KKK tries to "recruit" Fayetteville police chief


And he was not amused, to say the least:

In a word, Fayetteville Police Chief Harold Medlock is angry. He says the KKK left a racist flyer on his front lawn and he told ABC11 he believes he was target. Now, he has a message for the white supremacist group.

"When you start trying to intimidate people I take it seriously. When you try to intimidate me I take it seriously," said Medlock. "If they have a problem with me, I'll be happy to meet them anytime anywhere and well will discuss their issues with me."

Don't hold your breath. If they had any castanets they wouldn't slink around wearing their pointy white hoods.

The disingenuous faux-Libertarian attack on renewables

Ripping up the astroturf:

The attack dogs in this war are funded by Koch Industries and include Americans for Prosperity, American Energy Alliance and the American Legislative Exchange Council. They frame their attacks as a defense of the free market and fiscal conservatism. Yet even a cursory examination of their positions reveals they’re not defending the free market but attempting to protect the fossil fuel industry from competition.

Not sure if this Conservative's opinion signals a movement growing or is simply an anomaly, but the fossil fuel industry's actions are blatantly obvious. Harnessing clean, renewable energy resources like Solar has been a wildly popular idea for decades, and now that we're finally seeing a massive surge in installations, any pushback on that is liable to carry a heavy political price. One can hope, anyway.

Friday News: Political stunts edition


NC House Democrat: $750 ‘bonus’ is GOP stunt for larger pay hike next year (Raleigh News & Observer) -- Democratic Rep. Graig Meyer blasted Republicans for giving state workers a $750 one-time bonus instead of a larger raise, arguing that the budget decision will allow the GOP to approve a much bigger raise ahead of next year’s election. Meyer – a Hillsborough social worker and school administrator who represents parts of Orange and Durham counties – wrote that analysis in a blog post Wednesday .

Jan Allen Day in Chapel Hill

Today is Jan Allen Day in Chapel Hill. A wonderful thing!

Posted by James Protzman on Thursday, September 3, 2015

Because it's funny.

Senate wants to expand use of SolarBees

If it works, break it, and if it doesn't work, institutionalize it:

In 2013, the General Assembly passed a pilot program to put SolarBees on Jordan Lake to churn up harmful algae. The results of that program should be available later this year.

The Senate version of the budget would expand the in-lake strategy to other impaired bodies of water, such as Falls Lake.

Why (you might ask) would the normally penny-pinching Senate want to expand the use and associated funding of a technology that has yet to prove itself? The answer is pretty simple. It was merely a distraction to begin with, so whether it works or not is tangential at best. The true goal was to continue to delay implementation of the Jordan Lake Rules, while also doing away with riparian buffers and other sound stormwater runoff abatement practices. Evidence of the uselessness of SolarBees was readily available before they got their little floaters wet in Jordan Lake:

Thursday News: March madness edition


Lawmakers ponder primary move to March (WRAL-TV) -- A bill that would move North Carolina's presidential primary from May to March was on hold Wednesday as lawmakers discuss whether to move all other primaries to March as well.

N.C. weighing single March 2016 primary for all races (AP) — North Carolina legislators are considering whether to move all primary elections next year to March, not just the presidential primaries, key House and Senate leaders said Wednesday.


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