comb-over — and revels in it. You think he looks funny? He’s immensely rich and you’re not, so who’s laughing?

As Crook seems to get, it’s he who laughs last that truly matters. As for his expressed scorn for the Reagan comparison, it would be well to remember that the country is much more sharply divided along ideological lines now than ever before; the Democratic Party has radicalized and morphed into the more properly-yclept Democrat Socialist Party, and their vision of a nation of docile sheep ruthlessly controlled from Mordor on the Potomac is wholly irreconcilable with traditional American ideals. There is simply no common ground to be found between proponents of Constitutional governance and the Left. A fight is brewing, one that is not to be shunned but eagerly joined.

In the course of accommodating the megalomaniacal desires of the fascist Left, the Constitution has been stretched well past its breaking point; the Republicrats have not only failed to resist our leftward drift, they have aided and abetted it. The struggle we’re engaged in might be lamentable, but it’s also essential. As imperfect (or improbable) a captain for leading a battle for liberty as Trump may be, he’s at least willing to directly and unabashedly confront our enemies at last. That alone puts him way ahead of most of the rest of the field. Gee, I seem to recollect an old saying about that

Aug 25

And now for something completely different

With ya a thousand percent over here, Kev.

The official New Year’s Day does not feel like a new anything at all. It comes in the dead of winter, when nothing feels new or is on the verge of being renewed. Even the charms of the cold season are starting to wear thin by January, though New Year’s Day comes only a few days after the official first day of winter, which is December 21st this year. The real New Year’s Day is the first day of school.

It has been nearly 20 years since I regularly spent time in a classroom, but my mental calendar still follows the academic year. Though the first fine cool day is still some weeks away and the detestable last sweaty bit of summer is still upon us, the first day of school is at hand: It is Thursday in New York City, where I live. (As it happens, I live literally on top of an elementary school. We stack things on top of each other here.) But the long holiday is at an end, and the real new year is beginning.

I have never liked summer, and liked it even less when I was in school. Part of that is due to having grown up in West Texas, where the summers can be brutal: In 2011, my hometown had 48 days on which the temperature reached 100 degrees or more. (Yes, it’s a dry heat, but it’s not a California dry heat — it’s 104 degrees with the wind propelling much of the surface of New Mexico into your face at 40 miles an hour, basically getting sandblasted in an oven.) Summers there were also boring, especially when I was very young — friends away, nothing happening. I am sure that I would have burned my house down eventually if not for the fact that my elementary-school library started offering summer hours, giving me the opportunity to plow through what I am sure was about a shelf-mile of books.

God, yeah. I hate summer too, always have, and this one has been particularly horrible for all sorts of reasons, not all of which revolve around miserable, stinking-hot weather–although here in NC we’ve had plenty of that too–but all of which have been made more nearly unendurable by it. Enough already; I’ve even stooped to watching preseason football a couple of times lately, just to remind myself that it’s all almost over and better times are right around the corner. The crisp, cool days of fall can’t arrive quick enough to suit me, and that’s more true this year than I can remember it ever being. Just BRING. IT. ON.


Aug 25

Black (criminal) Lives (are the only ones that) Matter

Fixed it for ya.

As all minor league teams do, the Staten Island Yankees fill their schedule with one promotional event after another. One of those events became controversial because of its timing and location in Staten Island.

Here’s the problem: The Yankees, of the Staten Island variety, held Blue Lives Matter Night to honor police officers on Aug. 9 — the first anniversary of the shooting death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Mo.

The event was organized by a charitable organization, Blue Lives Matter NYC, in honor of NYPD detectives Wenjian Liu and Rafael Ramos, who were ambushed and killed by a gunman whose only motivation was to kill cops on Dec. 20, 2014.

One of Liu’s relatives threw out the first pitch. Every fan at the ballpark went home with a “Blue Lives Matter” bracelet.

This was not the first time the team held an event honoring police officers. The Yankees had a Law Enforcement Appreciation Night on July 20. That was three days after the first anniversary of the death of Eric Garner. He is the man who died after being put in a chokehold by an NYPD officer.

The timing of Law Enforcement Appreciation Night might have been close to incendiary, but it was nothing like the reaction to the Blue Lives Matter promotion.

Which reaction was entirely predictable, of course. On the other hand, this is kinda encouraging:

Two out of three black people prefer the term “all lives matter” to “black lives matter,” according to a Rasmussen poll released Thursday.

Only 31 percent of black people surveyed said that the statement “black lives matter” most closely comports to their own beliefs, compared to 64 percent who chose “all lives matter.”

Seventy-eight percent of total respondents also chose “all lives matter,” including 81 percent of white and 76 percent of minority respondents, according to the poll.

Like I said, kind of encouraging–but also sad that such simple, elementary common sense can’t be just assumed anymore, and has to be teased out into the open by a carefully-worded poll. But then, I’m obviously a hate-filled, bigoted, racist Nazi, so what the hell do I know. Read on for a less-than-edifying review of some select Democrat Socialist groveling, with the Democrat Socialist ID carefully culled…and a positively Trumpian response, which really ought to make his appeal perfectly clear to any GOPe shill willing to pay the slightest attention. That’s how you do it, you gutless pansies.

Aug 25

Good Lord

They’re all pissing themselves at this point.

I awoke from fitful sleep troubled by the thought that there is a God who is just. My unease had begun the previous evening as I tried to find an explanation for Donald Trump’s rise in the polls.

Which says more about you than about him–or us–bub. I’m sorry for ya, I really am. It must be awful going through life taking our national electoral circus seriously these days, and having to pretend the Republicrats are ever going to be the answer to anything other than “can’t we have more government?” must make it even worse.

The piece is actually kind of funny though, I must say. Whether the author intended it to be or not, I’ll leave to you.

Update! On reflection, I do need to include this. Call:

Adlai Stevenson once quipped that he found “Paul appealing and Peale appalling.” Those who find Trump similarly appalling should remember that their reaction, like Stevenson’s, is not shared by a great number of Americans. Faulting Trump for his lack of consistency as a Christian or conservative will do nothing at all to dampen the enthusiasm of his supporters. Perhaps in addition to speaking of a religious right, we should talk about America’s Peale populists as a group that can be energized, mobilized and—if God does not spare us—pushed to the polls.

Response: If what you’re hoping is that us let-it-burn Trump enthusiasts can be eventually swayed–read: hornswoggled, duped, bamboozled–into supporting Rubio, or Bush, or any of your other same-same, business-as-usual, Chamber of Commerce Republicrats, it just ain’t gonna happen, pal. Speaking for myself, I am well and truly done with wasting my time on futile horseshit, and I’m not the only one; should one of your preferred “serious” candidates con his way up to the surpassingly low “height” of the Republicrat nomination, you’re going to find a goodly number of us have something more pressing and meaningful to do on election day–like, say, sitting out on the front porch clipping our toenails and drinking beer. Sorry again.

Aug 25

Good squishy

For enjoyable, understandable commentary on the stock market you just ain’t gonna beat Nemo.

A brief rally near the close offered the possibility that the bears had exhausted their pessimism, but even that petered out and we gave up about 300 points in the last twenty minutes or so with the bland callousness of a politician handing out promises of plenty.

Now what? I had thought there might be some possibility that we would see a selling climax today, but that doesn’t seem to be the case. This selloff might well be good for another 1000 points or so in very short order, and then it’s a question of whether the bargain hunters and hopeless equity swains will outnumber the portfolio managers still looking for a clean pair of pants.

Heh. I have precious little interest in this stuff, possessing neither any kind of pension fund nor an investment portfolio myself. But Nemo always finds a way to overcome my admittedly callow indifference and make it interesting anyhow.

Aug 25

Is there ANYTHING that doesn’t offend these gits?

Anything at all?

(CNN)–Open mouth, insert foot. On Thursday, Jeb Bush stepped into controversy when he used the loaded term “anchor babies” to refer to the U.S.-born children of undocumented immigrants. In a testy exchange with reporters in New Hampshire, Bush said that he doesn’t believe the expression is offensive and blamed Democrats for perpetuating the notion that it is an insult. “Do you have a better term?” he asked one reporter. “You give me a better term and I’ll use it.”

Despite his family ties to the Latino community, Bush is off base. The term “anchor baby” is a disgusting slur. It is inaccurate as well as offensive. It is dehumanizing to Latinos, immigrants and children who are as American as you and me.

Okay then: howzabout “anchor fetal mass,” or maybe “anchor products of conception”? That dehumanize ’em enough for ya? And instead of calling you a “journalist” or “lawyer,” maybe we should be referring to you as an “advocate for criminality and lawlessness” as well. Although really, that’s a bit long, and I can think of plenty of other, more concise descriptives that will do just fine, starting with “unindicted co-conspirator” and working down to the more profane one-worders from there.

“Just as American as you and me”? Speak for yourself, twit. If those “immigrants” broke our laws to enter the country, they’re neither immigrants nor Americans: they’re criminals, and the only “right” they’re entitled to is a free trip back home–one way, no less. Just because you’re content to colonize America with brand-new Democrat Socialist voters–no matter how willing they are to flout our laws and former borders, no matter how indolent, no matter how parasitic or violent they may or may not be–doesn’t make that any less true.

OFFENSIVE update! I could probably spend the rest of my life digging up fodder for updates to this post and not even scratch the surface.

Sigh. It’s only August and this year’s crop of offensive and #problematic Halloween costumes are already starting to roll in. is selling this “Call Me Caitlyn” costume in its men’s section, offering dudes (well, the costume is “unisex” but let’s be real) the chance to “dress as the softer side of the popular Olympian,” aka Caitlyn Jenner, in an outfit based on her Vanity Fair cover look. The description for the costume tries to disguise its transphobia by couching it in compliments about Jenner’s “picture perfect look,” but the fact remains that Caitlyn is a whole human being, and a woman specifically, not the “softer side” of the former Bruce Jenner.

Actually, the fact IS that Jenner is a whole MAN, with his junk (and his X chromosome) perfectly intact. He just happens to like wearing dresses and pretending to be a woman, and is mentally damaged enough to believe that his delusional fantasies (with plenty of encouragement from Leftist sickos with political agendas to peddle) can change a damned thing about what he actually is all by themselves.

But I’d call anyone who dares to wear this costume in the face of shrieking outrage from the PC police, or offer it for sale for that matter, courageous. They’re heroes, man!

(Via Maet)

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