
Archives: January 2015

Inside the green schools revolution

Inside the green schools revolution

By Bryn Nelson | (Mosaic: The Science of Life) - How can we design better, ‘living’ classrooms, places that will not only improve the lives of teachers and students, but also have…
The false promise of fracking and local jobs

The false promise of fracking and local jobs

By Susan Christopherson | (The Conversation) In a surprise decision that led to consternation in the oil and gas industry and elation among fracking opponents, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo in December…
Ms. Marvel Vs. Islamophobia

Ms. Marvel Vs. Islamophobia

AJ+ | - "Who do you call when Islamophobia strikes? Kamala Khan, better known as Ms. Marvel. Street artists are using images of the Muslim superhero to cover up anti-Islam ads on…
Obama, Modi and India?s Solar Future

Obama, Modi and India’s Solar Future

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) In his visit to India, Barack Obama pressed unsuccessfully for India to set specific carbon limits. Nevertheless, he did get agreement from Indian Prime Minister Narendra…
The Latest Blow to Israeli-Palestinian Peace

The Latest Blow to Israeli-Palestinian Peace

By Stephen Zunes | (Foreign Policy in Focus) -- The United States blocked the latest UN resolution to achieve peace between Israel and Palestine for the most disingenuous of reasons. Though not…
Obama, blindsided by Boehner, Snubs Netanyahu

Obama, blindsided by Boehner, Snubs Netanyahu

By Alexandra Halaby | (IMEMC & Agencies) -- White House: Netanyahu Visit 'Departure From Protocol' Hours after the State of the Union address by U.S. President Obama, Boehner had invited Israeli Prime…
How Stable is Saudi Arabia?

How Stable is Saudi Arabia?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) This article appeared at The Nation earlier this month. I'm reprinting an excerpt on the occasion of King Abdallah's death . . . the kingdom faces…
Netanyahu Imported by GOP to once again warn

Netanyahu Imported by GOP to ensure Iran War

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) -- Republican House Majority leader John Boehner secretly invited Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu to Washington to address Congress and then once it was set up…
Dual Use:   Solar Panels conserve Canal Water In India

Dual Use: Solar Panels conserve Canal Water In India

By Malini Shankar | (IPS) Sunlight pours over a break in canal-top solar panels recently installed over the Vadodara branch of the Sardar Sarovar canal project in Gujarat. Credit: Malini Shankar/IPSBARODA, India…
Why solar power is spreading so fast in Africa

Why solar power is spreading so fast in Africa

The Economist | -- "Africans have been waiting for decades for the mains electricity which the rich world takes for granted. Sub-Saharan Africa’s 910m people consume less electricity each year than the…
Ocean Life on the Verge of Mass Extinction

Ocean Life on the Verge of Mass Extinction

TheLipTV | -- "Humans are leading us to unprecedented damage to the oceans and the animals living in them potentially putting us on the verge of a major extinction event, according to…
Mission Creep in Iraq, Part Deux

US Mission Creep in Iraq, Part Deux

By Peter Van Buren | ( --- The current American war in Iraq is a struggle in search of a goal. It began in August as a humanitarian intervention, morphed into a…
The Big Carbon Empire strikes Back

The Big Carbon Empire strikes Back

By Michael T. Klare | | -- Around the world, carbon-based fuels are under attack.  Increasingly grim economic pressures, growing popular resistance, and the efforts of government regulators have all shocked…
National Shame:  50,000 Homeless Veterans Nationwide

National Shame: 50,000 Homeless Veterans Nationwide

ABC News | -- "ABC News' Bob Woodruff travels the country examining new efforts end homelessness among US veterans." ABC News: "50,000 Homeless Veterans Nationwide" Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America's website…
Allied Footage of Istanbul from 1915 in WW I

Allied Footage of Istanbul from 1915 in WW I

British Pathe | -- "Footage from 1915 of Constantinople, in the Ottoman empire (now Istanbul, Turkey), as the allies approach the city during World War One. Tracking shot on the water (Bosporus…
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