
Archives: September 2011

Al-Qaeda Brands Ahmadinejad a Conspiracy Theorist!

The al-Qaeda-linked magazine "Inspire" has reprimanded Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for indulging in "stupid" "conspiracy theories" because of his stance, repeated at the recent United Nations meeting, that 9/11 was a Bush…
Arab Spring Roundup

Arab Spring Roundup

A pro-Baath mob in Damascus attacked the convoy of US ambassador Robert Ford, pelting his and other vehicles with tomatoes and eggs. Ford has visited dissident cities as they protested the regime…
Visiting Liberty Square (Occupy Wall Street)

Visiting Liberty Square (Occupy Wall Street)

I spent the summer going to rallies and demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt, and was even in Barcelona during their protest. (Nighttime Protest at Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt, July 2011) I was…
Saudi Women’s Vote: Does it Go Far Enough?

Saudi Women’s Vote: Does it Go Far Enough?

The surprise announcement on Sunday by King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia that women will be allowed to vote in and run for office in the municipal elections scheduled in four years is…

Greater Middle East Turns More Dangerous for US

Here are some troubling reports suggesting trouble ahead for the United States in the Greater Middle East, and, indeed, trouble for the region internally: 1. The surprise return to Yemen on Friday…

Palestine, Bahrain and US Hyprocrisy

Brazen hypocrisy most often deeply damages the reputation, whether of a person or of a country. President Barack Obama appears to have thought that he could go to the UN with a…
Strange Satellite Craze

Strange Satellite Craze

The NASA satellite re-entering earth orbit late Friday has caused a sensation for some strange reason. Maybe because people have heard that it is 6 tons, about the weight of a mail…
Mahmoud Abbas goes to the UN

Mahmoud Abbas goes to the UN

President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestine Authority will give a major speech on Friday at the United Nations in conjunction with his planned request to the UN Security Council that Palestine be…
Libyan Transitional Troops enter Sabha

Libyan Transitional Troops enter Sabha

Reuters reports that Libyan troops of the new government have taken the airport of the southern desert city of Sabha, a key site on the route down to Niger. Sabha is one…

Top Arab Spring Stories Today

Yemeni security forces killed 24 protesters on Sunday as the conflict between partisans of wounded president Ali Abdullah Saleh and his detractors escalated. Anti-Saleh protesters in Sanaa are taking their demonstrations to…
Cole on the 9/11 Aftermath at AskM

Cole on the 9/11 Aftermath at AskM

I cover questions about Iraq, Afghanistan, al-Qaeda and the Arab Spring in this recent interview at AskM (a program of the University of Michigan News and Information Service)

Palestinians seek UN Moxie

Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas gave a major speech Friday making it clear to the Palestinians that the PA will seek membership in the United Nations at this year's General Assembly meeting.…

Libyan TNC Fighters Said to have Entered Sirte

Transitional National Council forces announced Thursday night that they had taken most of Sirte, the birthplace of Muammar Qaddafi where elements of his dreaded 32nd Brigade had held out. Some of these…

Helman: The Palestinians Seek UN Recognition

Ambassador Gerald B. Helman writes in a guest column for Informed Comment: The Palestinian Authority has stated its intention this Fall to seek some action at the United Nations to advance its…

Turkey, Egypt and Israel

Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Cairo on Tuesday morning, being greeted at the airport by thousands of cheering Egyptians. Even though two dramatic moments envisaged by Erdogan's staff-- a side…

Turkey Crisis Provokes Israeli Army Anger at Lieberman

The crisis between Turkey and Israel deepened on Monday, allegedly provoking severe tensions between the Israeli officer corps and the far right-wing Minister of Foreign Affairs, Avigdor Lieberman. There was also disarray…

Accord Reached for Peaceful Entry of Bani Walid?

Aljazeera Arabic is reporting a breakthrough in the negotiations between the new government in Tripoli and the elders of the city of Bani Walid, a center of pro-Qaddafi military personnel and sentiments.…

Top Ten Good News Green Energy Stories

Here are the week's top ten energy good news stories. 1. A Japanese technical innovation has the potential to double or triple the power generated by wind turbines. 2. Germany now gets…

China offered Qaddafi Armaments in midst of war

People who favored saving the civilian populations of Benghazi and other eastern Libyan cities from Qaddafi's tanks and artillery have often been termed "interventionists." But it turns out that there was more…

Qaddafi was a CIA Asset

Human Rights Watch found documents in Libya after the fall of Muammar Qaddafi that it passed on to the Wall Street Journal, which is analyzing them. The WSJ reported today that the…
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