What is Cannabidiol (CBD)?

what-is-cannabidiol-CBDIt’s popping up in medical and academic journals on a regular basis, and many people have already formed opinions about the new cannabis-related media star.

CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, in the same class as its more famous cousin THC. While THC is what gets users high, cannabidiol is what gets users well – without the side effects commonly associated with marijuana. CBD actually counters the psychoactive effects of THC, which is great for medicinal users who hate the feeling of being high.

Let’s start off by listing what CBD isn’t, though.

What CBD is NOT:

  1. A way to get high.

Don’t look to cannabidiol if you’re looking to feel the same effects as being high. That’s something that THC does. CBD makes up cannabis in terms of molecular makeup, but it doesn’t make up any of the drug’s psychoactive effects.

  1. A cure-all.

CBD definitely helps with a lot of the nasty symptoms associated with seizure disorders and unsightly acne breakouts, but it’s certainly not curing cancer and terminal diseases yet. The extract is great for symptom relief without all of the harmful side effects of man-made synthetics.

The FDA in the United States has approved limited drug runs for CBD, including a drug that treats Dravet Syndrome, a very particular seizure disorder. But it’s still illegal to purchase the extract anywhere since its full effects aren’t known by the government.

What CBD IS:

  1. A safer way to treat symptoms.

Synthetic drugs and supplements often do more harm than good, what with their dubious side effects and questionable ingredients. The average user of physician-provided drugs often has no clue what it is that they’re actually taking, and they end up taking more than one prescription in order to offset the effects of another. The use of CBD in medicine reduces this vicious cycle, meaning that less medicine needs to be used to treat less symptoms.

  1. Under research.

The FDA, in addition to other international drug administration bodies, has authorized a limited set of drug trials for CBD and even approved a drug for the treatment of seizures as stated before. Expect more and more trials and proposals in the coming years as CBD sees as surge in popularity.

  1. Non-psychoactive.

This is a key point for many users, since they want the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD minus all the added side effects that THC would give such as hunger pangs and paranoia. CBD does not cause any sort of psychoactive activity in the brain, making it suitable for use across a wide range of people.

CBD is a newcomer to the medical scene, and because of its close association with THC, is often shunned. But just because it makes up cannabis doesn’t mean that its sole purpose is to produce psychoactive experiences: CBD is a safer way to treat symptoms without the unnecessary side effects of THC. This makes it more easily distributed to groups such as the elderly and children, who don’ necessarily want to get high, and allows them to get the treatment they need.  Plus there are many places where you can buy cannabis online.

Check out the YouTube video below from Dr. Christina Sanchez that scientifically explains how CBD and THC work together to cure cancer.