We would like to invite you to join us for the Nation Cruise, this year to the Western Caribbean.

For the last 17 years, our Nation Cruises have presented many of America's top progressives and their ideas to our readership, while also helping raise money to support the publication of America's oldest weekly. Whether it's a panel discussion, one on one interview, a heated debate over dinner or our ever-popular late night get-togethers, The Nation Cruise provides ample opportunity to engage with progressive leaders and your fellow Nation readers to help you stay involved, connected and on top of what is taking place in our world.

As always, we'll have a terrific line-up of guest speakers, including many of the writers and editors of The Nation. We are in the midst of putting together that list as we speak. Do watch this website for updates as we will be adding new speakers regularly over the next few months.

The Nation Cruise is a truly unique experience. We invite you to explore this website to find out all you need to know about this year's cruise. You can even book online! This promises to be another memorable adventure, one that I sincerely hope we can share with you.

Looking forward to seeing you!

Katrina vanden Heuvel
Editor and Publisher

Victor Navasky
Publisher Emeritus