Utterly Meaningless » Blog Archive » HOW NOT TO HIRE


Filed at 1:24 pm under by dcobranchi

Kraton (NYSE:KRA) in Belpre, OH had a help wanted sticker on my newspaper this morning. Curious, I looked at their website and found this on the “Apply” page:

There will be a $25 per applicant testing fee (due the day of the application) to defray some of the costs associated with testing all applicants. Cash or check will be accepted.

They charge everyone $25 to put in an application in order to “defray” the costs of their recruiting? Really? Are they so strapped for cash that they cannot afford to pay for their own testing? Whoever in HR thought that was a good idea ought to be shown the door.

2 Responses to “HOW NOT TO HIRE”

Comment by
January 4th, 2015
at 3:10 pm

Michelle’s employer (publicly traded on an overseas exchange) requires the teachers they hire to do 40 hours of online training, unpaid, for a part-time job that pays about $13.50 an hour at best. Daycare often requires a “working” interview where the prospective teacher has to spend 1/2 day to a day working under observation. How any of that is legal is beyond me. If you are doing stuff directed by the company it’s work, and I would think it falls under the minimum wage act.

Then there was the pet kennel locally that required kids to spend a morning cleaning up kennels, so see how they interacted with the animals and if they were responsible. But somehow, they could never find somebody qualified to clean up dog shit for minimum wage, and thus were perpetually having their kennels cleaned for free.

Comment by
Daryl Peter Cobranchi
January 4th, 2015
at 6:40 pm

Jane Smith
Unpaid intern shit shoveller

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