
Archives: January 2014

Dirty Fuel Corporations to American Public:  Frack You!

Dirty Fuel Corporations to American Public: Frack You!

(By Ellen Cantarow) For the past several years, I’ve been writing about what happens when big oil and gas corporations drill where people live. “Fracking” -- high-volume hydraulic fracturing, which extracts oil…
The 18th Brumaire of Gen. al-Sisi in Egypt

The 18th Brumaire of Gen. al-Sisi in Egypt

(By Juan Cole) On Monday, the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) announced that Field Marshall Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (also the minister of defense) was free to run for president if…

Turkish PM Erdoğan: Turkey rejects false prophets

Turkish PM Erdoğan has described Islamic Scholar Fethullah Gülen as a 'false prophet' without naming him, which comes as the latest move in the dispute between the government and the Gülen’s Movement

AKP winning perception war

Erdogan has been surprisingly successful in framing the graft probe in his favor, while purging the bureaucracy on an unprecedented scale.

Can Syria lecture Turkey on terrorism?

In the opening session of the Geneva II talks the Syrian foreign minister stormed the conference, bitterly accusing 'foreign powers' of their responsibility over the ongoing civil war

EU envoy: Israel will pay price for settlements

A senior European official on Wednesday painted an alarming picture for Israel if Mideast peace efforts fail, saying the country could face deepening economic isolation if it presses forward with construction of…
Israeli Poliicy Divides Palestinian Families

Israeli Policy Divides Palestinian Families

(By AFP) Israel policy splits Palestinian families (via AFP) Israel's restrictions on Palestinian movement between Gaza and the West Bank is separating relatives and making family life impossible for tens of thousands…

Iran says it starts implementing nuclear deal

TEHRAN: Iran's state TV says the country has halted its most sensitive uranium enrichment work as part of a landmark deal struck with world powers. The broadcast said Iran halted its 20…
The Shame and the Danger of Egypt’s 98% Vote

The Shame and the Danger of Egypt’s 98% Vote

(By Juan Cole) The announcement on Saturday by the Egyptian government that there was a 38% turnout for the referendum on the new constitution was unexceptional. It was more than the 33%…
4 Ways Obama has Misled on NSA Surveillance

4 Ways Obama has Misled on NSA Surveillance

(By Kara Brandeisky) President Obama on Friday announced some reportedly limited reforms to National Security Agency surveillance programs.Since the first disclosures based on documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, Obama…

Beware of self-destructive Turkish propaganda

Yesterday, the Hürriyet Daily News reported about a recent warning by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan to all ambassadors of Turkey who were gathered in Ankara for an annual “envoy’s conference.”

Gül keeps pressing for a way out

Turkish President Abdullah Gül keeps pressing for a way out of the political crisis in the country despite the opposition’s refusal to keep cooperating on a constitutional change
America Black Ops Wars in 134 Countries

America Black Ops Wars in 134 Countries

(By Nick Turse) They operate in the green glow of night vision in Southwest Asia and stalk through the jungles of South America.  They snatch men from their homes in the Maghreb…
Books go Online for Free in Norway

Books go Online for Free in Norway

(By AFP) Literature goes online for free in Norway (via AFP) Most books published in Norway before 2001 are going online for free thanks to an initiative that may have found the…
How the Arab Spring Left the Palestinians Behind

How the Arab Spring Left the Palestinians Behind

(By Abdalhadi Alijla) Reading about the murder of Hassan Hassan, the Palestinian actor and comedian, in Yarmouk refugee camp in Syria was like a bombshell. Hassan and his wife were arrested by…
Take Control of your Internet Privacy

Take Control of your Internet Privacy

(By Julia Angwin) In the course of writing her book, Dragnet Nation, ProPublica reporter Julia Angwin tried various strategies to protect her privacy. In this blog post, she distills the lessons from…
The Ruling that Endangers the Internet as we Know It

The Ruling that Endangers the Internet as we Know It

(By Juan Cole) A Washington D.C. federal panel has struck down the Federal Communication Commission position on net neutrality, threatening the corporatization of the internet. The reason readers of Informed Comment can…
Turkey’s Fierce Battle on the Religious Right

Turkey’s Fierce Battle on the Religious Right

(By Ayşe Soysal) ... What is happening in Turkey now doesn’t feel like just a simple political disagreement, or even a war-game. It’s an all-out war, whose opening gambits have been politically…

1,000 rial

January 10-2014 The Central Bank has decided to lop some zeros off the rial (photo) next year.  Mahmud Ahmadi, a senior official of the Central Bank, said the plan was to make…
Libya:  The Dictatorship of the Militias

Libya: The Dictatorship of the Militias

(By Imad Mesdoua) "Ansar Al-Sharia cleans the streets of Benghazi and conducts social work to further enhance its standing" Terrorism Security in Libya still remains an ephemeral prospect. The country is awash…
Peak or no Peak, Oil is Unsafe at any Price

Peak or no Peak, Oil is Unsafe at any Price

(By Michael Klare) Among the big energy stories of 2013, “peak oil” -- the once-popular notion that worldwide oil production would soon reach a maximum level and begin an irreversible decline --…

Israeli hardliners object to Kerry pressure

Benjamin Netanyahu's hardline coalition partners step up pressure on the Israeli prime minister, threatening to topple the government if he caves in to American pressure to accept a key Palestinian territorial demand…
Iraq’s Sunni Civil War

Iraq’s Sunni Civil War

(By Juan Cole) The attempt launched earlier this week by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS or ISIL) to take and hold city quarters in Falluja, Ramadi and Khalidiya in…
Is a Third Palestinian Uprising on its Way?

Is a Third Palestinian Uprising on its Way?

(By Ruthie Blum) On December 25, Ali Jarbawi published his blockbuster Op-Ed "The Coming Intifada" with The New York Times. ”We Palestinians are living through the worst situation in years,” he wrote.…
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