The demise of specialisation in financial services

David Heather says large vertically-integrated institutions are under pressure to unbundle product and financial advice because of their inability to properly manage conflicts of interest.

It's not that much of a stretch anymore for savvy financial advisers to offer a broad range of investment and advisory services under one roof, and ring-fence their clients in doing so. David Heather writes.

A year after launching the ASX mFund has seen most of its traffic from advisers.

mFund buoyed by SMSF advisers

The Australian Securities Exchange's (ASX's) mFund offering has seen most of its traffic from advisers in its post-launch year, with the majority believed to be there to dilute their clients' allocation to cash and Australian stocks.

Social Media can no longer be ignored by the wealth management industry.

Wealth managers need social media brush-up

Wealth managers around the world are accepting the onset and uptake of social media is irreversible and that they need to do something about it. The banks are pretty advanced in running social media strategies but asset managers and the wealth industry are not.

It's easier to let someone else worry about your super, that way you can spend a Saturday at a Florence and the Machine concert instead of thinking about investment decisions.

Collective model will shake up super's disengaged

Many of us are disengaged with our super. We need to stop thinking of this as a bad thing. Rather than trying to look more like self-managed super funds, industry funds should seriously consider Collective Defined Contribution schemes as the next big thing for those of us with more sense, or better things to do than managing our own super.

Girls' night out.

Rethink the 'no wealth no service' approach to low-value clients

Reforms to the Future of Financial Advice "opt-in" requirement and big shake-ups for the life insurance market that compromise remuneration practices, increase compliance requirements and escalate the cost of doing business are forcing financial advisers to second-guess the affordability of certain clients.

Risk advisers are outraged by the proposed commissions regime and many are expected to quit the industry.

Futures in doubt after commission changes

Risk advisers are expected to desert the industry en masse in the next three years, with the new commissions regime considered untenable for both independents and the next generation of planners.

Does culture still eat strategy for breakfast?

Kill the sales culture and the clients will come

Management guru Peter Drucker coined the phrase "culture eats strategy for breakfast". It's one of those great liners that captures a whole thesis in a few words. Drucker was telling the business world that even the most carefully crafted business plan would fail if its objectives were not aligned to the values, beliefs and behaviour of those entrusted with its execution.