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Nine False Claims in Hillary Clinton’s Latest Interview

September 04, 2015

The former Secretary of State’s interview with MSNBC today was her latest attempt to explain away her exclusive use of a personal email account and private server for official government business, but all she did was stick to the same false statements she’s been feeding the American people for months: Read More

Saran Wrap Won’t Stop a Nuclear Iran

September 04, 2015

Saran wrap, after all, is only recommended for freezing up to two weeks. Read More

As FBI Investigates Secretary Clinton’s Private Server, Aide Who Set It Up Pleads the Fifth to Avoid Self-Incrimination

September 04, 2015

There are very serious national security issues at stake, but there continues to be far more questions than answers these days from Team Clinton. Read More

Speaker Boehner on the August 2015 Unemployment Report

September 04, 2015

We’ll continue advancing solutions that address Americans’ top priorities, and the president ought to work with us to get more of these bipartisan, common-sense initiatives signed into law. Read More

Speaker Boehner on Chairman John Kline’s Retirement

September 03, 2015

WASHINGTON, DC – House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) today issued the following statement on the retirement announcement of Rep. John Kline (R-MN), chairman of the House House’s Education & the Workforce Committee: Read More