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Campaign Finance: getting started


by: Michael Bersin

Sun Aug 30, 2015 at 10:39:05 AM CDT

Robin Smith (D), former television reporter and news anchor from St. Louis, is a 2016 candidate for Secretary of State. Via the Missouri Ethics Commission:  

C151150: With Robin Smith In 2016 Committee
  Committee Type: Candidate
3933 Flora Place Party Affiliation: Democrat
St Louis Mo 63110 Established Date: 08/17/2015


Candidate Robin Smith


Election Year Primary Outcome General Outcome Political Office
2016 Secretary Of State


[emphasis added]

The fundraising has started. Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission:

C151150 08/30/2015 WITH ROBIN SMITH IN 2016 COMMITTEE Sid Meridith 13505 C Street Omaha NE 68144 Security Equipment, Inc Board Chairman 8/28/2015 $10,000.00
[emphasis added]

It's a start.

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Which citizens matter in Missouri?


by: WillyK

Sat Aug 29, 2015 at 14:05:17 PM CDT

Reading the St. Louis Post-Dispatch today, I learned that the new EPA rules meant to block run-off pollution in our streams, rivers and wetlands would not take effect in Missouri because a coalition of powerful folks in the state think agricultural run-off is just fine. As long as the bottom line of interests like Smithfield's hog farms is healthy, to hell with a healthy water supply. Several of the usual suspects in Missouri and 12 other states, in this case joined by our pet Republican in Democratic disguise, Attorney General Chris Koster, filed suit against the regulations and a federal court has now blocked the rules in those states.

Koster seemed especially upbeat in his comments on the judgement:

"In issuing the preliminary injunction the federal court sent an unmistakable message to the EPA: You have gone too far," Koster, who is running for Missouri Governor, said in a statement Thursday evening. "Missouri's land and water resources should be regulated by officials accountable to the people of the state, not by arbitrary standards dictated from Washington D.C."

So now, Misouri's officials will be free to carry out the will of the folks to whom, in the words of our esteemed Attorney General, they seem to be most accountable: the aforementioned Smithfield Farms, Montsanto, Cargil, Archer-Daniels-Midlands, Tyson Foods and other similar agriculturaly-related big campaign donors. Missouri is, after all, one of the freeest of the big-dollar, money-is-speech, free-speech zones - and don't forget that Koster hopes, as the Post-Dispatch indicated, to become governor in the near future.

It can't hurt Koster in Missouri that the Farm Bureau has bestowed their blessing on his EPA endeavors, noting that "Attorney General Chris Koster and the state of Missouri were leaders in securing the injunction." This is the same Farm Bureau that has a financial interest in many of the agricultural corporations listed above and which fights passionately for their mutual prosperity:

In addition to the American Farm Bureau Federation's twenty-two lobbyists, no fewer than 20 of the state Farm Bureaus, including Missouri, have registered lobbyists in Washington, leading the field of agribusiness lobbyists. Over the past decade, the nation's ten largest agribusiness interests gave $35 million to Congressional candidates-led by the Farm Bureau, which gave $16 million, or 45 percent of the total. Farm Bureau PACS donated another $16 million to state candidates, according to election records.

The Farm Bureau also has a financial interest in agribusiness corporations. In recent years, its insurance affiliates have bought stock in companies like Cargill, ConAgra, Dow Chemical, DuPont, Tyson and Archer Daniels Midland, all major food industry players. The Southern Farm Bureau Annuity Insurance Co. once owned more than 18,000 shares of Premium Standard stock.

So what will it take to wake Missourians up and help them realize that the EPA doesn't make rules just to gum up the works, and that imposing some restrictions on corporate farmers might pinch Smithfield's or Montsanto's shareholders very slightly, but the rest of us probably won't feel it at all - except when we begin to enjoy the benefits of a clean streams, healthy wetlands, and safe drinking water. And maybe  they'll wise up at the same time to the fact that the Missouri Farm Bureau doesn't give a damn about the "family farms" its representatives can't stop jawing about, and that most of the horror stories they keep trying to sell - about the new rules regulating  backyard mud-puddles, for instance - are made up out of pure airy-fairy dust.


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Campaign Finance: a flurry, and it's still Summer


by: Michael Bersin

Fri Aug 28, 2015 at 16:39:15 PM CDT

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for Eric Greitens' 2016 exploratory gubernatorial campaign:

C151053 08/27/2015 GREITENS FOR MISSOURI Ronald and Catherine Neville 3541 E Kingswood Springfield MO 65809 Self Private Investor 8/27/2015 $5,100.00

C151053 08/28/2015 GREITENS FOR MISSOURI John Wunderlich 172 Fick Farm Rd. Chesterfield MO 63005 Self Business Consultant 8/28/2015 $5,001.00

C151053 08/28/2015 GREITENS FOR MISSOURI Patrick Sly 10 Dromara Road Ladue MO 63124 Emerson Executive VP 8/28/2015 $5,001.00

[emphasis added]

It adds up.

At some point he's gonna have to fish or cut bait. With his accumulated campaign contributions we're betting on fishing.


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Campaign Finance: If this keeps up (and it will) we're gonna run out of snappy headlines...


by: Michael Bersin

Fri Aug 28, 2015 at 16:29:50 PM CDT

Nah, the later is never gonna happen.

Attorney General Chris Koster (D) [file photo].

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for the probable 2016 Democratic Party gubernatorial candidate:

C031159 08/28/2015 KOSTER FOR MISSOURI The Simon Law Firm, P.C. 800 Market St Suite 1700 Saint Louis MO 63101 8/27/2015 $25,000.00

C031159 08/28/2015 KOSTER FOR MISSOURI Ameren Missouri PO Box 66892 Saint Louis MO 63166 8/28/2015 $15,000.00

[emphasis added]

Well, it was a good day.


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But, but, Missouri's centrifuge manufacturers are counting on the business


by: Michael Bersin

Thu Aug 27, 2015 at 20:27:18 PM CDT

Not really, but some republican gubernatorial candidates might do a bit more research on the job description.

From Eric Greitens (r), via Twitter:

Eric Greitens ‏@EricGreitens
Join me to stop the dangerous deal with Iran. [....] 7:00 PM - 27 Aug 2015

At his campaign web site:

You think maybe the Faux News Channel watching primary voter demographic keeps bringing this up?


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Campaign Finance: on the phone


by: Michael Bersin

Thu Aug 27, 2015 at 20:01:18 PM CDT

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for the probable 2016 Democratic Party candidate for Governor:

C031159 08/27/2015 KOSTER FOR MISSOURI AT&T; 208 S Akard St Dallas TX 75202 8/26/2015 $10,000.00
[emphasis added]

The contributions keep coming in. Not that anyone's surprised.


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Campaign Finance: Is that all?


by: Michael Bersin

Wed Aug 26, 2015 at 17:56:29 PM CDT

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for Eric Greitens' (r) 2016 exploratory gubernatorial campaign:

C151053 08/26/2015 GREITENS FOR MISSOURI Ronald and Lezah Stenger 5051 S National Ave Bldg 5-100 Springfield MO 65810 Self Real Estate Development 8/26/2015 $5,001.00
[emphasis added]

In comparison.


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Campaign Finance: What else is new?


by: Michael Bersin

Tue Aug 25, 2015 at 17:58:51 PM CDT

In the past few days at the Missouri Ethics Commission for a few of the 2016 republican gubernatorial candidates (exploratory and otherwise):

C151053 08/24/2015 GREITENS FOR MISSOURI Gary Crossley 8050 N. Church Rd Kansas City MO 64158 8/24/2015 $25,000.00
[emphasis added]

Nope, nothing out of the ordinary there.

C151077 08/25/2015 MISSOURIANS FOR JOHN BRUNNER Gregory Delaney 108 Teal Nest Ct Ponte Vedra Beach FL 32082 Retired Retired 8/25/2015 $5,001.00
[emphasis added]

That's a familiar amount.

C091145 08/25/2015 FRIENDS OF PETER KINDER John Danforth 911 Tirrill Farms Rd St Louis MO 63124 Dowd Bennett Attorney 8/25/2015 $10,000.00
[emphasis added]

Well, that's interesting.


John Brunner (r) - July 2015 Quarterly Campaign Finance Report (July 15, 2015)

Eric Greitens (r) - July 2015 Quarterly Campaign Finance Report (July 15, 2015)

Peter Kinder (r) - July 2015 Campaign Finance Report (July 17, 2015)

PPP Missouri Poll: 2016 U.S. Senate and Governor - August 11, 2015 (August 11, 2015)

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Campaign Finance: a brand spankin' new PAC


by: Michael Bersin

Mon Aug 24, 2015 at 21:41:34 PM CDT

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission:

C151156 08/24/2015 MO MAJORITY PAC LLC Friends of Tilley PO Box 555 Perryville MO 63775 8/21/2015 $562,500.00
[emphasis added]

It's a brand spankin' new PAC:

C151156: Mo Majority Pac Llc
  Committee Type: Political Action
Po Box 651
Perryville Mo 63775 Established Date: 08/24/2015
[....] Termination Date:


[emphasis added]

As in today.

Where the money came from:

C031160: Friends Of Tilley
  Committee Type: Candidate
Po Box 555 Party Affiliation: Republican
Perryville Mo 63775 Established Date: 08/19/2003
[....] Termination Date:


Election History

Election Year Primary Outcome General Outcome Political Office
2016 Statewide Office
2012 Lieutenant Governor


Information Reported On: 2015 - July Quarterly Report

Beginning Money on Hand $676,490.77
Monetary Receipts + $73,710.00
Monetary Expenditures - $19,523.44
Contributions Made - $155,900.00
Other Disbursements - $0.00
Subtotal     ($101,713.44)
Ending Money On Hand   $574,777.33

[emphasis added]

Curiously, they're neighbors!

After that contribution there doesn't appear to be much left. The dream for 2016 must be gone.

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Campaign Finance: every little bit helps


by: Michael Bersin

Mon Aug 24, 2015 at 12:03:25 PM CDT

And then some.

Pat Contreras, the Democratic Party candidate for State Treasurer in 2016 [2015 file photo].

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for Pat Contreras, the 2016 Democratic Party candidate for State Treasurer:

C151083 08/24/2015 CONTRERAS FOR TREASURER McCormack Baron Salazar, Inc. 720 Olive, Ste. 2500 St Louis MO 63101 8/24/2015 $5,001.00
[emphasis added]

In the current campaign finance environment of no-limit high dollar contributions this particular item is something of a rarity for Pat Contreras' (D) campaign. In the past:

....To put it in perspective that's 386 contributions of $500.00 or less. 365 contributions of $350.00 or less. 357 contributions of $250.00 or less. 308 contributions of $200.00 or less. 278 contributions of $150.00 or less. 256 contributions of $100.00 or less. 135 contributions of $50 or less....


Pat Contreras (D) a candidate for State Treasurer in 2016 (April 13, 2015)

State Treasurer - July 2015 Campaign Finance Reports (July 20, 2015)

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Campaign Finance: all we really have left is irony


by: Michael Bersin

Mon Aug 24, 2015 at 11:38:44 AM CDT

Well, that and sarcasm.

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for an initiative campaign promoting campaign finance limits:

41592 08/24/2015 RETURNING GOVERNMENT TO THE PEOPLE Fred N Sauer 454 Hammersmith Road St Louis MO 63141 Orion Investment Company 8/21/2015 $40,000.00
[emphasis added]

That's a total of $170,000.00 from one individual since July. Think about that for a minute.


The world we live in (July 21, 2015)

Campaign Finance: a vague sense of an impending populist groundswell (August 7, 2015)

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Republicans Sell Out For Personal Gain.


by: cwviking

Sat Aug 22, 2015 at 16:41:47 PM CDT

Since Democratic Senator Ted House completed his term in 2002, not one St. Charles County's state senator has completed their full term. Only Republican senators have been elected since then, and they have all quit early choosing personal gain over their sworn duty to serve their constituents.

The latest Republican quitter is Senator Tom Dempsey who has been purchased by billionaire Rex Sinquefield to do his bidding as an insider lobbyist. Instead of doing his best for over 200,000 residents of our county, Dempsey has cashed in his chips for personal profit and kissed the foot of an autocratic want-to-be king.
Unfortunately for citizens of St. Charles County, Dempsey is just another in an ever lengthening list of St. Charles County Republicans who have deserted their posts early for their own monetary advantage. Republicans have a sordid history of running up the white flag of surrender more often than the French Army.

In 2005, Sen. Jon Dolan quit for the well paid cushy job of lobbyist for the Missouri Healthcare Association. In May of 2007, Dempsey's predecessor Sen. Chuck Gross bailed out early when his mentor former Senator and now County Executive Steve Ehlmann made him an offer he couldn't refuse to become Director of Administration for St. Charles County.

Perhaps the greediest of the quitters was former Senator Scott Rupp.  In the middle of last year's legislative session, Rupp summarily quit to take an appointment to the Missouri Public Service Commission.  This part time job pays a whopping $105,570 while still allowing Rupp to keep his patronage banking job.

It shouldn't be lost on voters, three of these quitters, Dempsey, Gross, and Rupp all took jobs as vice presidents of banks while in office even though none had degrees in finance or any banking experience. So their hands were getting well greased before they actually quit.

Add to these senatorial quitters two key house members. In 2007, former House Pro Tem Carl Bearden walked out on his constituents to also follow the green money trail of Rex Sinquefield. Then in 2010, Sally Faith promised not to run for Mayor of St. Charles if citizens would reelect her to the House. Six months later she was sworn in as mayor.

The picture is clear for voters. The Republicans they have been electing to do the people's work are more about their own financial futures than the future of St. Charles County.

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Campaign Finance: no limits


by: Michael Bersin

Sat Aug 22, 2015 at 15:46:09 PM CDT

On money.

Today at the Missouri Ethics Commission for one of the 2016 republican candidates for attorney general:

C151132 08/22/2015 HAWLEY FOR MISSOURI Peter Thiel One Letterman Drive Building C, Suite 400 San Francisco CA 94129 Thiel Capital LLC 8/21/2015 $100,000.00
[emphasis added]

That's some serious cash.

And a couple of weeks ago:

C151132 08/05/2015 HAWLEY FOR MISSOURI Kathleen Mumma 19 Friar Tuck Circle Summit NJ 07901 Self-employed homemaker 8/4/2015 $10,000.00
[emphasis added]

Interestingly, at present neither contributor can vote in the republican primary in Missouri.

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Campaign Finance: hoist one or two


by: Michael Bersin

Sat Aug 22, 2015 at 09:26:13 AM CDT

Attorney General Chris Koster (D) at the
Missouri State Fair Governor's Ham Breakfast - August 20, 2015.

Meanwhile, Thursday at the Missouri Ethics Commission for the (probable) 2016 Democratic Party gubernatorial candidate:

C031159 08/20/2015 KOSTER FOR MISSOURI Anheuser-Busch Companies 1 Busch Pl 202-8 Saint Louis MO 63118 8/20/2015 $10,000.00
[emphasis added]


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Campaign fashion at the Missouri State Fair Governor's Ham Breakfast


by: Michael Bersin

Fri Aug 21, 2015 at 07:55:47 AM CDT

We noted at yesterday morning's Governor's Ham Breakfast at the Missouri State Fair that a number of republican candidates and office holders (along with some campaign's supporters) were outfitted in informal campaign wear. Not so much for the Democratic Party candidates and office holders we ran into.

This candidate was just making sure everyone knows where he stands:

We understand where, too:

Sen. Will Kraus (r): warming up the crowd about urban schools at the Santorum rally (February 4, 2012)

An oxymoron?:


And, of course, a few candidates had their campaign volunteers outfitted in their latest campaign t-shirt fashions:

There's a juvenile joke in their somewhere. We're not above laughing at it.

That logo appears to be splitting the state in two.


Unintentionally ironic... (August 20, 2015)

Missouri State Fair - Governor's Ham Breakfast - August 20, 2015 (August 20, 2015)

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