Ayaan Hirsi Ali: The Case Of The Islamophobes’ Darling



Seen today at Loonwatch.com, this article from 2014:

When Neo-Cons And Liberals Unite: The Case of Anti-Muslim Crusader Ayaan Hirsi Ali

…reminded me of my post and faux Nancy Drew cover  from 2007:

Who Is Ayaan Hirsi Ali? 


Agree with her agenda or not,  I think we might all agree that Nancy Drew fan Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a complex figure worthy of her own mystery book cover.





When the NRA appears to own the media

When the NRA appears to own the media (via FreakOutNation)

The father one of Elliot Rodger’s shooting victims gave his statement to the press, which contrasts starkly with another report. Richard Martinez gave a heart-wrenching statement,one of which needs to be heard, most especially through our press.                  …

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Eight Pseudoscientific Climate Claims Debunked by Real Scientists

Eight Pseudoscientific Climate Claims Debunked by Real Scientists (via Moyers & Company)

Most people who deny that human activity is warming the planet just dismiss a massive body of scientific evidence as a big hoax. But there’s a more sophisticated set of climate “skeptics” who make arguments that, at least to the lay ear, sound…

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Why We Care About Net Neutrality

Why We Care About Net Neutrality (via Moyers & Company)

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will meet tomorrow to vote on proposed rules governing how much control Internet service providers have over which content we see and how quickly we see it. The proposed plan, devised by FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler…

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Charter Schools Gone Wild: Study Finds Widespread Fraud, Mismanagement and Waste

Charter Schools Gone Wild: Study Finds Widespread Fraud, Mismanagement and Waste (via Moyers & Company)

Charter school operators want to have it both ways. When they’re answering critics of school privatization, they say charter schools are public — they use public funds and provide students with a tuition-free education. But when it comes to transparency…

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Atlas Pantsed

Tighty-whities of course.

Tighty-whities of course.

See also:

Demise Of the Trickle-Down Delusion

Happy May Day everybody!

Are the Koch Brothers behind Cliven Bundy in a Plot to Seize Federal Land?

Are the Koch Brothers behind Cliven Bundy in a Plot to Seize Federal Land? (via Americans Against The Tea Party)

On June 04, 2013, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval signed Assembly Bill 227 into law. AB227 — also called the Public Lands Transfer Act — is an innocuous-sounding piece of legislation that goes by a number of different names elsewhere, tweaked slightly…

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Letter: “No more Nazi films…We all know what happened.”

Letter: “No more Nazi films… We all know what happened.” (via The Political Carnival)

Films allow us to eavesdrop on others– past, present, and future. Films pull open the drapes so we can peek in. Films essentially allow us to be peeping Toms on lives imagined and real. They teach us, they inform us, they tug at us, they pull us in…

Continue reading Letter: “No more Nazi films…We all know what happened.”

America Not a Functioning Democracy, Says Princeton Study

America Not a Functioning Democracy, Says Princeton Study (via 2paragraphs.com)

Princeton researchers Martin Gilens and Benjamin I. Page have found that the US does not function like a democracy, but instead like an oligarchy. The idea is not new. Supreme Court decisions like Citizens United, the financial crisis bailouts that…

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An Indictment of the Invisible Hand

An Indictment of the Invisible Hand (via Moyers & Company)

Thomas Piketty’s 700-page book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, has stunned both the economic profession and most political observers. But the economic mainstream is not truly dealing with its most serious implications even as they widely praise…

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