Bit(ch) 23: SMWH

Louisiana: Women Don’t Need Planned Parenthood. They Have Dentists. Mother Jones, 9/10/15.

The task seems straightforward: Make a list of health care providers that would fill the void if Louisiana succeeded in defunding Planned Parenthood. But the state, which is fighting a court battle to strip the group of hundreds of thousands of dollars in Medicaid funds, is struggling to figure out who would provide poor women with family planning care if not Planned Parenthood.

Nowhere is this struggle more apparent than in a recent declaration by Louisiana’s attorneys that there are 2,000 family planning providers ready to accommodate new patients. A federal judge, reviewing the list in an early September court hearing, found hundreds of entries for specialists such as ophthalmologists; nursing homes caregivers; dentists; ear, nose, and throat doctors; and even cosmetic surgeons.

“It strikes me as extremely odd that you have a dermatologist, an audiologist, a dentist who are billing for family planning services,” said the judge, John deGravelles, who will determine in the next week whether it is legal for the state to end Planned Parenthood’s Medicaid contracts.

No, this is not a joke. This is Gov. Jindal’s LA, a real court case, and a real judge asking, basically, The fuck!?

His harsh questioning sent the state back to the drawing board. On Tuesday, the state’s attorneys acknowledged that the dentists and other specialists didn’t belong on the list. They filed a pared-down version that lists just 29 health care providers.

So there will be hardship if Planned Parenthood clinics across the state are no longer able to provide the health care services they do to the women they do. [I will not add “and families” to somehow soften the idea that this is actually about women and that this thing about women is important because it’s important to women without a backup team or manufactured justification for “you” give a flying fuck.] 29 “health care providers” will provide the “2,100 well-woman exams, 1,200 pap smears,…11,000 STI tests, and…long-lasting contraceptives…to 5,200 patients” that Planned Parenthood did last year in LA? Even if Rep. Cassidy’s unsupported claim there are “more than 100 community health care centers ‘scattered all over the state’ that could accept Planned Parenthood’s patients,” that’s a lot of care to suddenly provide for Medicaid patients, for low-income women, for poor women, many but not all of whom are of color, and most of whom have few other, if any, choices for the kind of respectful care Planned Parenthood provides in this state.

The unspoken part? The opposition to contraception. All forms. And the easiest targets for this ideology are those who have the least representation in a money-takes-and-gets-all not-a-fucking-democracy—the not-rich, the have-least, the non-white, the non-__. Those with money can do what they want and say they are pure, righteous, downright holy if you really ask them. The opposition to contraception is driven by a bushel of myths used as propaganda, including the belief that contraception leads to “risky” sexual behavior, when “risky” is everything that doesn’t result in a high chance of fertilization in a particular context according to a certain religion. [Look up ProLife Action League’s position on birth control yourself. I will not link to such tripe.]

A clear sign that this is about belief and not fact or health care or clinics is the nonsensical resistance in the state’s argument:

So either we’re talking about Medicaid fraud or the attorneys for the state and/or the employees in the state health department don’t understand what “family planning” is. A dermatologist? The fuck!? But this is the right-wing perspective that thinks women’s digestive systems are connected to the uterus, women don’t care about the wage gap, and there’s really no reason to fund “women’s health issues” because. Because? Because they’re women. See?

The fuck!?

Like I said: SMWH.

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The “Katrina” stories, books, articles, started in July. I’ve ignored most.

One, many aren’t about “Katrina” or about the flooding or what survival here was or still is like or has been like. These “stories” are about using NOLA, a natural and unnatural disaster, and flawed policy to assert a point of view, an alleged lesson or benefit or solution found at the expense of human beings, their lives, children, stability and roots. There’s the “success!” story told about charter schools which is mostly bullshit because the story always was bullshit and not about schools or children or education at all—what happened was about busting up unions, weakening public institutions and preventing talk about desegregation, economic justice, distribution of resources, teacher training and pay and why the students with the most needs get the least experienced teachers and shittiest resources. [Side benefit of dismantling public institutions—crumbling the black educated middle class.] And the story on how NOLA has been improved by the destruction of its housing projects. Guess what? We still have crime. And no, the water did not flush away the problem of black people. We are not problems. We are humans. People. Backbones of what make NOLA what it is. There is no NOLA without us.

Two, there is no Katrina Story. And there’s little acknowledgment that to see what happened and is happening requires a collage, that there are multiple recoveries [and not-quite recoveries], not one Success Story. People like their shit simple but there are multiple NOLAs and multiple ways the flooding and the policy disasters after affected those NOLAs. Narrowing the story to the Ninth Ward, charter schools or the opinions of well-off and privileged white folks hides what needs to be said and revealed.

The truth.

It sucked. It was scary. I do not think that generation of kids will ever recover, and I’m not just talking about the extremes. We were abandoned, used for political reasons, abused for political reasons, blamed, victimized, blamed again then praised for our resilience and will to survive. As if we had some kind of fucking choice. As if our suffering finally makes us Noble.

And all that will end in September. The fury of activity this year is about the magic number 10. A decade. After a decade, some in the US want to think about that terrible thing that happened to us.

For a while.

Then they’ll be done.


And we still live here. And live with the aftermath of the shit we had to go through to do what other people take for granted and assume is natural—go home. Stay home.


I don’t want to play the 10-year game. This was and is my fucking life, not an interlude. Much of this historical moment will be lost—voices, emails, missives, blogs and posts and links; fear, love, desperation, making do, making our way through whatever came, no matter how many times; the children and students lost and left behind so adults could get better jobs, press, cars; the absolute meanness of trying to throw away people, neighborhoods, histories, pasts and futures.


Just no.

Go ahead and call me a bitch. Better have. And what changed? Not me.

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Please Forward Book Launch TONIGHT

Yeah, I’ll be there. I’ll even read something.


Press Street HQ | 3718 St. Claude Ave. New Orleans, LA 70117

August 18 @ 7:00 PM CDT

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“Crime By The Numbers”

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” a direct and lasting legacy of American slavery”

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The Charleston Imperative Statement—Read. Sign.

As we grieve for the nine African Americans who were murdered in their house of worship on June 17 2015, those of us who answer the call of feminism and antiracism must confront anew how the evils of racism and patriarchy continue to endanger all Black bodies, regardless of gender.

As antiracists, we know that the struggle against racial terror is older than the Republic itself. In particular we remember the work of Ida B Wells who risked everything to debunk the lies of lynchers over 100 years ago. Today, we see that fierce determination in Bree Newsome who scaled the 30-foot flagpole at the South Carolina state Capitol and brought down the Confederate flag. As feminists, we recognize how racism has been — and is still — gendered. Patriarchy continues to be foundational to racial terrorism in the US, both in specious claims that justify the torture of Black men in defense of white womanhood, and in its brutal treatment of Black women and girls. We also recognize that while patriarchy and racism are clearly intertwined, all too often, our struggles against them are not….

Read the full statement and sign here.

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“In the age of information, ignorance is a choice.”

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“You now lie under the foot of a woman.”

St. Margaret [of Antioch] was the patron saint of peasants and women in childbirth, the latter not because she had children but because [sic] she was swallowed by the devil in the form of a dragon, and her purity and resistance were so great that he had to spew her up again whole and unhurt….The governor, Olybrius, saw her, wanted her, and had her brought to him. She refused him and declared her faith. She was imprisoned, flogged, and terribly tortured. In prison she was swallowed by the dragon; and when she triumphed over the dragon, the devil confronted her again, this time in the form of a sympathetic man who told her that she had suffered too much:

But she seized his hair, hurled him to the ground, and placing her foot on his head, exclaimed:

“Tremble, great enemy. You now lie under the foot of a woman.”

Dworkin, Andrea. Intercourse. NY: Free Press, 1987. Print. 93.

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Age was never a central or peripheral concern for me in the way it was “supposed” to be. I was always youngest in the class, younger than my friends and peers, but between the ages of 12 and 20, I looked older than I actually was. Men tried to pick me up when I was 12, 13 because they thought I was in high school or at least a mature-enough-to-pluck 16. At 16, they thought I was in college and a little old to be unattached and/or childless. I walked into bars that older friends couldn’t get into. Somewhere in my 20s, it toppled the other way and I was assumed to be 5, 6, 10 years younger—I got carded more in my 30s than I did from 15 when I started going to bars to when I finally turned 21 my senior year in undergrad [the first time]. I still get carded occasionally, can still fool almost anyone anytime and get that ego-stroke of not looking like I’m in my late 40s, smoked 20 years, and still sneer at Clean Living.


Then there’s 50. Which I will see in less than 2 years. And that is a tipping point. Some things have either been done or may never get done, and with what I have left, decisions will have to be made, losses racked up, ideas scrapped, possibilities torn and thrown out, self-image [the future one] kalidoscoped into yet another fucking life inside this life that I half-chose and half made lemonade with and I’ve already had several lives and this AS one is a tiring addition to the others I’m trying to salvage.

And not all choices are real “choices.” Some “choices” happen. You realize later and piece together some threads of thought and/or hindsight and/or complete bullshit to tell yourself that, in retrospect, you did choose, you used your free will, you are your own dogma and pomp and circumstance.

I can live with that being bullshit.

It’s harder to live with things being taken away before you get around to them.

Or before you knew you wanted them.

My adventures will be much smaller, with a smaller pool of participants and spectators. Many of the things I thought I’d get to later I won’t get to at all. Physical and social goals. Intellectual plans, goals, germs and kernels. Instead of a room of boxes, I’ll have 2, maybe 4 special boxes well-worn and over-decorated because that’s all I fucking have and get because there is not enough ___ and time is not mine. Time happens. Every decade your head bobs up, you squint, stare, frown and then you’re back under. When you are lucky.

50 gives even me pause.

I didn’t plan to be the woman artist/___ who breathes shallowly until the kid or kids leave home but I did plan to burst like an untended tropical forest when that kid did leave home. Now I’m looking at a courtyard garden. I like courtyards. And I will miss what isn’t there. But so it is.

G Bitch Abroad: 1585 from b2l2

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hctiB rosseforP: Back When We Were Rich

originally posted Feb 16, 2013

from Wikipedia:

The overall median 9 month salary for all professors was $73,000, placing a slight majority of professors among the top 15% of earners at age 25 or older. [7: US Census Bureau, 2006] Yet, their salaries remain considerably below that of some other comparable professions (even when including summer compensation) such as lawyers (who earned a median of $110,000) and physicians (whose median earnings ranged from $137,000 to $322,000 depending on speciality). [19;20: U.S. Department of Labor, 2007] According to the U.S. Department of Labor,

[Academic year] salaries for full-time faculty averaged $73,207. By rank, the average was $98,974 for professors, $69,911 for associate professors, $58,662 for assistant professors, $42,609 for instructors, and $48,289 for lecturers. Faculty in 4-year institutions earn higher salaries, on average, than do those in 2-year schools. In 2006–07, faculty salaries averaged $84,249 in private independent institutions, $71,362 in public institutions, and $66,118 in religiously affiliated private colleges and universities. [21: U.S. Department of Labor, 2007]

Salaries varied widely by field and rank ranging from $45,927 for an assistant professor in theology to $136,634 for a full professor in “Legal Professions and Studies.” [22:, 2006] Another study by the College and University Professional Association for Human Resources found the average salary for all faculty members, including instructors, to be $66,407, placing half of all faculty members in the top 15.3% of income earners above the age of 25. Median salaries were $54,000 for assistant professors, $64,000 for associate professors and $86,000 for full professors 2005. [23: College and University Professional Association for Human Resources, 2005] During the 2005–06 year, salaries for assistant professors ranged from $45,927 in theology to $81,005 in law. For associate professors, salaries ranged from $56,943 in theology to $98,530 in law, while salaries among full professors ranged from $68,214 in theology to $136,634 in law. [22] During the 2010–11 year, associate professor salaries vary from $59,593 in theology to $93,767 in law.[24: “Average Faculty Salaries by Field and Rank at 4-Year Colleges and Universities, 2010–11”] Full professors at elite institutions commonly enjoy six-figure incomes, such as $123,300 at UCLA or $148,500 at Stanford. [25: 2006] The CSU system, which is the largest system in the U.S. with over 11,000 faculty members, had an average full-time faculty salary of $74,000 in 2007, which had been scheduled to increase to $91,000 by 2011. [26: “CSU Public Affairs Office, 2007] Unfortunately for these faculty, the ensuing crash of the U.S. economy resulted in temporary pay reductions and total salary stagnation at the 2007 level instead, with this same level of pay now forecast to persist through 2015 at least, in spite of ongoing inflation. Professors in teacher education sometimes earn less than they would if they were still elementary classroom teachers. … Adjunct college instructors often make $20,000–$35,000/year, even while teaching at several institutions. [clarification needed] However, adjunct college instructor salaries can range between $40,000 – $100,000/year in states with higher costs of living. Adjunct instructors generally have to teach at several institutions to earn higher salaries.

In 2003, as an adjunct at the University, I made $2000 per class and taught 2. According to The Adjunct Project, that adjunct salary is still about the same for the NO area.

Once I became full-time, my salary was $39,000 in the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 academic years, a 9-month salary paid in 12 months. I taught mostly first-year composition with the occasional creative writing class and World Lit; all of them were writing classes and in the “non-composition” World Lit and creative writing courses, the reading was heavy, near 50-100 pages a week per section, and I had to not only read but prepare and prepare for at least 3 scenarios—everyone read; half the class read; no one read. I had classes 5 days a week and worked most weekends [Saturday and/or Sunday] grading or prepping so I probably put in 60-70 hours a week Fall 2003-Spring 2005. [I didn’t teach summers. For 1 week I’d read and then spend the next month trying to write and by August 1, I stopped writing so I could start prepping for the fall semester. I’d spend about 6 weeks actually writing when I could. Once, a mother at the private school The Girl went to back then said to me she “hated” the parents who sent their kids to camps and classes all summer, and she and her 3 kids lounged around in their pajamas and slept late all summer long. I told her that summer was the only time I could do my own work so yes, The Girl was scheduled for at least half the weeks of the summer break. We never had a conversation again after that.]

For the 2005-2006 academic year, I was to make $39,585. Then Katrina hit the Gulf Coast and NO flooded. I was fired via an email that began “Dear Non Tenure Faculty.” I’d gotten about 6 checks totaling about $9846 before taxes and deductions. When I was rehired for the January 2006-June 2006 academic “year” as a non-tenured instructor, I earned $19,792.44 for 4 classes each semester [we had 2], so for that 2005-2006 academic year, I got about $29,639, about $9000 less than my tenure-track contract. 

In 2006-2007 when we made it back to a campus-in-progress, I was again tenure-track and my salary went back to $39,585. The next year, I wanted to quit but took an unpaid sabbatical instead; the first contract had my salary still at $39,585 but the same day contracts were revised and I got a raise to $41,584. Let me repeat—I took an unpaid sabbatical that year. I came back for the 2008-2009 year for $43,642, revised the same day from $41,564. Then I quit. I have no idea what I would’ve been offered for the next academic year, but I could see what was coming down and left before I could be unfairly denied tenure [I had all the publications and university service I needed] because the University was trying to reduce payroll costs almost exclusively from faculty, and particularly tenure-track faculty.

Oh, and during all those years, I made more than Mister did. A good chunk more. I was, of all things, the head bread-“winner.”

When I’d tell people what my job was back then, I always got raised eyebrows and nods of Oh-wow-you-make-a-LOT-of-money! and no one believed that public school teachers made more than I did. The assumption, I guess, was [is?] that all college professors make the kinds of salaries you see at Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Princeton, UCLA. Most make nowhere near that much; salary depends on your area, and English is traditionally on the lower end of the scale with the hard sciences and business closer to the top of the scale, at least in my experience. And things will not get better:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 17 percent increase in jobs for post-secondary professors in all disciplines between 2010 and 2020, a bit better than average for all professions. However, most opportunities will appear in part-time or non-tenure track jobs and at for-profit schools. At public colleges, hiring will be constrained by tight budgets. Nursing and engineering professors, for example, will fare better than English and humanities teachers.

Salaries will drop even lower but not look like they are because there will be and still are some folks at the top getting paid near or actually 6 figures. The shift to a part-time, at-will pool of instructors will have its negative effects but fits with the “new” “ideas” about education—that instructors/teachers are simply cogs that can be replaced with just about any warm body, and that collective bargaining and contracts and commitments from an employer are the reasons why the US is “behind” the rest of the world in name-that-subject. I have not been able to find the reasoning behind that anywhere, how having a contract makes someone a “worse” teacher than a temporary hire, how de-professionalizing teaching with minimally-trained warm bodies makes education, K-12 or higher education, more “efficient” and therefore “better.”

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