
Archives: May 2009

New Template

Trying it on for size. Provided free by this site.The Web is a moving target. My old template started displaying oddly to some people, with a purple patch on the text. I…

Army Takes Peochar

The Pakistani military claims to have taken the village of Peochar and to have cleared it of militants. It was the headquarters of Mulla Fazlullah, a top leader of the Tehrik-i Taliban…

Bombings in Peshawar Kill 12;

The Tehrik-i Taliban Pakistan took further revenge on Thursday for the military campaign launched against it by the Pakistani military in the Swat Valley, by setting off bombs and ambushing police and…

Gingrich, Sotomayor and Hunting Giraffes

Republican poobah Newt Gingrich has lambasted Supreme Court nominee Sonia Sotomayor as a 'racist' because she implied that a Latina woman could empathize with certain situations as a judge better than a…

Lahore Bombing Kills at Least 30, Wounds 100

A car bomb exploded in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore on Wednesday morning, killing at least 30 and wounding 100. The death toll could rise. The bomb targeted Pakistani security and…

Iran bans Facebook

The BBC says that Iran has banned Facebook ahead of its presidential election. Reformist candidate Mir Husain Musavi's supporters had created a Facebook page and were using it to campaign for their…

Obama v. Cheney on Torture

Veteran security reporters Jonathan S. Landay and Warren Strobel at McClatchy fact-check former vice president Dick Cheney's speech defending torture and denouncing plans to close Guantanamo Bay Landay and Strobel catch the…

3 US Soldiers among 23 Killed in Iraq

Bombings killed 23 persons in Iraq on Thursday, including, Iraqi officials maintain, 3 US soldiers. The attacks followed on a major bombing Wednesday that left 40 dead and 73 wounded in the…

What to do About Guantanamo?

The US Congress is refusing to allow President Obama to close the Guantanamo Bay prison, a symbol of torture and abuse. Apparently their vote was driven by fears of public backlash if…

Obama/ Netanyahu Meet Produces Few Results

The Obama-Netanyahu talks were clearly a train wreck for Israel's far rightwing Likud Party. The talks went on nearly twice as long as scheduled, suggesting a lot of bumps in the road.…

Obama-Netanyahu must not be Kennedy-Khrushchev

Far rightwing Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu is meeting Monday with President Barack Obama in Washington. It is the most fateful encounter of two world leaders since Kennedy met Khrushchev. And Obama…

Australian Press Releases Abu Ghraib Photos

For those with strong stomachs, more Abu Ghraib torture photos may be seen here.They are courtesy of the Sydney Morning Herald. The Australian press got hold of 60 of these some time…

Wertheim: Wilders’ Lethal Words

Anne-Ruth Wertheim writes in a guest op-ed for IC:Words can incite violence. These are the kind of words Geert Wilders used in the Dutch Parliament . . .On Wednesday January 21, 2009,…

Gas Attack on School girls in Afghanistan

A suspected gas attack on a girl's school sent 84 girls to hospital in Kapisa Province north of Kabul. There are suspicions that this was another piece of Taliban sabotage. Their ideology…

Cole in Salon: The Hidden Hand of Dick Cheney

My column for, "The hidden hand of Dick Cheney" is now out.Excerpt:' don't dismiss Dick Cheney as a fading punch line, or as tragedy reprised as comedy. While the Obama administration…

Al-Libi Case Eloquent Testimony against Torture

The best refutation of Dick Cheney's insistence that torture was necessary and useful in dealing with threats from al-Qaeda just died in a Libyan prison. See also Andy Worthington.Al-Qaeda operative Ibn al-Shaykh…

Wanda Sykes makes Short Work of Rush Limbaugh

Wanda Sykes Comedy @ White House Correspondents Dinner - 05/09/09, Part I: and Part II, which includes the destruction of Rush Limbaugh and a wicked remark on Dick Cheney:End/ (Not Continued)

The Problem is Statelessness

King Abdullah II of Jordan revealed to the Times of London that the Obama administration may attempt a comprehensive peace treaty between Israel and the entire Muslim world. The latter would recognize…
NYT Review of "Engaging the Muslim World"

NYT Review of "Engaging the Muslim World"

David E. Sanger, writing in the New York Times Book Review, reviews my new book, Engaging the Muslim World. Sanger, chief Washington correspondent of the NYT, is himself a highly experienced and…

Karzai Complains about US Air-Strikes

Afghan President Hamid Karzai demanded Friday that the US military cease its aerial bombing campaigns in Afghanistan, in the wake of a mistaken bombing alleged to have killed 120 civilians in Farah…

Obama to Speak from Cairo

President Obama will fulfill his pledge to make a major address to the Muslim world from a Muslim capital from Cairo on June 4.Although Egypt has a soft dictatorship and so might…

Pakistan PM Vows Victory Against Taliban

On Thursday in Pakistan, Prime Minister Yousaf Raza Gilani announced that the Pakistani government would seek no further peace deals with the Pakistani Taliban but was rather dedicated to defeating them and…
Cole at MPAC/ National Press Club

Cole at MPAC/ National Press Club

My appearance on Monday at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. at an event of the Muslim Public Affairs Council in connection with the book launch of my newest, Engaging the…

Return to Unity Government in Pakistan?

Reuters suggests that one of the outcomes of Wednesday's summit between Obama, Zardari and Karzai might be a US push for a national unity government in Pakistan, uniting the Pakistan People's Party…

Karzai Rival Bows Out; NATO Troops Kill Girl

As President Obama prepares for Wednesday's tripartite summit between himself, the president of Pakistan (Asaf Ali Zardari) and the president of Afghanistan (Hamid Karzai), he has just gotten some bad news on…
Oglesby Review of Engaging the Muslim World

Oglesby Review of Engaging the Muslim World

Thanks to Sam Oglesby for a searching review of my new book "Engaging the Muslim World.Excerpt: "Turning to the most troublesome current foreign policy dilemma, Mr. Cole feels that U.S. policy toward…

AfPak as Obama’s Wars

Aljazeera English reviews the first hundred days of Obama's policies in Afghanistan.The The NYT explains that Obama is readying a major US military push to cut the neo-Taliban off from their funding…
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