Customer Reviews (6)

Moodle powered by Bitnami

Average customer rating 
6 reviews
Superb Product
By Tom English
Moodle is fantastic.
Very easy to install and configure. We qre just getting started with our LMS and Moodle has allowed no tech folks to setup, post content and more.
A beautiful Moodle 2.7 Bitnami instance
By Nadav Kavalerchik
Quick install (not that it really matters)
Quick and responsive Moodle setup on a micro AWS instance
Easy ssh login (thanks to all the previous comments!)
I will add more info as we used it more and more...

Thank you Bitname and AWS teams!
By Alessandra
Install fast.
Few minutes and the server is operacional.
All integrante
Good configurations
Apache php mysql moodle instaled ver fast
Excelent product
So Far So Good
By Vladimir Nezdaril
The installation was super smooth and real fast. We have been testing it for two weeks and have not found any major issues yet. It has been well prepared by bitnami. Thx.

p.s. the only thing that was a bit of headache was the username for connecting directly through ssh to the instance - the username is not ubuntu or ec2-user as it says everywhere but bitnami (took us about an hour in several different forums to figure it out)
Support for Moodle appliance
By Daniel
This is regarding Andrew's comment. You contacted us looking for support for a free AMI. We literally have hundreds of thousands of people coming each month to the website to download and use our application packages. Unfortunately, that means that we cannot offer free, one on one support. We redirected you to our forums, and we would have tried to help you there. We have checked and we are unable to locate a post by you. We cannot help if we don't know what the exact problem is. In any case, if you want one on one support, Moodle is a popular open source package and in the Moodle web site you will find many consultants and firms willing to provide you with one on one commercial support.
Caching creates issues, no support
By Andrew Lawless
I started using Moodle powered by Bitnami. Instance first ran well, but then I started to experience caching issues, resulting in the site randomly not being available for a few minutes. Now the site is down, and I cannot access Moddle and the data we have created. Neither BitNami nor Amazon feel responsible or provide help whatsoever. My data and work is lost. Shameful.
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