The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center is a grassroots organization committed to using media production and distribution as tools for promoting social and economic justice in the Champaign County area. We foster the creation and distribution of media, art, and narratives emphasizing underrepresented voices and perspectives and promote empowerment and expression through media and arts education.

Art Exhibit: Intrigued at the IMC

The IMC Gallery is excited to collaborate with the Arts of Life to present a group show curated by artist Tim Stone, of the Chicago Studio. The Arts of Life is a studio based community for adults with developmental disabilities.

Intrigued reflects both the maker and viewer in their approach to artwork.  During the creative process, artists experience fascination, maybe even fixation, on a particular idea or image.  After hours of making and re-making, their idea becomes a reality of paper, paint, collage, and canvas.  Once completed, they often hope to share that feeling with viewers through their art; to inspire that same curiosity.  

Works selected for this show represent a wide variety of creative practices and styles.  Its makers are part of an artist collective that promotes the exchange of skills and concepts. The Arts of Life creates a space where the unique identity of each member is integrated and included in the whole.

July 18: Artist and Writer Talks at the IMC: Jason Patterson & Brian Dolinar








Exploring African American History, In Illinois & Throughout The United States

DUI Judge Richard Klaus Fired

By Belden Fields of The Public i

In June, Champaign Country Associate Judge Richard Klaus was removed from his position by fellow Judges in the Sixth Judicial Circuit. This is the first time in 37 years that these judges have removed a colleague. The reason given was that attorneys and the public in the county had lost confidence in him. Indeed, the Champaign County Bar Association had urged that he not be considered for retention after observing ten years of his performance on the bench. To compound matters, County Chief Judge Difanis, a professed good friend of Klaus, had included him on the list for reconsideration even before the Bar Association had had a chance to offer its recommendations. For that, he was rebuked by the 6th District Chief Justice, Dan Flannell.

IMC Gallery Presents: Jamie Lovell The Human Endeavor

Do Police Need An MRAP? An Analysis of SWAT Raids in CU

Since Ferguson, and more recently Baltimore, the searing images of police wearing riot gear, carrying high-powered rifles, and riding in armored trucks, have made police militarization a national issue. Not only is this a trend in big cities, but also in small towns like Champaign-Urbana where police have recently acquired a Mine-Resistant Armor-Protected (MRAP) vehicle fresh from the wars in the Middle East.  

IMC Seeking Full-time Program Director - applications due June 3

The Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (IMC) is seeking a full time Program Director to coordinate volunteers, outreach, program development, and fundraising for the organization.  The Program Director is supported by a part time Operations Manager who manages the finances and facilities of the IMC.


Getting to the Heart of the Issue: The Proposal for a $32 Million Jail

Shasta Knox, a.k.a. “Klevah” [pictured right] ,an emcee at the center of a burgeoning hip hop movement in Urbana-Champaign, performed at a public forum about the broken criminal justice system. “It spoke directly to my heart,” she told me afterwards, “to see so many people passionate about something that affected me personally for most of my life.”

She revealed that when she was young her own mother was incarcerated. The years in prison did nothing to address her mother’s problems. “So much time that is wasted,” she said, “and families can literally be destroyed by this.”

Could Ferguson, New York or South Carolina happen here? Answer: It already has

"Science tells us, we [police officers] have limited time. Action is always faster than reaction. So what we are telling officers is, they have to understand that if you're waiting for a person to do something, chances are, you're going to be behind the curve, and you're going to have to play catch-up. Our policy, as it's written, states that an officer does not have to wait for a person to act first. But what we want an officer to be able to do is to look at the situation based on what we know about how a person may attack, assault, resist or run; and understand, that maybe, just maybe, we [police officers] want to act first in that situation."

Urbana IMC Celebrates our Collective Victory for Internet Freedom

WE DID IT! This morning the FCC voted 3-2 to adopt rules that prevent Internet service providers from blocking, throttling or otherwise discriminating against Web traffic and services. “The UCIMC was founded on the principle of media access, rights and representation – especially for underrepresented communities and perspectives,” shared 

C-U Black Activists Call for Diversity and Access at the University of Illinois

Two long-time African-American community activists, Terry Townsend and Martel Miller, will be holding a press conference on Friday, Feb. 27, 4 p.m. at the University YMCA in the Board Room (1001 S Wright St., Champaign). They are releasing a report documenting the failure of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to fulfill its land grant mission of providing accessibility to all residents of Illinois, particularly its African-American residents.

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