
Archives: August 2015

Can a Loose Federal system save Syria and Iraq?

Can a Loose Federal system save Syria and Iraq?

By Jerome Joffe | (Informed Comment) | - - In recent months, prospects for applying the principles of federation and constitutional protection for minorities as a basic political solution for the conflicts…
Top 5 Green Energy Breakthroughs Today

Top 5 Green Energy Breakthroughs Today

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) - - Switching to green energy sources like wind and solar is necessary to save the planet from increased concentrations of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide,…
Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Slovakia Will Only Accept Christian Migrants

Jo Ankier and Jose Marcelino Orti | (TheLipTV Video News) | - - "Slovakia announced Thursday that it will only accept Christians when it takes in refugees fleeing conflict in Syria under…
Trump Takes on the World

Trump Takes on the World

By John Feffer | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | - - It was 1972. The flamboyant rock star Alice Cooper, not quite a household name at that point in England, was booked…
Hard to get Good Help:  Are US Generals just Incompetent?

Hard to get Good Help: Are US Generals just Incompetent?

By William J. Astore | ( | - - Thomas Jefferson Hall, West Point’s library and learning center, prominently features two quotations for cadets to mull over. In the first, Jefferson writes George Washington…
The Long Knives Come out in Baghdad

The Long Knives Come out in Baghdad

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - In principle, the idea of streamlining the Iraqi government and making it more efficient is a capital one. But the reforms being pursued…
Why Partitioning Iraq is a Terrible Idea

Why Partitioning Iraq is a Terrible Idea

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) | - - I think the remarks of outgoing US Army chief Gen. Ray Odierno on the possible partition of Iraq have been reported in a…
GOP Pres. Candidates AWOL on Clean Power Plan

GOP Pres. Candidates AWOL on Clean Power Plan

The Tree | - - Exactly one week after the United States government finalized its historic Clean Power Plan, the traditional opponents of the transition from dirty energy to clean renewables have…
Where did the anti-War Movement go?

Where did the anti-War Movement go?

By Tom Englehart | ( Let me tell you a story about a moment in my life I’m not likely to forget even if, with the passage of years, so much…
How Iran Deal Could Change the Middle East

How Iran Deal Could Change the Middle East

By Benjamin Tua | (Foreign Policy in Focus) | - - Washington's rapprochement with Iran has opened the door for major realignments from Israel to Afghanistan. Similar to the dissolution of Yugoslavia…
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