
March 22, 2015

Update time.  Me:   62.   This is what I look like these days:




April 24, 2010 — This is what yer kindly old Auntie Tild looked like in 2010. On a good day.



July 11, 2009

Wow. Three years have gone by since I last updated this About page. Time for an update, don’t you think?  Onward we plunge…

I am:

  • 56 years old as of this date (July 11, 2009)
  • a resident of Minnesota
  • a mother of two, current ages 21 and 19
  • married
  • a US citizen of Norwegian and Swedish ancestry
  • a lapsed Lutheran
  • a lapsed Christian
  • not an adherent of any organized religion whatsoever
  • recipient of an Award of Special Merit, 1966 Twin Cities Latin Contest [for excellence in translating  excerpts from Julius Caesar's Gallic Wars commentary]
  • a graduate of Washburn High School, Minneapolis, 1969
  • a college graduate, having received a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Minnesota, 1973. major: Russian Language and Culture. minor: English


Jobs I’ve had over the years include:

  • motel housekeeper
  • bookkeeper
  • payroll clerk
  • accounts receivable manager
  • cashier
  • bookseller
  • credit analyst
  • account rep
  • customer service rep
  • bookseller [again]
  • commissions analyst
  • anti-fraud services specialist
  • database analyst
  • print vendor liaison
  • reader for Books On Tape/Communications Services, State of Minnesota

Currently employed full time at one of the jobs listed above.


I’m a published author. Doesn’t that sound quaint? That’s what we said back in the day before the rise of the intertubes: “I am a published author.” It means that somebody bought some stuff I wrote and then printed it on paper and then packaged the paper in various ways for sale to the public. I’ve had about a dozen items published in this way, including magazine articles, commentary, short fiction, poems and parodies. My biggest single payday to date was in 1998 when Entertainment Weekly paid me $600 for 400 words. Nice work if you can get it.


I was a contestant on Jeopardy! in 1993.  Second place.  Missed Final Jeopardy! question (The answer was Brazil.  D’oh!)  Lovely parting gifts included a week at a resort on St Thomas, Centrum Silver vitamins, Klondike ice cream bars, Lee Press-on Nails and some kind of haircare products. Yep, Alex Trebek was very friendly and humorous. Yep, it was a lot of fun.


I am an aficionada de primera. Among other things, that means that when I step into the bullring I go by my official nom de taureau

Sesitos de Tapioca de Eden Prairie

(Little Tapioca-For-Brains of Eden Prairie)

sesitos cartel

Yes, you are correct: I am completely sinverguenza


Here’s a conveniently blurry photo of me from May 2, 2006:

And here’s a photo taken just a few days ago, July 8, 2009, that’s been transformed into a watercolor portrait (thanks, Snap Art!)


And you wonder why I’m called “Teh Fabulous” Tild?!


If you also wonder what’s the deal with the name “Tild”, click on the following link and all of your questions will be answered:

The Origins of “Tild”


2 comments to About

  • Just wanted to let you know that I am a registered Republican AND a conservative (and yes, yes, I understand that the two don’t always equate), and that I copied the RNC logo off of your site (not the one you photoshopped, but the real one), for use on my conservative blog. Isn’t it nice when we of different political worlds, can still find ways to help each other out! Thanks from a die-hard conservative!

  • Hey, you’re so welcome, Boo. Glad to help you out. And it’s your logo, after all. Republicans designed it. Republicans should display it. Constantly. You should post it on your conservative blog. And wear it on a tshirt. And on your underwear (a thong, perhaps?)

    It speaks such volumes about what the Republican party truly represents. So wear that wide-stanced, ready to fuck 2008, prison-stripe wearing, knocked out starry-eyed symbol of your party proudly, Boo!

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