Slate Magazine - Politics, Business, Technology, and the Arts

Kim Davis Is a Gift to Gay Rights

Where White Identity Politics Could Take the GOP—and the Nation—Next

The Kim Davis Controversy Leaves GOP Candidates Stymied

The Most Distinctive Slang in Every State

Can Angela Merkel Rescue the EU From Its Refugee Crisis?

Sports Nut

Beyond Brady

The NFL’s Deflategate defeat will reverberate for years unless the league reforms now.


Driven to Kill

Why drivers in China intentionally kill the pedestrians they hit.

The NFL Needs to Reform Now, or Keep Losing in Court

Why Drivers in China Intentionally Kill the Pedestrians They Hit

News Organizations Were Wrong to Not Run the Most Horrific Photo of the Dead Syrian Boy. Including Slate.

Trump Is a Great Test: How the Candidates Respond to Him Reveals a Lot

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  News & Politics
Sept. 4 2015 1:06 PM The Best Intentions After the horror of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Manhattan Project scientists tried to advocate for nuclear de-escalation—instead, they unwittingly abetted the Vietnam War.
  Slate Plus
Sept. 4 2015 12:16 PM How Can This Possibly Happen? Geoffrey Sant wrote about drivers in China who intentionally kill pedestrians. Ask him anything.