
Archives: February 2010

Facebook Fan Page

Facebook keeps promising to lift the 5000-friend limit, but has not done it. So my account over there is more or less full. Just to let readers who are interested know that…

Sunni Party to Boycott Iraq Elections

The LAT reports that the National Dialogue Front, a secular party led by Salih Mutlak, is calling for a boycott of the March 7 parliamentary elections in Iraq. The NDF has 11…

Hypocrisy over IRS Bomber

If you hate the US government for collecting taxes from you and are willing to fly a plane into a Federal building, you just might be a terrorist. But, nah, not if…

Afghanistan Nato operation ‘meets first objectives’

Link BBC News - Afghanistan Nato operation 'meets first objectives'BBC reporting British advance from north, met 'minimum interference' from Taliban.US Marines were brought into Marjah city by helicopter. Four small firefights going…

Israel Violates Economic Sanctions Against Iran

Israel Violates Economic Sanctions Against Iran by Grant Smith -- Antiwar.comEconomic sanctions don't produce regime change in and of themselves. They mainly hurt the little people in places like Cuba or Iraq.…

Palestinians dressed as ‘Na’vi’ from ‘Avatar

Palestinians dressed as ‘Na’vi’ from ‘Avatar’ join protest against the wall. | MONDOWEISS Courtesy Mondoweiss & the Nation InstituteYeah, but the implication from the film is also that you need some good…

Undoing Lex Luthor

The red increase in job loss is the climax of Republican White House control. The blue decrease in job loss is Obama and the Democrats. Sort of like when Superman flies around…

Reading cuts stress levels by 68%

Reading cuts stress levels by 68% | Health news | Marie ClaireWell now we've solved the difference in approach to the world of Barack Obama and George W. Bush.End/ (Not Continued)
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