
Archives: February 2014

The Decline and Fall of the Turkish Model

The Decline and Fall of the Turkish Model

(By Erdağ Göknar for IslamiCommentary) Erdağ Göknar Most observers agree that Turkey’s ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) has mishandled the current political crisis. The AKP, led by Prime Minister Recep Tayyip…

Saudis 'seek Pakistani arms for Syrian rebels'

DUBAI: Saudi Arabia is in talks with Pakistan to provide anti-aircraft and anti-tank rockets to Syrian rebels to try to tip the balance in the war to overthrow President Bashar al-Assad, a…
A World built on Slavery

A World built on Slavery

(By Greg Grandin) Many in the United States were outraged by the remarks of conservative evangelical preacher Pat Robertson, who blamed Haiti’s catastrophic 2010 earthquake on Haitians for selling their souls to…
Not to Reason Why:  A New Crimean “War”?

Not to Reason Why: A New Crimean “War”?

(Juan Cole) The Russian-speaking population of the Crimean Peninsula in the Ukraine is upset by the popular movement in the west of the country that has overthrown president Viktor Yanukovych and is…
The Deep State is Vulnerable to People Power

The Deep State is Vulnerable to People Power

(By Juan Cole) My remarks below were published at Bill Moyers' site this weekend. They came in response to Mike Lofgren's important essay, "Anatomy of the Deep State" . Lofgren is a…
Falk:  Edward Said was the Palestinians’ Nelson Mandela

Falk: Edward Said was the Palestinians’ Nelson Mandela

(By Andrew Sondern) Princeton professor emeritus talks Palestinian nationalism in speech at university (via By Andrew Sondern Richard Falk, a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton University and the United…
America still has a Torture Problem:  4 Reasons Why

America still has a Torture Problem: 4 Reasons Why

(By Rebecca Gordon) Shortly after his first inauguration in 2009, President Obama issued an executive order forbidding torture and closing the CIA’s so-called “black sites.” But the order didn’t end “extraordinary rendition”…
Three Years Later:  Can the Libyan Revolution Succeed?

Three Years Later: Can the Libyan Revolution Succeed?

Libyans on Monday celebrated the third anniversary of the beginning of their popular revolution against the dictatorship of Muammar Gaddafi. The commemoration was bittersweet, since although personal freedoms have much expanded, 3,000…
The Day the 5th Amendment was Droned to Death

The Day the 5th Amendment was Droned to Death

(By Peter van Buren via Tomdispatch) Terrorism (ter-ror-ism; see also terror) n. 1. When a foreign organization kills an American for political reasons. Justice (jus-tice) n. 1. When the United States Government…
Saudi Valentines elude Puritan Morals Police

Saudi Valentines elude Puritan Morals Police

(Via AFP) Saudi Valentines defy the love police (via AFP) Red roses lurk hidden in flower shop back rooms and heart-shaped chocolates are sold under the counter, but Saudis still manage to…
We’re all Living in the World Dick Cheney Made

We’re all Living in the World Dick Cheney Made

(By Mark Danner via a href="">NYRB and If you’re a man of principle, compromise is a bit of a dirty word. -- Dick Cheney, 2013 1.  “We Ought to Take It…
Can Obama make a grand bargain with Iran over Syria?

Can Obama make a grand bargain with Iran over Syria?

(By Shahram Akbarzadeh) The last round of talks to bring some relief to the humanitarian disaster in Syria achieved remarkable nothing. The anti-Assad delegation traded barbed insults with the Syrian government delegation…
Obama & Hollande stress Hope for Iran Breakthrough

Obama & Hollande stress Hope for Iran Breakthrough

(By Juan Cole) In his news conference with French President Francois Hollande, President Obama outlined four areas of diplomatic progress. The first is foreign policy, including Iran, Syria and the Israeli-Palestinian struggle.…
McKibben:  Crunch Time for Obama on Keystone XL

McKibben: Crunch Time for Obama on Keystone XL

Bill Moyers interviews environmental activist Bill McKibben on the choice facing President Obama on the Keystone XL pipeline: McKibben argues that stopping the pipeline is a necessary first step to stopping the…
Congress to CIA:  Provide US Drone Victim Count

Congress to CIA: Provide US Drone Victim Count

(By Alice K. Ross) The CIA director and other intelligence chiefs were urged to increase transparency over covert drone operations by members of the House intelligence committee yesterday. Adam Schiff, a Democratic…
Billionaire Victimology is the Worst

Billionaire Victimology is the Worst

(By Robert Freeman) Protesters calling for higher wages for fast-food workers stand outside a McDonald's restaurant in Oakland, California December 5, 2013 (Photo: Reuters)The Tom Perkins “billionaires-as-victims” charade couldn’t be more surreal.…
Photo of the Day:  Women in Mosul, 1902

Photo of the Day: Women in Mosul, 1902

From M. E. Hume-Griffith and A. Hume, Behind the Veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia: An Account of an Englishwoman’s Eight Years’ Residence Amongst the Women of the East (1909). The authors…
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