
The Web Use Project is Eszter Hargittai's research group at Northwestern University. The goal of the research conducted in this group is to learn about how people use the Web in their everyday lives and in particular, how differences in Internet use may contribute to social inequality.

Recent Publications

Hargittai, E. (Forthcoming). Is Bigger Always Better? Potential Biases of Big Data Derived from Social Network Sites. The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.

Hargittai, E. & Shaw A. (In Press). "Mind the Skills Gap: The Role of Internet Know-How and Gender in Differentiated Contributions to Wikipedia.". Information, Communication and Society..

Litt, E. & Hargittai, E. (2014). A Bumpy Ride on the Information Superhighway: Exploring Turbulence Online. Computers and Human Behavior.

Litt, E. & Hargittai, E. (2014). Smile, Snap and Share? A Nuanced Approach to Privacy and Online Photosharing. Poetics.

boyd, d. & Hargittai, E. (2013). Connected and Concerned: How Parental Concerns about Online Safety Issues Vary. Internet & Policy

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Recent Press

Closing the Digital Divide
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The Huffington Post
February 18, 2015
Why Google (And Facebook) Should Admit Kids Under 13
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August 19, 2014
Nearly one-third of Americans aren't ready for the next generation of technology
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Science Magazine
July 1, 2014
Outside Opinion: Gatorade's Twitter miscue shouldn't scare executives
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Chicago Tribune
June 15, 2014

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