
Archives: May 2015

Muhammad Cartoon Ad Blocked From DC Metro

Muhammad Cartoon Ad Blocked From DC Metro

Jo Ankier and Nik Zecevic | (The Lip TV) | (Video) |- "A Prophet Muhammad cartoon ad has been blocked by Washington DC’s transport authority who voted unanimously on Thursday to suspend…
Armed Bikers Protest at Arizona Mosque

Armed Bikers Protest at Arizona Mosque

AJ+ | - "Anti-Islam activists have planned a “peaceful” protest at an Arizona mosque. Protesters are encouraged to bring American flags and “to utilize their second-amendment right” ... just in case." AJ+:…
How Mainstream is Bernie Sanders?

How Mainstream is Bernie Sanders?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - Sen. Bernie Sanders, the presidential candidate for the Democratic nomination, has trouble being taken seriously by the corporate media, what with him being a…
Kaplan: An Impish Desire for Imperial Déjà Vu

Kaplan: An Impish Desire for Imperial Déjà Vu

Daniel Martin Varisco | (MENA Tidningen) | - A recent online commentary by Robert Kaplan for Foreign Policy displays the provocative title: "It's time to bring imperialism back to the Middle East".…
Yemen conflict fans food insecurity

Yemen conflict fans food insecurity

By Peter Salisbury and Louise Redvers | (IRIN) - AMMAN / DUBAI (IRIN) - The conflict in Yemen is worsening the country's food insecurity, according to a new report, which predicts that…
Venezuela to Boost Palestine to Full Embassy Status

Venezuela to Boost Palestine to Full Embassy Status

By Ben Tavener - IMEMC/PNN - Venezuela will boost its diplomatic representation in Palestine to full embassy status, according to the Venezuelan minister for foreign affairs. "Following instructions from President Nicolás Maduro,…
Jeb Bush & Schiavo Affair:  Islamization of GOP?

Jeb Bush & Schiavo Affair: Islamization of GOP?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment)| - Michael Schiavo is speaking out about Jeb Bush's determined, sustained and energetic intervention, as Florida governor, in the private medical decision of the Schiavo family…
Who does Jerusalem belong To?

Who does Jerusalem belong To?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - Far right Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu commemorated Israel's "Jerusalem Day" with a speech in which he said, "Jerusalem was always the capital of…
Is Sen. Tom Cotton right that ISIL is Winning?

Is Sen. Tom Cotton right that ISIL is Winning?

John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore, Ana Kasparian | (The Young Turks) --- "Senator Tom Cotton has a lot of faith in the military prowess of ISIS, and its fighters, unfortunately though he doesn't…
Israeli PM Begins Forming Pro-Settlement Coaltion

Israeli PM Begins Forming Pro-Settlement Coaltion

By IMEMC | - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed coalition deals with two parties on Wednesday, in his first steps toward constructing a new government, one week before the deadline to…
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