
Archives: September 2014

Why Obama underestimated ISIL in Syria and Iraq

Why Obama underestimated ISIL in Syria and Iraq

By Juan Cole President Obama admitted on CBS's "60 Minutes" on Sunday that the US had underestimated the military potential of ISIL. Obama understands that a generational struggle is going on in…
Is this Iranian the most powerful man in Iraq?

Is this Iranian the most powerful man in Iraq?

BBC "Gabriel Gatehouse reports for BBC Newsnight on the secretive Iranian General described as the most powerful man in Iraq." BBC Newsnight: "Is this Iranian the most powerful man in Iraq? -…
Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition

Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition

By Peter Van Buren via I wanted to offer a wry chuckle before we headed into the heavy stuff about Iraq, so I tried to start this article with a suitably…
Shock & Awe In Syria:  It never Works

Shock & Awe In Syria: It never Works

By Juan Cole The London pan-Arab daily "Hayat" [Life] reports this morning on the air strikes conducted on ISIL positions in Raqqah, Syria, by the United States and several Arab allies. The…
Dubai to Build the World’s Largest Airport

Dubai to Build the World’s Largest Airport

TheLipTV "Dubai is planning to build the world's largest airport as part of a $32B expansion. The project is expected to be long and expensive, which brings into question how it will…
A Way out of the Gaza Trap

A Way out of the Gaza Trap

By Jean-Pierre Filiu, author of Gaza: A History One person has been enjoying every minute of this summer’s fifty-day war on Gaza. He was known formerly as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, until he…
ISIL Threatens to Assassinate Twitter Employees

ISIL Threatens to Assassinate Twitter Employees

TheLipTV: "An ISIS group has threatened to assassinate Twitter employees who close down accounts linked to the extremist group. The group tweeted urging "lone wolves" in the US and Europe to target…
Arabs without God

Arabs without God

By Brian Whitaker, author of Arabs without God In the midst of sectarian turmoil in the Middle East, one section of Arab society rarely gets much attention: those who reject religion entirely.…
How the Gaza War Backfired on Netanyahu

How the Gaza War Backfired on Netanyahu

By Ramzy Baroud (Maan News Agency) Netanyahu's war-turned-genocide in Gaza has backfired badly -- his strategy has helped resurrect Hamas, the very movement he tried desperately to crush. Aside from being a…
Climate Change is the real Terrorist (Young Turks)

Climate Change is the real Terrorist (Young Turks)

Cenk Uygur, The Young Turks "Atmospheric volumes of greenhouse hit a record in 2013 as carbon dioxide concentrations grew at the fastest rate since reliable global records began, the World Meteorological Organization…
New Iraqi Government:  Less than Meets the Eye?

New Iraqi Government: Less than Meets the Eye?

By Juan Cole The Iraqi parliament finally voted in the government of new Prime Minister Haydar al-Abadi on Monday, in what US Secretary of State John Kerry called a "turning point." There…
US Fighting ISIL on Social Media

US Fighting ISIL on Social Media

AJ+ The US State Department is taking the fight against Islamic State group and others to social media. Their English-language project called "Think Again Turn Away" aims to "expose the facts about…
Israel: Reverse Illegal Plans for West Bank

Israel: Reverse Illegal Plans for West Bank

Human Rights Watch (Jerusalem) – Israel should immediately reverse its illegal appropriation of a large swath of land in the occupied West Bank south of Jerusalem, Human Rights Watch said today. The…
History and Betrayal:   UNSCOP and Palestine, 1947

History and Betrayal: UNSCOP and Palestine, 1947

By William Polk The British Foreign Secretary told Parliament on February 18, 1947 that "there is no prospect of resolving this conflict by any settlement negotiated between the parties." Further, he said,…
The Military Diminishment of Judaism

The Military Diminishment of Judaism

By Shalom Goldman In our time, Judaism, in all of its magnificent complexity and subtlety, has been reduced to supporting "team Israel" -- whatever its policies or methods. Yes, American Jews, according…
ISIS Panic  (Colbert Report)

ISIS Panic (Colbert Report)

Colbert Report: "ISIS Panic" The Colbert ReportGet More: Colbert Report Full Episodes,The Colbert Report on Facebook,Video Archive -------
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