
Archives: March 2015

War with Iran, by the Numbers

War with Iran, by the Numbers

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) - Sen. John McCain and others on the American Right are in favor of dropping those pesky negotiations with Iran and just bombing their nuclear enrichment…
Saudi airstrike on Yemen Refugee Camp kills 45

Saudi airstrike on Yemen Refugee Camp kills 45

RT | - 45 people were killed and another 65 injured in an airstrike by a Saudi-led coalition at a refugee camp in Houthi-controlled northern Yemen on Monday, the International Organization for…
Who Has A Stake In Yemen Fight?

Who Has A Stake In Yemen Fight?

By Michael Scollon | (RFE/RL) - Yemen is at the center of a proxy war between regional heavyweights Iran and Saudi Arabia. It's the source of fears of a broader Sunni-Shi'ite conflict.…
Jim Crow in the Holy Land

Jim Crow in the Holy Land

By Phyllis Bennis | (Foreign Policy in Focus) - The last days of the campaign sounded an awful lot like the Jim Crow South, when African Americans had officially won the right…
All the Wars and Coups of President Ted Cruz

All the Wars and Coups of President Ted Cruz

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) - Texas Senator Ted Cruz, one of three Cuban-Americans in the Senate, is throwing his hat into the ring for the 2016 presidential race today. Cruz…
Jerusalem a Tinderbox that could Explode: EU Report

Jerusalem a Tinderbox that could Explode: EU Report

BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) – A leaked EU report cautioned that Jerusalem has reached its highest point of "polarization and violence" since the Second Intifada in 2005, according to international news sources. Describing the…
Growing Up in Syria: Children Images and War

Growing Up in Syria: Children Images and War

Asaad Al-Saleh | (Informed Comment) When I wrote my book, “Voices of the Arab Spring” (Columbia UP, 2015), I did not feature testimonials by children. Though the book surveys participants from various…
The Palestinian-Israelis’ Selma Moment?

The Palestinian-Israelis’ Selma Moment?

By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment) Ayman Odah, leader of the Joint Arab List, the party representing Palestinian-Israelis and elements of the Israeli left, responded late Tuesday to the news that Israelis…
ISIL vs the Graven Idols of History

ISIL vs the Graven Idols of History

By Elliott Colla | (Baghdad Central) - ISIS's destruction of antiquities at the Mosul Museum and the ancient city of Nimrud has generated a lot of discussion and disgust, all of it…
Iran and America’s Memory Hole

Iran and America’s Memory Hole

By Dr. Arnold J. Oliver | (Informed Comment) Although Israeli Prime Minister Netenyahu in his speech to Congress painted Iran as a threat to peace, he left out important details concerning the…
Gaza Power Plant Closes Due to Lack of Fuel

Gaza Power Plant Closes Due to Lack of Fuel

By IMEMC News & Agencies The Gaza Strip's sole power plant was shut down, Wednesday evening, as Qatari-donated fuel supplies finally ran out, a Gaza power authority said. "The power plant stopped…
Keystone XL Opponents Interrogated by FBI

Keystone XL Opponents Interrogated by FBI

TheLipTV | - "Keystone XL pipeline opponents are being interrogated by the FBI who are using what one lawyer called “intimidation” and “force," according to recent reports. This comes after President Barack…
Netanyahu Doesn’t Speak For These Jews

Netanyahu Doesn’t Speak For These Jews

AJ+ | - "Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he came to Congress to share his fears about Iran on behalf of all Jewish people. But these protesters and artists say “Bibi…
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