
Archives: September 2012

Colbert Report: Obama’s Ottoman Conspiracy

Steve Colbert on Rep. Louie Gohmert's crackpot allegation that Obama is resurrecting the Ottoman Empire The Colbert Report Get More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,Political Humor & Satire Blog,Video Archive
Demonizing Muslims and the New McCarthyism (Bacevich)

Demonizing Muslims and the New McCarthyism (Bacevich)

Andrew J. Bacevich writes at First came the hullaballoo over the “Mosque at Ground Zero.”  Then there was Pastor Terry Jones of Gainesville, Florida, grabbing headlines as he promoted “International Burn-a-Koran…

Top Ten Mitt Romney Solutions to our Problems

1. Expensive emergency room care for those who have no health insurance. 2. Higher taxes on the middle class. 3. Lower taxes on millionaires. 4. War with Iran. 5. Intervention in Syria.…

Sunday’s Recommended Reading

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Fury Unbound: the Muslim Dilemma (Majid)

Anouar Majid writes from Rabat, Morocco, in a guest column for Informed Comment The French are in trouble. The publication Charlie Hebdo has just published cartoons of Islam's prophet, Mohammed, and now…
Martin Luther King, Jr. in Arabic Translation

Martin Luther King, Jr. in Arabic Translation

The Global Americana Institute is delighted to announce the publication in Arabic of Marshall Frady's biography of Martin Luther King, Jr. along with some of King's landmark speeches and writings. The book…
America’s Hypocrisy in Bahrain (Marlowe)

America’s Hypocrisy in Bahrain (Marlowe)

Jen Marlowe writes at Terror and Teargas on the Streets of Bahrain The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (in the U.S. at Least) By Jen Marlowe Jihan Kazerooni and I drove…

Netanyahu in 1992: Iran close to having nuclear bomb

Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is trapped in reflection theory. He was allegedly himself involved in illegally smuggling nuclear triggers out of the US, and he assumes that Iran desperately wants a…

The War on Terror Comes to Facebook (Harvey)

Stephanie Harvey writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism Facebook, the social networking website with over 955 million profiles, has been used as a ‘honey trap’ by terrorists posing as attractive women…
Obama Plays Hardball and Egypt’s Morsi Folds

Obama Plays Hardball and Egypt’s Morsi Folds

The attack on the US consulate in Benghazi happened because the Libyan government is still weak, rebuilding after its revolution against Muammar Qaddafi. But there was no doubt that the new government…
Top Ten Bad Signs for Romney

Top Ten Bad Signs for Romney

1. The Fraternal Order of Police has refused to endorse Romney for president. This is the first time for 98 years they don't have a favored candidate. Romney's support of Wisconsin-style gutting…
CIA Drone Strikes on Pakistan: Infographic (Leo)

CIA Drone Strikes on Pakistan: Infographic (Leo)

Sarah Leo writes at The Bureau of Investigative Journalism The Bureau has been recording every reported CIA drone strike in Pakistan. The result is our extensive database which details every known attack…

Dear Mitt: *You* Don’t Get to Say That

Dear Mitt Romney: Your so-called Medicare reform is just a way of shifting health expenses from millionaires (whose taxes you want to lower) to middle class and working people (with whom you…

Libyans say CIA Tortured Them (Ross)

Alice Ross writes at the Bureau of Investigative Journalism President Bush and his CIA director Michael Hayden have each claimed that the US has in the past only used the controversial interrogation…
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