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Big Daddy Sen. Robert C. Byrd

Former WV Sec of State Helen Holt dies at 101

by: heath_harrison

Mon Jul 13, 2015 at 22:07:24 PM EDT

Statement from Natalie Tennant's office:
  Charleston, W.Va. - It is with great sadness that West Virginia Secretary of State Natalie E. Tennant announces the passing of her predecessor, Dr. Helen Holt. She was 101 years old.

   Helen Holt served as West Virginia's 19th Secretary of State from 1957 to 1959, making her the first woman to ever hold a statewide office.

   "Helen Holt was not only my predecessor, but also my mentor and my friend," Secretary Tennant said. "Our friendship originated from our mutual love of West Virginia and our shared passion for public service and it grew to become one of the most meaningful relationships in my life. I will miss our frequent chats and her contagious laughter. My heart is broken at this news, but I feel fortunate to have known Mrs. Holt as long as I did."

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Governor Tomblin's statement on the U.S. Supreme Court decision

by: Carnacki

Fri Jun 26, 2015 at 13:03:39 PM EDT

Governor Tomblin Issues Statement Following Supreme Court Ruling on Same-Sex Marriage

​CHARLESTON, W.Va. (June 26, 2015) - Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin today issued the below statement following today's Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage:

"Since the federal court decision in October 2014, West Virginia has recognized same-sex marriages and state agencies have taken the necessary steps to ensure equal protection. The Supreme Court's ruling confirms those actions, and I continue to encourage all West Virginians, regardless of their personal beliefs, to uphold our state's tradition of treating one another with dignity and respect."

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Manypenny files early papers in WV-01 Congressional race; Tomblin sought for WV-03

by: heath_harrison

Tue Apr 28, 2015 at 23:36:55 PM EDT


Former state Delegate Mike Manypenny has opened an early campaign account to run for Congress in northern West Virginia.

On Monday, the Democrat filed paperwork to start raising money to run in the 1st Congressional District.

The progressive Manypenny would face either incumbent Republican U.S. Rep. David McKinley, or, if McKinley makes the expected run for governor, a yet-to-be-named Republican (which, based on WV GOP history, would be imported from New Jersey, Maryland,  Florida or possibly Guam).

- In other 2016 news, Gov. Earl Ray Tomblin, who leaves office in 2017, is being courted to run for Nick Rahall's old seat in the southern coalfields WV-03 race. Tomblin has not decided if he will mount a challenge to Republican-turned-Democrat-turned-Republican U.S. Rep. Evan Jenkins.

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Our Republican Legislature and Taxes

by: wvblueguy

Thu Apr 23, 2015 at 13:52:37 PM EDT

 photo Screen Shot 2015-04-23 at 12.52.06 PM.png

Latest post from Chris Regan Vice Chair of the West Virginia Democratic Party from his blog Home Yesterday.

Senator Bill Cole has a big plan for West Virginia. It’s not his plan, mind you, but here it comes. Cole took center stage last week for legislative “interim” meetings. He announced that he’d like major changes to taxes in West Virginia. Wait till you find out what kind of changes he means.

Being against taxes is favorable ground for any politician. People don’t like taxes. But at some level, we all realize that the roads won’t pave themselves, good schools cost money, and we need law and order — none of them comes free and we have too little of all three in West Virginia, not too much. Compared to other states, West Virginia’s taxes are actually low, particularly our taxes on business and industry, which have already seen substantial tax cuts in recent years, when Democrats were in charge. 

Read the rest on his Blog...

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The Effect of Manchin's Decision

by: wvblueguy

Sun Apr 19, 2015 at 18:19:43 PM EDT

One of the most shared Diaries on Daily Kos today involved Senator Manchin's decision to stay in the Senate and run for re-election to the Senate in 2018. You can read it by clicking here.

But without Manchin on the ballot next year, it will be a lot more difficult for Mountain State Democrats to hold the open governor's mansion. State Senate Minority Leader Jeff Kessler created an exploratory committee even before Manchin made his plans clear, and U.S. Attorney Booth Goodwin didn't rule anything out earlier this month. Team Blue still has a decent bench here, so there are other politicians who may take a look at this post now that they know they won't need to face Manchin in the primary. But none of them have Manchin's name recognition or popularity, and they'll need to work hard to win in this conservative state.

In the comment section it is worth reading the words of Meteor Blades a well known diarist on environmental issues at Daily Kos ofering advice for Senator Manchin...

Some Advice for Senator Manchin 

...Yes, you come from a "coal state." The livelihoods of 30,000 people in West Virginia, including miners, mine contractors, coal preparation plant employees and mine supply companies, depend on the industry. The total state workforce: 800,000. So coal directly provides about 4% of the total jobs.

The state collects about $800 million a year in revenue from coal operations. Total state revenue: $5.5 billion. Coal thus provides about 15% of total revenue.

The industry estimates that, overall, the coal industry adds about $3.5 billion annually to the state's GDP. Total GDP for West Virginia: $78 billion. Coal thus provides around 4.5% of the total GDP for the state.

But coal production in West Virginia (and thus the accompanying jobs, revenue and economic benefits) are shifting west.

Instead of battling against measures that will reduce the amount of coal used to generate electricity, Sen. Manchin should be a leader in efforts to transition his state to renewable energy sources—including manufacturing—backing moves that will build a much healthier economy for West Virginia and the nation. 


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Senator Joe Manchin Running for Reelection to Senate in 2018

by: wvblueguy

Sun Apr 19, 2015 at 11:53:12 AM EDT

From CBS... 

Key now is for West Virginia Democrats to find a real Democrat to run for Governor. Comment from Belinda Biafore state chair on the WV Dem Facebook page.

Senator Joe Manchin has made his decision. We appreciate his dedicated public service and look forward to him continuing to work tirelessly for the people of West Virginia. Rest assured, that we will have a strong nominee for Governor in 2016.

Belinda Biafore, Chair


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Manchin-commissioned poll shows him leading Morrisey in governor's race

by: heath_harrison

Thu Apr 16, 2015 at 16:40:47 PM EDT

Manchin, who served as governor for five years before joining the Senate in 2010, would defeat the state's GOP attorney general, Patrick Morrisey, in a head-to-head matchup by 30 points, according to a polling memo provided to POLITICO. The poll, conducted by the Democratic firm Global Strategy Group, found Manchin with a 66 percent approval rating, compared with a 25 percent favorable rating for Morrisey. Two other potential GOP candidates - Rep. David McKinley and Bill Cole, president of the state Senate - have low name recognition and would start off at a steep disadvantage, the poll says.
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WV TV legend Mr. Cartoon dies at 91

by: heath_harrison

Thu Apr 16, 2015 at 16:35:36 PM EDT


HUNTINGTON, W.Va. (WSAZ) -- The WSAZ family is sad to announce Jule Huffman, also known as "Mr. Cartoon," has died.

Jule was a weather reporter at WSAZ for 38 years, but he will be remembered, forever, in the hearts of WSAZ viewers, as "Mr. Cartoon."

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Small gub'mint conservatives override Tomblin veto of forced birther bill

by: heath_harrison

Fri Mar 06, 2015 at 16:56:57 PM EST

In a 27-5 vote, Senate Republicans and conservacrats have joined the House in declaring that, after 20 weeks, women shall remain pregnant by order of the state, with no exceptions for rape or incest.

The unconstitutional law is set to take effect in 90 days. New Jersey West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey is already giddy to waste taxpayer dollars and resources to defend it in court, despite its futility.

And from this episode, we have learned that the legislature agrees with its nuttier members on three key points:

1. Rape pregnancies are beautiful

"Obviously rape is awful. What is beautiful is the child that could come from this."
-- Del. Brian Kurcaba, R-Monongalia

2. Women are nothing more than appliances

If you take a gallon of milk and place it in the refrigerator, it doesn't make that gallon of milk a part of the refrigerator. The refrigerator keeps the milk from spooling. The womb is the most protective place in the world, but it has become victim to the hearts and minds of the people."
--Del. Kayla Kessinger, R-Fayette

3. Pregnancy has nothing to do with women's health
"[This] "isn't about a woman's body. It's about the child she is carrying."
-- Del. Saira Blair, R- Berkeley
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Working Families rally set for Saturday at state capitol

by: heath_harrison

Tue Mar 03, 2015 at 19:56:33 PM EST

Speakers to include: AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, UWUA Vice President John Duffy, USW Secretary Treasurer Stan Johnson, North America Building Trades President Sean McGarvey, NEA President Lily Garcia, AFT President Randi Weingarten, Teamsters General Secretary-Treasurer Ken Hall and UMWA President Cecil Roberts.

Event kicks off at noon, March 7 on the riverside capitol steps, and is set to rally workers against the attack on working familes coming from our new GOP legislature, on issues such as "Right to Work," repeal of prevailing wage, worker safety and charter schools.

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Drug test lawmakers on public dole?

by: heath_harrison

Tue Mar 03, 2015 at 19:02:55 PM EST

Posted by Delegate Justin J. Marcum, D-Mingo on Facebook:

Today we are considering a Bill to drug test those who receive TANF benefits. I have proudly co-sponsored an Amendment to require legislators, the Governor, and all members of YOUR state government to also be drug tested before being tested. Let's hope the new majority will support my amendment. Thanks to Delegates Jeff Eldridge and and Ralph Rodighiero for helping me with this.

Considering the nutty ideas coming out of this legislature, one has to wonder if many of them could pass.  

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Tomblin vetoes abortion bill

by: heath_harrison

Tue Mar 03, 2015 at 11:51:48 AM EST

The governor moves on the unconstitutional forced birther trainwreck (with no exceptions for rape or incest). Now it heads back to the Legislature, where only a simple majority is needed to override.

Governor's veto statement is available here.

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GOP House votes to repeal prevailing wage, 56-39

by: heath_harrison

Sat Feb 28, 2015 at 18:43:29 PM EST

Headed to Gov. Tomblin for action.

Despite the fact that that there's no demand from WV employers for this wage gutting and attack on workers, the new Republican majority is swiftly moving on their real mandate: the one set by their out-of-state donors.

See how delegates voted here.

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Chris Regan - The Worst Day Yet was the Best So Far

by: wvblueguy

Thu Feb 26, 2015 at 13:01:44 PM EST

Another great article written by Chris Regan the Vice Chair of the West Virginia Democratic Party.  Another good read. Posted here at wvablue with the permission of Christopher J. Regan.

Wednesday, February 25th, 2015 should be a long-remembered day in West Virginia. Some are calling it the worst day yet for this Republican legislative session. I feel differently. I think it was the day equal rights for gay and lesbian West Virginians shifted from a long-held dream of some of to a near-certainty for all. The longer the day went on, the clearer it became that equality will prevail in the Mountain State. House Bill 2881 has showed us the future.

It didn’t feel that way at first. Listening the Republican-controlled House Government Organization Committee debate, and following the discussion online, there were depressing posts and comments. The hardest to read were those from West Virginians who felt totally disillusioned that in 2015, any part of our State government would pass a law targeting LGTB West Virginians and trying to legitimize discrimination against them. Some said they felt like leaving and never coming back. Others wrote movingly of how much they cared about their home State and how they wished it would love them, as much as they love it.

But after reading those understandable and justified reactions, I went looking for the arguments in favor of this bill. It’s part of my job to read them. Anyway, there’s always a controversy on every bill isn’t there? When Republicans take aim at working families’ wages, they at least have a position – even if it’s a wrong one – for what they are doing. When they try to cut back safety for coal miners, they have a position – even if it’s a wrong one – and they’ll tell it to you. Even when they go after vaccinations against disease, a move we know is a wrong one, they’ll give you some reason why they’re doing it

What did they have to say for their (it’s actually copied from Arkansas) anti-gay bill? Nothing. They were on the run from the jump, ridiculously naming their bill the “West Virginia Interstate Commerce Improvement Act.” Even the reliably-conservative Hoppy Kercheval tweaked them for that. And they stayed on the run throughout the day, basically spending the whole time pretending the bill was about something else and avoiding direct questions about what they were up to. When the vote to exempt existing anti-discrimination ordinances occurred, the Chairman refused to let those voting against be identified in the record.

Click below to read the rest of this article:

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Copycat WV Legislature... Seeks to prohibit local non-discrimination laws UPDATED

by: wvblueguy

Wed Feb 25, 2015 at 15:27:34 PM EST

ALEC and friends are on the West Virginia Legislative agenda again with sponsors on both sides of the aisle to pass H.B. 2881 cobbled together from an act passed in Arkansas and awaiting passage in Texas (as dictated by ALEC). The Bill presumes to make West Virginia more business friendly in their mind by prohibiting cities and counties from enacting ordinances that protect any class of citizens not aready protected by state law. It woud also nullify any previous ordinances that don't comply with their Bill. The Bill is aimed directly at the LGBT community.  

"Such uniform laws will benefit the businesses, organizations and employers seeking to do business in our state and will attract new ones to our state," the bill claims, despite the fact that businesses successfully navigate variations in local ordinances without issue.

"HB 2881 not only prohibits the rights of communities to govern themselves but it also interferes with democracy in its purest form: city and town councils," Andrew Schneider, Executive Director of Fairness West Virginia said in an email. "When a nondiscrimination ordinance or resolution is considered or passed, each community has the opportunity to speak out against it, vote the city or town leadership out of office, or repeal the ordinance. There’s no need for interference by the state legislature." 

The legislation has strong support already, including eight Republican and three Democratic co-sponsors.

Read more here.  The bill itself can be read by clicking here.  Not much to read but it will get the job done for the folks that want to keep LGBT folks from being protected from discrimination. 

Sponsors are:  Lynn Arvin (R-Raleigh), Tom Fast (R-Fayette), Kayla Kessinger (R-Fayette), Mike Azinger (R-Wood), Jim Butler (R-Wood), Rick Moye (R-Raleigh), Rupert Phillips (D-Logan), Danny Hamrick (R-Harrison), Ray Canterbury (R-Greenbrier), David Perry (D-Fayette),and Anna Border-Sheppard (R-Wood). The Bill is scheduled for a vote in the House Government Organization Committee today.

So if you live in Raleigh, Fayette, Wood, Logan, Harrison or Greenbrier County let these backward folks know how you feel about another obnoxious piece of legislation that if passed will keep West Virginia in the Dark Ages.

UPDATE: The Bill is out of Committee as of tonight.  Read this and get MAD abd FIGHT this Republican BS!!

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Republicans Hang a "For Sale" Sign on our Capitol by Chris Regan

by: wvblueguy

Tue Feb 24, 2015 at 23:09:58 PM EST

WVa Blue is pleased to pass on the latest article published by Chris Regan the newly elected Vice Chair of the WV Democratic Party titled Republicans Hang a "For Sale" Sign on our Capitol . Chris doesn't hold anything back when talking about the current folks holding power in the WV House of Delegates and the WV Senate. Our readers shouldn't hold back either. It will take real Democrats to change the tide in West Virginia. Mr Regan puts it in words that are easily understood by all who are in Republican crosshairs. If you are an Independent who believes in the traditional ideals of the Democratic Party do what Chris Regan did.  Register as a Democrat and join the fight.

You can read his article on the next page by clicking below...

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WV Republicans are as Nutty as Bill O'Reilly

by: wvblueguy

Tue Feb 24, 2015 at 20:51:15 PM EST

The WV Legislature is proving to be as nutty and out of touch as Bill O'Reilly as mentioned by Eric Enberg in a recent interview. Do they honestly believe that House Bill 2509 can pass muster much less survive a veto.  It gets worse here every day... read it and weep:

Language from WV House Bill 2509:

" (a) Any official, agent or employee of the United States Government or an employee of any corporation or other entity providing services to the United States Government, who enforces or attempts to enforce an act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation, pursuant to either the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) or the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152) is guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $2,500 or imprisoned in a state correctional facility not less than one year, or both fined and imprisoned.

(b) An official, agent or employee of this state who enforces or attempts to enforce an act, order, law, statute, rule or regulation, pursuant to either the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (P.L. 111-148) or the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (P.L. 111-152) is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than $5,000 or confined in jail not more than one year, or both fined and confined." 

Dumb and Dumber no help for these crazies.  Bill submitted by Larry Faircloth (R-Berkley) with co-sponsors McGeehan (R-Hancock), Moffat (R- Putnam), Kessinger (R - Fayette), J Nelson (R -Boone) and Ihle (R -Jackson).  Obviously the Bill is unconstitutional and a real disgrace to our legislature that such a Bill could by moved on to a committee.  It is also an insult to all the citizens of our state that are enjoying the benefits of the Affordable Care Act. Such a waste of time and effort. 

More info on this crappy bill can be read in the Charleston Gazette titled GOP-backed bill would make it criminal to enforce ACA in W.Va. by Eric Eyre please read here

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Ohio Governor Kasich out of Step with WV Republicans on Right to Work

by: wvblueguy

Mon Feb 23, 2015 at 12:45:16 PM EST

Members of the West Virginia House of Delegates and the WV Senate are very serious about passing Right to Work Legislation.  Much to their chagrin they had to listen to Ohio Governor John Kasich tell them that the such a law hasn't held Ohio back according to an article by Dave Gutman in today's Charleston Gazette.

Surrounded by Republican legislators who are pushing for West Virginia to pass a “right-to-work” law, Ohio’s Republican governor said last week that a similar move was not necessary in his state.

There is no indication that businesses are staying away from Ohio just because it has not passed a right-to-work law, Gov. John Kasich said. “No, we don’t see that in our state, I don’t have any evidence of it,” Kasich said. “Now, if we have major unrest I think it causes a problem, but without major labor unrest, we’re up 300,000, almost 300,000 jobs and I don’t find that to be a big issue in our state.”

WV Senate President Bill Cole (R-Mercer) a strong advocate of a Right to Work Law in West Virginia had this to say...

Senate President Bill Cole, R-Mercer, has advocated for right-to-work and was standing next to Kasich when the governor gave his remarks.

“He’s taking the high road,” Cole said. “I’m not out to break a union or to do any of that stuff, I’m just out to try and free up any avenue that brings economic growth to West Virginia.”

Ohio’s Legislature, which is also controlled by Republicans, has considered right-to-work legislation in recent years, but it has never come close to passing.

“But what works in Ohio may,” Cole paused. “We’re the same but we’re different.”

Real Democrats need to support our Union Brothers and Sisters to insure that Right to Work does not pass in this or any other session of our legislature.

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WV Wins Last Place Again

by: wvblueguy

Sat Feb 21, 2015 at 22:08:48 PM EST

WV is still the unhappiest State in the nation as reported in the Washington Post.. Check it out. Our Republican Masters in Charleston are doing everything they can to keep us there!

The 2014 edition shows Alaskans near the head of the pack in every category. Texans and New Mexicans had the second and third greatest sense of purpose. Only Hawaiians were more pleased than Alaskans with their financial and physical lives. Inhabitants of the Last Frontier were happier with their communities than anyone but South Dakotans and Montanans. And they scored the seventh-highest in social satisfaction; South Dakota, Wyoming and South Carolina made up the top three.

While the 10 most satisfied states were all in the West and Midwest, residents of the Rust Belt and the South were the most unhappy. West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio and Mississippi dwelled at the bottom of the rankings. Virginia landed in the 14th position, while Maryland fell at 29th.

Well-being surveys aren’t just for bragging rights. Previous surveys have found that better scores are related to positive outcomes such as lower workplace absenteeism rates, better performance at work, lower obesity rates, and lower rates of teen pregnancy and crime. 


Not fair to give so much credit to the Republicans as the Republicrats support for the phony War on Coal and hating Obama assured that our state would make the bottom of the heap for the fourth straight year. Maybe if real Democrats ran the State this could be changed.

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Maddow on WV train explosion

by: heath_harrison

Tue Feb 17, 2015 at 21:44:53 PM EST

From last night's show:
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