
Archives: August 2009

Ted Kennedy on How America Got Mired in Iraq

Senator Ted Kennedy's death Tuesday night has deprived the nation of one of the most insightful and committed progressive politicians the country had. Kennedy all along had opposed Bush's Iraq War, and…

Regime Broadcasts Baathist Confession re: Bombings;

Wissam Ali Kadhem Ibrahim was put on television in Iraq confessing his role in last Wednesday's bombings. The former Baathist official described an operation that drew on old-time Baathist assets in Diyala…

Bush Admin. worse than our Nightmares

It was worse.Back in the bad old days of Bush's corrupt gang, we on the left were pilloried for suggesting that the administration was manipulating terrorism-related news in order to win the…

Whodunnit in Baghdad

Speculation has been flying around in the news media and on the internet about who was behind Wednesday's gory bombings in Baghdad. Let me lay out the various theories behing put forward,…

Nearly 100 Dead, 500 Wounded in 6 Bombings in Baghdad

A series of coordinated truck bombings targeted Iraqi government ministries and other facilities on Wednesday morning, killing nearly 100 persons and wounding some 500. Poorly equipped and staffed emergency rooms in the…

Karzai Takes Steps to Regain Lost Momentum

Incumbent Afghan president Hamid Karzai is clearly feeling the breath of his main rival in the presidential contest on the back of his neck. He haughtily declined to debate his leading rivals…

No Health Reform for Gaza; But Death Panels they Have

While Americans are debating their own health system, they are unindicted co-conspirators in an effort to degrade the health, mental and physical, and to half-starve the people of Gaza. The callousness, ruthlessness…

Hamas Crushes Islamist Group in Gaza

Some 22 militants died in fighting in Gaza between Hamas and the Army of God's Helpers on Friday, the latter being a radical fundamentalist cult that took some of its cues from…

American Grassroots Diplomacy in Damascus

Check out this blog of an interesting experiment in American public diplomacy in Syria:"The American MidEast Leadership Network’s (AMLN’s) Virtual Scrapbook is an online collection of the thoughts, musings, favorite things, photographs,…

Cheney shoots W. in the Face with Memoirs

Former VP Richard Bruce Cheney says he will air his dissatisfactions with George W. Bush's policies, especially in the second term when Cheney feels he yielded to politics as usual.Cheney believes in…

Over 40 Dead in Morning Bombings in Baghdad

Iraq woke up to a bloody Monday morning, with three major bombings that left more than 40 dead according to Middle East Online writing in Arabic. The biggest attack was on the…

Escobar on Iran, China and the Silk Road

Pepe Escobar on Iran-Chinese relations and the New Silk Road.this is part 3 of a series at The Real News NetworkNote also that Iran and China just signed a $3 bn. deal…

Power Struggle in Pakistani Taliban

In the wake of the death of Pakistani Taliban leader Baitullah Mahsud in Wednesday, the Pakistani newspaper Dawn writes that a power struggle broke out between two other Mahsud leaders: ' According…

New Iraqi Shiite Coalition coming together

Ahead of January's parliamentary elections, Al-Zaman reports in Arabic that Jalal al-Din al-Saghir, a leader of the Islamic Supreme Council in Iraq (ISCI) announced that the United Iraqi Alliance will announce five…

Bombs Kill 52 in Iraq

Sunni Arab guerrillas bombed a Shiite Turkmen mosque in a village outside Mosul on Friday, killing 39 persons and wounding dozens. Other attacks targeted Shiites in Baghdad.On the other hand, the big…

Mahsud’s Death Seems ‘Sure Thing’

The leading Pakistani newspaper, Dawn, reports that there "is no doubt" that a US drone strike killed Baitullah Mahsud, the leader of the Taliban Movement of Pakistan. The report says that the…

Statement on Iran by Engaged Scholars

Statement by 40 Engaged Scholars‘Human Beings are Members of a Whole’Protecting the Iranian Civil Society Human beings are members of a whole,In creation of one essence and soul.If one member is afflicted…

Iran Update

Some experts are raising the question about whether Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad will serve out his four year term. They wonder if the instability and substantial opposition to him from reformists as…

Iran: Beware Neocons Bearing Boycotts

Hamid Dabashi at CNN points out that the US executive's (the Obama administration's) plans to engage Iran may come up against Congress's desire to act aggressively toward the country, either through crippling…

Reformists Boycott Ahmadinejad’s Inauguration

Even the official Iranian site Press TV had to admit that of 70 reformist members of parliament, only 13 attended Ahmadinejad's inauguration.AP has more on Wednesday's protests.Opposition leader Mehdi Karroubi called Wednesday…

Clashes, Boycotts attend Certification of Ahmadinejad

The certification of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as the winner of the presidential election in a special ceremony in Tehran set off demonstrations by thousands of protesters in downtown Tehran, according to the official…

Is Sarah Palin America’s Ahmadinejad?

See my regular column in, "Sarah Palin, meet Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: You two right-wing populists have a surprising amount in common."Excerpt: "Palin portrays herself as the small-town outsider. "I'm not a member…

Show Trial of Reformists in Iran

My interview at Rooz Online on Iran is now up.The trial of 100 leading protesters against the announced outcome of the June 12 presidential elections commenced on Saturday, complete with pitiful coerced…

Col. Reese on a Quick Withdrawal

The NYT on Friday published a memo from Col. Timothy R. Reese, Chief, Baghdad Operations Command Advisory Team, MND-B, Baghdad, Iraq, in which he argued for a more or less immediate departure…

Young Iranian Woman – Email From Tehran

Posted to an email list. I made some minor spelling corrections.This is going to be a slightly disjointed email, I'm sorry in advanced. It's already well passed midnight here and we just…
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