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Qualifying events

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Expert analysis of the latest health reform issues

Scott WalkerCare

WalkerCare gives women reasons to…

August 23, 2015 – The “open market” Walker would establish would be the kind of health insurance market that existed before Obamacare. There would be no… Read more

Health Wonk Review: The More Things Change, the More They Cost Edition - August 19, 2015

Health Wonk Review for August 19, 2015

August 21, 2015 – Thanks to Peggy Salvatore over at Health System Ed for tackling this week's edition of Health Wonk Review. She's serving up a dozen-ish… Read more

Before Obamacare became law, Americans faced rejection of individual health coverage for any one of 400 medical conditions.

Why pre-existing conditions mattered ……

August 19, 2015 – If GOP lawmakers were able to repeal Obamacare, their constituents ... the people who voted them into office ... would be among the biggest… Read more


Is Obamacare’s ‘Bronze trap’ widening?

August 12, 2015 – Jed Graham says the ACA's tax penalty for remaining uninsured will force low-income Americans into high-deductible Bronze plans that will… Read more

2015 Republican debate on FOX News

Has FOX News surrendered on Obamacare?

August 7, 2015 – "The fact that FOX barely mentioned [Obamacare] at all tonight was far more significant than any questions they might have brought up about… Read more