
Archives: UAE

Dubai to Build the World’s Largest Airport

Dubai to Build the World’s Largest Airport

TheLipTV "Dubai is planning to build the world's largest airport as part of a $32B expansion. The project is expected to be long and expensive, which brings into question how it will…
5 Ironies of US Reaction to Egypt/UAE Bombing of Libya

5 Ironies of US Reaction to Egypt/UAE Bombing of Libya

The diplomatic angst issuing from Washington around the United Arab Emirates and Egypt bombing of weapons depots belonging to the Qatar-backed fundamentalist militia of Misrata holds many delicious ironies: 1. According to…
Saudi Valentines elude Puritan Morals Police

Saudi Valentines elude Puritan Morals Police

(Via AFP) Saudi Valentines defy the love police (via AFP) Red roses lurk hidden in flower shop back rooms and heart-shaped chocolates are sold under the counter, but Saudis still manage to…
Dubai Fireworks for New Year 2014

Dubai Fireworks for New Year 2014

(By Juan Cole) Dubai Fireworks spectacular for New Year at Burj Khalifa (2 million gather): Dubai will be the site of the 2020 world expo which will help it further emerge as…
Dubai’s Underwater Hotel

Dubai’s Underwater Hotel

Construction of the Water Discus underwater hotel of Dubai may be begun soon, and it will be finished in five years, according to Colin Simpson of the UAE's The National. This video…
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