
Archives: February 2012

Top 5 Stratfor Revelations

Wikileaks is publishing internal memos of the Stratfor security analysis firm. A few tidbits have emerged in these very early days, to wit: 1. Up to 12 Pakistani active-duty and retired officers…
Israel – Iran Military Comparison

Israel – Iran Military Comparison

With all the hooplah about a possible Israeli attack on Iran (which I view as rather unlikely), it is worthwhile revisiting the issue of how weak and how much of a nothing…

Omar Khayyam (46)

Khayyam, why do you beat yourself up  over your lapses? What's the profit or loss  in regret? Whoever hasn't sinned can't be forgiven. Forgiveness came  for sinning-- why drown in remorse? Translated…
Top Ten Differences Between Rick Santorum and JFK

Top Ten Differences Between Rick Santorum and JFK

Rick Santorum said Monday that when he first heard John F. Kennedy's speech on religion and politics, it made him want to puke. Santorum misrepresented what Kennedy said, of course. Kennedy welcomed…

Omar Khayyam (4)

Man of the cloth, do me a favor. Take a deep beath and  do God's work for us. We're on the straight path, but you see crookedly. Go heal your eyes and…

Omar Khayyam (45)

Since things are not going  to work out the way we want, where will it get us to dwell on our struggles?-- Except to sit around moping that we got here late…
The Difference between Romney and Obama (Picture)

The Difference between Romney and Obama (Picture)

In the build-up to the Super Tuesday primaries, in 2012 and 2008, candidates Romney and Obama, respectively, addressed crowds in stadiums. Here is the difference. Originally from Thinkprogress, Originally submitted by Marika…

Omar Khayyam (43)

Fear of mortality and notions of nothingness are your own kind of drunkeness. Otherwise you'd see  that from the  branch of death twigs of immortality grow. Ever since Jesus breathed life into my…

Hamas Breaks with Syrian Regime

The Muslim Fundamentalist Palestinian party-militia Hamas, based largely in the Gaza Strip has abruptly broken with its long-time patron, Syria. The leadership has scattered from its offices in Syria to elsewhere in…
Afro-Asia, Global South Reject Boycott of Iran

Afro-Asia, Global South Reject Boycott of Iran

Despite American assertions that Iran is "internationally isolated," it turns out that the boycott of that country is a solidly Northern Hemisphere phenomenon and only partially successful even there. The US-led sanctions…

Omar Khayyam (19)

19 The day when I down shots one after one and with total delight become falling down drunk, I'll work a hundred miracles on every front and from that fiery personality my…

Afghan Parliamentarians call for Jihad Against US

The USG Open Source Center paraphrases Arab satellite television reports on the protests in Afghanistan of the incineration of Qur'ans by the US military. FYI -- Al-Jazirah, Al-Arabiyah Coverage of Koran Burning…
Iran the Beautiful

Iran the Beautiful

Most Americans never see Iran on television, don't know an Iranian, and speak of "striking Iran" entirely in the abstract. No one talks about the release of radioactivity and toxins on Iran…

Omar Khayyam (41)

When I am sober, I don't feel lighthearted; but when I'm drunk my reason is defective. There is a state  between being tipsy and clearheaded. I'm a slave to that state because…

Arizona Republican Debate: The Middle East

Transcript of the Middle East-related portions of the Republican debate in Arizona hosted by John King of CNN: "QUESTION: Hi, my name is Ken Taylor (ph) from Wickenberg, Arizona and my question…

Omar Khayyam (39)

If a stranger proves faithful, I adopt him into the family. But if a relative sins, I take a dim view of him. If poison proves helpful, it is actually an antidote,…

Save Homs with Humanitarian Airdrops by Drones

The Baath regime in Syria killed another 60 persons on Tuesday. About 30 were killed by troops in restive Idlib province. The Syrian military also continued to pound Homs on Tuesday, using…

Omar Khayyam (36)

I can't reveal the mystery to either saint or sinner; I can't state at length what I've said curtly; I achieve an altered state that I can't explain; I have a secret…

Washington’s Farewell Address and the Middle East

What would happen if we substituted "the Middle East" for "Europe" in George Washington's Farewell address? Emphasis and words in brackets added. "Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace…

Omar Khayyam (34)

Pagan temples and mosques are all houses of worship. Ringing church bells are hymns of worship. The sacred thread of the Parsee, the synagogue, the rosary and the crucifix-- in reality, all…

Omar Khayyam (33)

Night and day preceded you and me. The vault of the sky revolved upon some work. Be careful to tread lightly  on the earth-- you're walking on people who used to be…
Ring of Iranian Bases Threatens US

Ring of Iranian Bases Threatens US

I had grabbed an earlier version of this graphic off a Democratic Underground bulletin board from 2005. It made the point that the United States, which professes itself menaced by Iran, rather…

Omar Khayyam (31)

Don't try every door  because of some bauble; you just have to accept the good and bad of your time; a shake of the cup and a toss of the dice-- whatever…

Omar Khayyam (5)

Get up and come here for the sake of my heart, and lend your beauty  to solving my problem. Bring an earthenware cup full of wine for us to drink, --quick before…

Santorum Hypes Iran ‘Threat’

GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum warned North Dakota on Wednesday that it was in the cross-hairs of an Iranian attack. Among the news about Iran that had Americans thinking about that country…

Ahmadinejad Speech on Nuclear Energy Advances (Full Text)

The USG Open Source Center translates the speech of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the inauguration of three civilian nuclear projects Iran: Ahmadinezhad Inaugurates Nuclear Projects Speech by Iranian President Mahmud Ahmadinezhad…
Active Nuclear Arsenals and Iran’s Absence

Active Nuclear Arsenals and Iran’s Absence

These are some of the countries that say they are afraid of Iran. Between them they have thousands of deadly atomic weapons. But note that Iran has no nuclear weapon, no nuclear…

Omar Khayyam (30)

Your hand can seize today, but not tomorrow; and thoughts of your tomorrow are nothing but desire. Don't waste this breath, if your heart isn't crazy, since 'the rest of your life'…

Greek Lessons for the Arab Spring: Majid

Anouar Majid writes in a guest column for Informed Comment Greek Lessons for the Arab Spring As the Arab Spring enters its second year and the whiff of democratic possibilities hovers in…

Omar Khayyam (79)

79 Mix together wine, song and heavenly lover if you can, and sit on the bank  of a purling stream. Don't look for anything better, don't speak of a forgotten hell; for,…

Tomgram: Noam Chomsky, Hegemony and Its Dilemmas

Noam Chomsky writes at American Decline in Perspective, Part 1 By Noam Chomsky Significant anniversaries are solemnly commemorated -- Japan’s attack on the U.S. naval base at Pearl Harbor, for example. …

Omar Khayyam (29)

My heart, your fate is so bloody-- and every second your condition must change again. My soul, what business do you have in this body of mine?-- Since, when your business is…

Omar Khayyam (28)

Since today  is the time of my youth, I drink what makes me happy. Don't speak badly of it--  although it is bitter, it is good. It's bitter  because it is my…

Arab World Mourns Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston's tragic death on Saturday was a global event, because of the enormous popularity of American popular culture. Houston's music was played worldwide, not just inside the US. In the Arab…

Omar Khayyam (27)

That priceless ruby is from a different mine, and that unique pearl is from a different shop. Thinking about this and that is just your imagination, and mine; the story of passionate…

Omar Khayyam (24)

From the house of unbelief to true religion is a single breath; From the world of doubt to certainty is a single breath; Enjoy this precious single breath, for the harvest of…

Iraq Comes to Syria

Update Brig. Gen. Issa al-Kholi who headed a military hospital, was assassinated Saturday outside his Damascus home. He is the first high-ranking officer to be killed. Because he was a physician rather…

Omar Khayyam (23)

Fish said to duck, frantic, Will the water ever return if the river jumps its course? Duck replied, When you and I are skewered and kebob, let it be a river or…

The Dilemma over Syria

Syria's military continued its brutal assault on neighborhoods of Homs, a center of civil disobedience against the regime, on Thursday, killing over 100 persons, including children. This deployment of military force against…

Omar Khayyam (12)

Although we partiers may have good color and smell pleasant, with cheeks like rubies; and though we're tall as a cypress-- it's just not clear, in this earthly cabaret, why I was…

World’s 1.6 Billion Poor Going Green

Renewable energy is often thought of as an initiative of advanced, sane countries such as Portugal and Germany. But there is another arena where green energy is making an impact-- on the…

Omar Khayyam (8)

A lover all his life is frantic and intoxicated-- crazy, distracted and disgraced. When we're sober, everything annoys us; but when we're drunk, whatever will be, will be trans. Juan Cole from…
Syria: Crimes Against Humanity in Homs

Syria: Crimes Against Humanity in Homs

The Telegraph (UK) has put the word "genocide" in its headline as a description of what has been going on in Syria. On Wednesday morning, more persons were killed in Homs, as…

Omar Khayyam 16

Before time ever was, You fashioned the divine handiwork of heaven and hell-- out of compassion and rage. Your banquet is in heaven, and I am empty-handed, since I have no path…

Tomgram: Engelhardt, Kicking Down the World’s Door

Tom Englehardt writes at Offshore Everywhere How Drones, Special Operations Forces, and the U.S. Navy Plan to End National Sovereignty As We Know It By Tom Engelhardt Make no mistake: we’re…

Omar Khayyam 14

The idol asked the pagan, "Do you know why you started bowing down to me?" --"It was because the One who looks out through your eyes shone his light on me!" trans.…

Syria Veto and the Revenge of the BRICS

Russia and China jointly cast a veto Saturday in the United Nations Security Council against an Arab League-backed resolution that would have called for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria to step down.…

Lyons: Islam, Women and the West

Jonathan Lyons writes in a guest column for Informed Comment Islam, Women, and the West   This essay is adapted from my latest book, Islam Through Western Eyes: From the Crusades to…
NASA’s Dangerous new Blue Marble

NASA’s Dangerous new Blue Marble

NASA's new composite "Blue Marble" high definition image of the planet earth from outer space: Quick, a test: Was your first reaction, "What a beautiful planet we have!" ? Or was it,…

Omar Khayyam 13

Where's the smoke from my fire around here? Where's the profit on my investment around here? As for the guy who called me a bar fly, now really, where's the bar around…

Egypt Soccer Protests Challenge Military Regime

Friday saw another day of big protests and police repression in Egypt's major cities. The protesters, who want the military to withdraw from politics and go back to the barracks, were galvanized…

Omar Khayyam 18

If you are looking for love, try to attract every heart. On the path of the Presence, try to entice every seeker. A hundred holy shrines made of water and clay are…

The Generals try to stop an Iran War

It has leaked that US chairman of the joint chiefs of staff Gen. Martin Dempsey warned the Israelis that if they launched a strike on Iran that spiralled into a war, they…
Marsh on Obama:  The Party’s Over

Marsh on Obama: The Party’s Over

Taylor Marsh writes in a guest column for Informed Comment The Party’s Over There’s a reason Obama reelect doesn’t have a slogan. All they’ve got is a question: Are you in? Symbolic…
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