  • Joe Biden’s Yuck Factor

    Next week, as rumors swirl of his possible entry into the 2016 presidential race, Vice President Joe Biden will appear on liberal comedian Stephen Colbert’s new late-night CBS show. The host is a professional clown. The VIP guest is a political clown with more baggage than the Kardashians during Paris fashion week

  • Do Cops’ Lives Matter to Obama?

    Barack Obama, as chief law enforcement officer of the United States, is going to have to stop acting like a conscientious objector in this war on cops.

  • More Campus Fascism

    Is there something in the water in the Washington State University faculty lounge, or are its professors conspiring against common sense?

  • Donald Trump’s Appeal Is Based on Yesterday’s News

    Aside from the court-ordered dribbling out of Hillary Clinton’s classified-material-filled emails, the big presidential campaign news of the summer has been the boom for Donald Trump in the race for the Republican nomination.

  • How to Write a New York Times Op-Ed in Three Easy Steps

    Today we’ll talk about how to write a New York Times op-ed in 45 minutes or less. We all like labor-saving tips!

  • Why Home Schooling?

    Many public primary and secondary schools are dangerous places. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics show that in 2012, there were about 749,200 violent assaults on students.

Today's Top News
  • The Growing Medicaid Expansion Bubble

    The Growing Medicaid Expansion Bubble

    The majority of controversial issues involving the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have stemmed from its mandate that all people have health insurance or else face a fine (or is it a tax?) and ACA’s transformation of the U.S. health insurance system from a largely private marketplace to a government-manipulated, exchange-based market. While both of these issues are tremendously important, one of the most damaging Obamacare provisions – the expansion of Medicaid – has largely gone unnoticed by the general public.

  • Joe Biden's Yuck Factor

    Joe Biden’s Yuck Factor

    Next week, as rumors swirl of his possible entry into the 2016 presidential race, Vice President Joe Biden will appear on liberal comedian Stephen Colbert’s new late-night CBS show. The host is a professional clown. The VIP guest is a political clown with more baggage than the Kardashians during Paris fashion week

  • Do Cops' Lives Matter to Obama?

    Do Cops’ Lives Matter to Obama?

    Barack Obama, as chief law enforcement officer of the United States, is going to have to stop acting like a conscientious objector in this war on cops.

  • Protectionism In Air Travel Hurts American Consumers

    Protectionism In Air Travel Hurts American Consumers

    Ron Phillips, director of the Monroe (La.) Regional Airport, said it is “well past time” for the Obama administration to step up and protect the U.S. airline industry from unfair competition.

  • Why Home Schooling?

    Why Home Schooling?

    Many public primary and secondary schools are dangerous places. The Justice Department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics and the Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics show that in 2012, there were about 749,200 violent assaults on students.