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Wednesday, October 1, 2014

artificial reef park indonesia

Teguh Ostenrik, the Indonesian artist vagabond, has finally brought to life his underwater fascination to realize his environmental concern, with artworks planted deep in the waters around Senggigi, Lombok.
But instead of the delicate shapes and colors that often form his canvases, a maze-like structure seems to push its tentacles underneath the water mass. Soon corals will be covering the iron bars of scrap metal through whose pipes a light electric stream flows.
The project was launched on May 24, an uses the biorock artificial reef park indonesia system, which turns dissolved minerals in seawater into biorock or “seament,” to accelerate coral growth six times faster than natural growth.
The initiative is a collaborative effort by the Lombok Hotel Association (LHA) and the Indonesian Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Ministry, with support from the Gili Eco Trust.
Starting off in the middle of Senggigi Beach, it is planned to extend to the entire length of the beach.
Teguh’s installation, which he calls Domus Sepiae, or Squid House, appears like artists’ floating palettes dancing five meters below the surface of the water. The lightweight appearance is deceptive, as each of the 16 modules of six-millimeter-thick iron plates, measuring 130 by 140 centimeters, weights 200 kilograms. Each is set on a two-meter-high iron pole.
“I have made holes in the thick plates as a way of fortification against strong currents and to allow fish to play around or hide from predators,” Teguh says.
“The poles are linked to each other to ensure that they stand firm even against strong currents.”
Asked how working with scrap metal this time differed from the process for his scrap metal works in the Defacement series in 2008, the artist says that this time he had to heed the guidelines from Delphine Robbe to protect the budding corals from being crushed when the structure trembles.
How did he come to be so passionate about the coral reefs?
“I was shocked when I found that the underwater landscape near Senggigi was barren like the Sahara desert,” Teguh says, explaining his resolve to use his art to reclaim the coral reefs.
He had been diving there nearly 30 years ago, admiring the underwater paradise. His fascination led him to present his amazing installation “Alam Dibawah Air” in 1988 at the building that now is the National Gallery. The public was invited into a darkened room, and entering it as if coming into the realm of the underwater world, one was provided a mask to make the illusion more real when looking at his paintings featuring his artistic representations of this wondrous world.
But when he returned to Lombok in 2011 he was taken aback: instead of the coral reefs and the pristine paradise with schools of fish, lobster and squid that he vividly remembered, he found a lifeless underwater desert.
Apalled, the artist whose sublime series “Homo Sapiens,” with his ancient images morphing the past with the present,  then decided to do what he considers his mission as an artist living amid such grave environmental degradation.
Indonesia, which has the highest coral reef biodiversity in the world, has only 6 percent left in a pristine state. Overfishing, dynamite fishing, pollution and other factors have left the rest destroyed or damaged.
When invited for a residency at Qunci Villas in Lombok, Teguh proposed to research the possibility of revitalizing the coral reefs through his art works.
“Rather than only making works to decorate walls with, I wanted my art to help recover the reefs that are the habitats of fish and so many other  species and the livelihood of the people dependent on them,” he says.
He learned of biorock, the artificial reef system that has been applied in other places, and was fortunate to get to know Robbe, the passionate and inspiring director of Gili Eco Trust, a local nongovernmental organization with an active involvement in protecting coral reefs.
After a lot of effort collecting enough scrap metal from around Lombok, Teguh then created his underwater installation that he called Domus Sepiae.
While other foreign artists have previously been involved in such efforts, Teguh is the first to provide his own materials, according to Robbe. For the others, the Gili Eco Trust provided for their needs.
And on May 24, the ARTificial Reef Park that Teguh denoted as an underwater museum was launched, off the beach from de Quake restaurant, located approximately midway along Senggigi. It is planned to extend along the entire beach eventually.
“I hope other artists will be interested in collaborating,” the 64-year-old says

for more information about artificial reef park indonesia , please kindly visit

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Soto Betawi di Gading Serpong

GADINGSERPONG - menu sup pasti sudah tidak asing di telinga foodies. Makanan Indonesia yang terbuat dari daging dan kaldu sayuran terkenal karena kelezatan. Salah satu menu sup yang cukup populer adalah sup daging sapi. Ingin mencicipi menu, sepertinya Anda perlu datang ke Roxy Restaurant Soto H Darwasa. restoran gading serpong ini terletak di Bolsena komersial, ini adalah cabang pertama dari Soto Roxy H Darwasa. Di restoran Jakarta cukup legendaris, seperti yang telah didirikan sejak tahun 1950 lalu. Tidak hanya usia tua terkenal, restoran gading serpong ini terkenal untuk melayani sup daging yang memiliki rasa khusus. "Khusus untuk kaldu sup, kaldu daging kita menggunakan dicampur dengan santan dicampur dengan rempah-rempah pilihan. Jadi rasanya lebih enak dan aman untuk makan karena mereka tidak menggunakan rasa bumbu, seperti monosodium glutamat (MSG)," kata Zulkarnain, pemilik Soto Roxy H Darwasa. Ada beberapa menu sup yang bisa dipilih sesuai keinginan pelanggan. Ada yang digoreng dan direbus sup daging, daging sapi paru-paru, lidah, kikil, usus dan vena. "Isi sup dapat disesuaikan dengan selera pelanggan," kata Zulkarnain. Dia menambahkan bahwa salah satu favorit dan terlaris menu di sini digoreng sup daging. "Jadi dalam daging goreng pertama, dan kemudian disajikan dengan sup saus. Sebagai pelengkap diberi kerupuk dan irisan daun bawang. Jangan lupa wedges kapur untuk lebih terasa segar". Untuk mendapatkan porsi menu, Anda tidak perlu menghabiskan mendalam. Semua menu sup di sini mulai dari Rp 28.000. Sementara itu, dalam rangka untuk memanjakan pelanggannya,restoran gading serpong Soto H Darwasa Roxy melayani rencana paket untuk katering, pertemuan sosial, pernikahan, dan pertemuan.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Masakan Kepiting

Kuliner - Masakan seafood terkenal kelezatannya. Dari sekian banyak korban dari hidangan makanan laut, kepiting adalah salah satu yang menjadi favorit banyak orang. Di balik cangkang keras, daging kepiting memiliki tekstur yang lembut dan lezat. Nah, untuk pecinta makanan pecinta kepiting olahan, ada satu tempat di Gading Serpong yang dapat menjadi tujuan referensi kuliner Anda. Leaf Crab Restaurant nama Jembo. Family restaurant konsep restoran yang memiliki menu andalan yang patut dicoba, daun kepiting jembo terbakar. Sebelum diolah, kepiting bumbu racikan diolesi pilihan pertama. Agar bumbu lebih meresap, kepiting direbus dan kemudian digoreng dengan pembungkus daun pisang. "Bungkus daun pisang dibuat campuran rempah-rempah yang lebih luas. Tampaknya cukup menggoda, daging lembut, lezat, dan tidak terlalu pedas saat dimakan. Untuk kepiting, pelanggan bebas memilih sesuka hati. Ada pilihan kepiting jantan, telur, dan jumbo, "kata Harris F Aison, Crab Restaurant General Manager Leaves Jembo pemilik restoran gading serpong. Ada juga pilihan lain kepiting olahan senilai check-out. Seperti saus lada hitam kepiting, gurun, dan tiram. Namun, bagi pelanggan yang ingin merasakan sensasi kepiting persiapan soft shell, menu kepiting soka bisa menjadi pilihan. "Jika menu ini, soft shell dan mudah untuk membuka. Jadi, pelanggan tidak perlu repot-repot untuk memakannya," kata Haris. Tidak hanya kepiting menu, pergi Haris, di mana ia juga menyajikan menu seafood olahan lainnya. Mulai dari panggang ikan kuwe lilin jimbaran, kerang madu, panggang cumi melompat telur jembo udang rebus, dan berbagai sayuran olahan. Sementara haus rilis, bandung es yang terbuat dari campuran fanta jeruk dan santan dan es bisa menjadi pilihan yang pas. "Untuk Berbicara tentang harga menu sekarang tetap laris es jeruk kelapa., Semua menu kami mulai dai tag harga Rp 40 ribu," pungkasnya

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


What were your favorite breakfast cereals when you were a kid?

One of the reasons I ask this is because I can't remember the last time I had a bowl of cereal for breakfast -- I've been working 12-hour nights for years, and concepts like "breakfast time," "lunch time," and "supper time" do not figure prominently in my life. I eat what I can eat when I need to eat it, the presence or the absence of the sun be damned. "Breakfast" often consists of half a submarine sandwich, "lunch" usually involves a salad, a yogurt, and the other half of the sub, and it's not odd for me to have a Western omelette for "supper" before bedtime. Drinking lots of beer over the years has helped just a little more than it's harmed me in this regard -- but that's a subject for another post. Now back to cereals...

I ate dozens of cereals when I was but a tiny mockling. I remember eating both Quisp and Fruit Brute at least once -- do either of those brands ring a bell, senoras and horsemen? I even remember eating Lucky Charms when that brand only featured four different marshmallows. But there are three cereals from my kidhood that I seem to recall liking the most: Cinnamon Life, Frosted Flakes, and Rice Chex. I might have been the only kid in my hometown who liked Rice Chex.

One cereal I couldn't stand was Cocoa Puffs. Never liked it, never will. Sonny, to me, was the perfect mascot for that cereal -- you truly had to be cuckoo to enjoy eating that shit. I didn't like Kellogg's Corn Flakes, either, but at one point in my life, economic troubles forced my nuclear family to live with my maternal grandparents, and they ate Corn Flakes for breakfast. This meant I was going to eat Corn Flakes for breakfast, too, so I eventually got used to that. But I don't think I'll ever acquire a taste for Cocoa Puffs.

Ho-kay, enough about me. What about you?

Ideas and Diplomacy

This week is the week that my ideas about international relations and problem-solving (example here) seem to be gaining a higher profile and even some currency. Not that I wrote any of the articles or can even claim the ideas as original thought. I can claim a longstanding belief in the underlying ideals and have articulated them in a variety of ways over four decades. So I am pleased to see that others are presenting these ideas to a larger audience.

The Institute for Policy Studies just released a report called "Just Security" in which the US would act "as a global partner, not a global boss".
Among other features, "Just Security" calls for reducing US military spending by a third, or some US$213 billion; carrying out a "rapid" withdrawal of US forces from Iraq; and seeking sharp cuts in the US and Russian nuclear arsenals as a first step toward realizing the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty's goal of banning nuclear weapons.

The new approach, laid out in a 69-page report released in Washington on Tuesday by the Institute for Policy Studies' Foreign Policy in Focus (FPIF) program, also calls for sustained and generous US engagement in multilateral institutions, particularly those aimed at reducing the emission of greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming and enhance the abilities of poor countries to curb the spread of deadly diseases.
(emphasis added)

The Nation has a good article on liberal internationalism and notes that America's longstanding commitment to international accord and action is threatened not by neo-conservatives but liberal internationalists who still cling to the idea of great power influence (neo-cnservative lite). The article presents a good definition of international relations worthy of America:
[Genuine liberal internationalism] neither a naïve idealism that ignores the realities of power nor a crude realism that ignores the power of ideals. While universal liberalism and universal democracy are its ultimate goals, the practical and immediate goal has been global peace. Enduring international peace is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for liberal democracy. Why? In a world of recurring great-power conflicts or widespread anarchy, concerns about security may force even liberal democracies to sacrifice their freedoms to the imperatives of self-defense. This is what Woodrow Wilson meant when he said that the United States and its allies must make the world "safe for democracy." A world safe for democracy need not be a democratic world. It need only be a world in which democracies like the United States are not forced by recurrent world wars to turn themselves into armed camps.

Two articles in a week presenting ideas that I support is pretty good. Today I came across The First Resort of Kings: American Cultural Diplomacy in the Twentieth Century by Richard Arndt. The book discusses many of the above ideas in historical context as diplomacy that uses knowledge and understanding of culture and ideas in relating to other nations. Not surprisingly, this approach has contributed to international cooperation and accord. The reviewer concludes:
In concluding his thorough review of the 20th century, Arndt addresses the 21st: "Why do Americans, having discovered the appalling damage to America's image, and, beneath that thin crust, to US credibility and trust, overlook our rich history of cultural diplomacy?" Indeed, the history is rich enough and the lessons learned are universal enough that a translation of this book could serve as a handbook for the foreign service of any country that has the foresight to look beyond its immediate problems, as well as the courage to view security without wearing the blinders of panic and mistrust.

Foresight and courage. That would be good. Maybe it will even get us through that hard rain that Mimus warned us about.

I Do So Enjoy Other People's Misery

Still in a vile frame of mind. So when John Aravosis at AmericaBlog went on his quarterly tirade about Ralph Nader, it warmed the cockles of my very meager heart.

"The man lost us two elections, he deserves to be roasted on a spit."

Gee, John, how did Nader cost "you" the election when Gore couldn't even carry his home state?
How did Nader cost "you" the election when barely 51% of eligible voters cast a ballot in 2000? (Compared to the recent French run-off election when voter turnout was nearly 85%...the French obviously felt something was at stake....) And please explain to me why, in a country where we "celebrate" our right to vote for anyone we damn well please, was I obliged to vote "your way?" (Now John has lots of degrees and he's willing to whip them out at a moment's provocation to demonstrate his superior knowledge in these matters so be careful). I didn't care for Gore at the time and nor did I believe that the American Public could be stupid enough to elect George Bush. Now I now that the majority of my fellow citizens are fuckin' morons and I treat them with the respect due fuckin' morons.

I held my nose and voted for Kerry in 2004. But let me ask you this, oh Special Voice and Seer of the Democratic Process and Party, Kerry was the best you folks could come up with????
Kerry couldn't beat one of the worst sitting Presidents since Nixon. How did Nader cost "you" that one?

I am proud to say I did NOT cast one single ballot for a Democrat in 2006. I even voted against Rep. George Miller, who is a liberal Democratic Institution in this district (holding office since 1974). I voted for the Libertarian, who did rather well.

But here we are six months into 2007 and it's still necessary to bash Ralph Nader. Hey...wait...
just a moment...didn't the Democrats take back Congress in the 2006 elections? Wait, the Democrats hold majorities in both houses, so things should be looking up, shouldn't they? It would seem you would be able to check this unitary executive run amuck and steer the country back on course...How about withholding funding for the war until you get a timetable for withdrawal? How about launching some investigations into the events leading up to the war (and we'll overlook the fact that every single Democrat voted "yes" on the War Powers Authorization Act)? How about a couple of quick resolutions saying the war isn't going too well?

Meanwhile public approval of Congress is lower than that of Bush...a Democratic Congress I might lower than that of Bush. Tell me, how did you manage that?

Better to revile Nader than look at your own failings.

And even at this early stage of the two year root canal, I doubt I'll be voting for any Democrats.