Current Actions

SIGN THE PLEDGE: Don’t buy produce grown with toxic oil wastewater

According to Mother Jones magazine, popular California produce companies -- Sunview, Halos Mandarins, Trinchero, and Bee Sweet Citrus -- may be growing their crops with oil industry wastewater laced with toxic compounds and carcinogens. Join us and pledge to stop buying these potentially contaminated products until these companies prove they are NOT grown with oil wastewater!

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URGENT: Stop CA police from tracking your cell phone without a warrant

California law does NOT protect your electronic information from being accessed by law enforcement WITHOUT a warrant. This means that everything that you share online is at risk for being tracked. Join us to support the California Electronic Communications Act (SB 178) to modernize California’s privacy laws and REQUIRE law enforcement to obtain a warrant before they can access an individual’s personal electronic information.

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SIGN THE PETITION: Demand an investigation into corruption at San Francisco City Hall

Reporters are digging into secret recordings and documents that indicate the influence of dirty money could go all the way to the top: Mayor Ed Lee. And at the very least, a culture of corruption is rampant in City Hall. For years, it has been clear that San Francisco is being run for the benefit of a wealthy few who influence City Hall by controlling who is elected and how their campaigns are funded. This overwhelming influx of big money in politics is fundamentally corrupting the city's democracy. Sign the petition and call for a wide-ranging and completely independent investigation into political corruption in San Francisco!

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Tell CA legislators: Support bold climate action!

James Hansen, formerly NASA’s Climate Chief -- just released a terrifying paper that predicts unavoidable sea level rise unless we take major, immediate action. Join us and tell your California Legislators to drastically increase our investment in renewable energy, dramatically reduce car emissions, and make huge increases in energy efficiency!

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SIGN THE PETITION: Support racial justice in CA

California has one of the poorest racial and identity profiling laws in the country. And right now, a landmark bill is working its way through Sacramento that could fundamentally fix the broken law and reduce the epidemic of profiling and police brutality that has been threatening the lives and liberty of far too many people of color and minorities in California. AB 953 (by Assemblymember Shirley Weber) will help eliminate the harmful and unjust practice of racial and identity profiling in CA, and improve law enforcement transparency and accountability.

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SIGN ON to support #Health4All!

A majority of Californians support expanding Medi-Cal and Covered California to include all low-income Californians, regardless of their immigration status. Why? Because providing EVERYONE access to affordable, quality health coverage is not only the right thing to do, it is also cost-effective, and good for the economy and the health of our state.

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Sign the petition for debt-free college

Our goal is for presidential candidates and the entire Democratic Party to make debt-free college central to 2016 messaging -- and it's working. Presidential candidates are starting to talk about the issue. But we need your help to build on this momentum!

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SIGN THE PLEDGE: Boycott El Super!

Fermín Rodriguez, an employee of El Super -- a California-based, Mexican owned supermarket chain -- was terminated after 9 years of work. The offense? Fighting for a better life for himself, his family, and his coworkers. No employee should be FIRED for standing up for their rights. Join us to stand with Fermín and show El Super that we will not stand for its illegal and intimidating tactics

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Tell Disney and Google to join the fight to Make It Fair!

Google and Disney -- two world-renowned companies that exemplify California’s strengths -- have the opportunity to fight for fair property taxes and help rebuild our state’s schools and communities. And we need your help to make sure they do the right thing.

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Join Moby to tell Gov. Brown: Stop Corporate Agribusinesses from tapping out CA’s precious water!

Corporate agribusinesses are growing more and more water-intensive crops and guzzling down California’s precious water supply. It's taken centuries to build up California's groundwater reserves, and if we draw it down, we won’t be able to get it back. Join Moby, Courage Campaign, and Food & Water Watch to ask Governor Jerry Brown to realign California’s water rights now!

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Success Stories

VICTORY: Supreme Court rules marriage equality for all!!!

WE DID IT! After years of fighting, with courageous members like YOU by our side, couples everywhere finally have protection under the law to love and wed whomever they want! Help us celebrate this historic victory by sharing the news on Facebook!!

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PROGRESS: Governor Brown agrees to help provide healthcare to undocumented children!

Thanks to thousands of Courage Campaign members who signed on to support #Health4All, Governor Brown just agreed to provide healthcare to undocumented children. While we should hold our heads high from this historic win, we must keep fighting to help provide healthcare to hardworking, undocumented adults who still lack access to affordable healthcare.

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VICTORY: Governor Brown approves a budget for One California!

Governor Brown just signed the California budget and included $15 million for the One California proposal. Thanks to the courage of over 14,000 members and activists, eligible immigrants will now get the support they need to apply for DACA, DAPA and citizenship, which will ultimately help contribute up to $27.5 billion dollars to the state's economy, keep families together, and lift over 40,000 children out of poverty. Celebrate this historic win by sharing the news on Facebook!

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VICTORY: California teachers get their money out of guns!

California teachers just had a major victory in our fight to prevent gun violence, and it is thanks in no small part to thousands of Courage members like you who signed on to support them. Earlier this month, CalSTRS, the largest teachers’ pension fund in the world, successfully divested $500 million from gun manufacturer Remington Outdoors.

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VICTORY!!! We stopped the Comcast/Time Warner Cable merger!

Thanks to Courage Campaign's 100,000 members and a united effort to prevent Comcast from acquiring Time Warner Cable, the merger has been called off!! Help us celebrate this victory by sharing the news on Facebook.

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WINNER! Courage member wins a new laptop!!

A big congrats to Julie A. of Long Beach who just won our 2014 Fall laptop raffle! And it's a win-win. Julie now has the tools to be an even more courageous activist, and Courage Campaign has the support to fight for a more progressive California and country!

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Prop 47 passes! A HISTORIC win for smarter sentencing in CA.

Californians voted, by HUGE margins, to alleviate prison overcrowding and invest in our schools. This is a big step towards ending the racist, wasteful "War on Drugs" by reducing the lowest-level, nonviolent crimes -- such as simple drug possession and petty theft -- from felonies to misdemeanors.

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CPUC President to step down after PG&E uproar

VICTORY! California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) President Michael Peevey announced that he will not be seeking reappointment after thousands of Courage members called him out for facilitating a dangerous and incestuous relationship between the CPUC and one of the largest utilities it regulates, PG&E.; Applaud the courageous activists who kept up the pressure on the CPUC by sharing the news on Facebook.

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Google, Facebook, and Yelp cut ties with right-wing group ALEC

Thanks to the tireless activism of over 90,000 Courage members, Google, Facebook, and Yelp decided to cut ties with the Koch Brothers-backed extremist group ALEC (the American Legislative Exchange Council). We now must turn our focus to the internet giants eBay, AOL, and Expedia and urge them to join the ALEC Exodus. This is your opportunity to join our exciting campaign and help us build the momentum. CLICK HERE to join the fight!

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Gun Violence Restraining Order passes in CA!

Thanks to the COURAGEOUS activism of thousands of our members and our allies, Gov. Brown signed a critical bill that was written in direct response to the tragic mass shooting near UC Santa Barbara earlier this year, and will allow those closest to a troubled individual -- including friends, family, and intimate partners -- to act when there are warning signs that a person is at risk for violence. Share this big win for gun safety with your friends on Facebook!

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