Customer Reviews (6)

Moodle powered by Bitnami

Average customer rating 
6 reviews
Hello Bitnami, goodbye recurring monthly fees
By Thomas Mellin
Bitnami is truly turnkey, even for this 43 year old classroom teacher who had zero prior AWS experience. I thought I had to pay $5 per month to a hosting company because I couldn't stand up an AMP stack. With you and AWS I now control--and can even one-click duplicate--my own server!
Furthermore, AWS can auto-scale if all seventh graders across my school district eventually want in (which they soon will). Your product has eliminated budgetary obstacles and tall administrative barriers from the learning paths of thousands of students: thank you!
By David Hinson
System log shows early php script configuration problem. Database uninitialized. Login not possible per earlier review. Complete waste of time. Thanks.
unable to lin into the moodle
i have subscribed moodle powered by Bitnami and i have succesfully access to the moodle application but iam unable to login with credentials i have(username:user) and i dont have a password as per your blog i have followed
but i didnt find any passwd there it would be pleased if u let me know this...
Very Good
By Rohit Kumar
awesome technology and thinking. grt help for student to learn expensive things ..keep it team..thanks.easy to use.
grt performance of server..
Great VM and great support
By T. Bormann
What should I say more than in the headline... Testing is for free, backend is handy, forum, wiki and support is great. I love it. Nice, that I found them.
Database Education
By Jonas R. Pacheco
Este curso tem por objetivo ensinar os conceitos de bancos de dados e a utilização da linguagem SQL (Structured Query Language) para manipulação de dados. São abordados temas como bancos de dados, SGBD's, normalização e a linguagem SQL propriamente dita. O curso é indicado para quem nunca teve contato com esta tecnologia e também para quem já a conhece e deseja aprimorar seus conhecimentos.

Também são abordados neste curso temas como controle de acesso e transações em bancos de dados. Este curso aborda a versão ANSI do SQL, que é padronizada em todos os bancos de dados, e utiliza o MySQL para por em prática os conhecimentos adquiridos nas aulas teóricas (dicas e manuais dos demais bancos de dados são disponibilizados para consulta).
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$0.00/hr for software + AWS usage fees