Tourism in Goa
- Duration: 2:46
- Published: 2008-08-22
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: HeinemannVideo
From: News report on the impact of tourism in Goa, and its impact on the local community: a traditional gathering at a local Catholic church; Goa is cheap, accessible and desirable to British tourists; Goa is changing both as a place and in culture due to tourism; holidaymakers find the holiday complex secure but are nervous of venturing outside; the number of resort hotels and swimming pools has had a direct impact on the water supply to surrounding villages which are now dependent on water hand-outs, the wells are either barren or polluted with sewage from the hotels; the amount of waste created by tourists is creating large unsightly rubbish dumps; a role play depicting an encounter between a tourist and a young girl indicates that sex tourism is increasing in the region; holidaymakers enjoy a sunset on the beach as the commentary concludes that tourists bring much needed money to the area, but the destruction of Goa's environment and culture is too high a price to pay.