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From Middle English Spainish, Spanish, from Spain + -ish.



Spanish ‎(not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to Spain.
    • 2005, J. P. Sullivan, Martial, the unexpected classic, page 1
      Whether Martial's heart was in the Spanish highlands or whether he was happy enough in Rome will be discussed later []
  2. Of or pertaining to the people or culture of Spain.
    • 1996, Oscar Zeta Acosta, "From Whence I Came", Oscar "Zeta" Acosta: the uncollected works, page 42
      Though she was Indian like the rest of us, she had a fine Spanish nose.
    • 2007, Lynette Rohrer Shirk, The Everything Tapas and Small Plates Cookbook, chapter 1
      Spanish cuisine is not as spicy hot as Mexican, but it is flavorful and bright.
  3. Of or pertaining to the Spanish language.
    • 1918, Julián Moreno-Lacalle, Elements of Spanish Pronunciation, page 12
      Fundamentally, the Spanish vowel sounds are only five, even though as a matter of fact there may be different other sounds for such vowels as [a], [e] and [o].


Derived terms[edit]


Proper noun[edit]


  1. A Romance language primarily spoken in Spain and in the Americas.
    • 1873, Frederick Marryat, Mr. Midshipman Easy, page 163'
      "If he speaks Spanish, my daughter can converse with him ; she has but shortly arrived from Spain."
    • 1928, Otto Jespersen, An International Language, page 48
      Therefore in Novial, as well as in Esp-Ido, we simplify the spelling in all words containing double letters in the national languages, from which the words are taken: pasa (E pass, F passer), efekte, komun (F commun, E common), etc. In this we follow the beautiful example of Spanish, which writes pasar, efecto, común, etc., and even extend it to cases in which Spanish makes a distinction in sound and spelling, as with ll and rr: bel S bello, F belle, koresponda, S corresponder, etc.
    • 1995, Hanna Pishwa & Karl Maroldt (editors), The Development of Morphological Systematicity, page 146
      In contrast with the creole languages discussed above, the article systems of Rumanian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese are more complex, since neutralization fails to occur to a large extent.
  2. A town in Ontario, Canada



Derived terms[edit]


The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables, removing any numbers. Numbers do not necessarily match those in definitions. See instructions at Help:How to check translations.

See also[edit]


Spanish pl ‎(plural only)

  1. (collective plural) People of Spain, collectively.
    • 1976, Robert Rézette, The Spanish Enclaves in Morocco, page 62
      The Spanish are not the only ones selling their goods along the wharves and the inner streets.
  2. (US, collective in the plural) People of Hispanic origin.
    • 1970, Henry Sioux Johnson, William J. Hernández-Martinez, Educating the Mexican American, page 87
      Sixty-four percent more Spanish are functionally illiterate compared to Anglos in Lubbock (only 15 percent more of nonwhites than Anglos).




External links[edit]