The ExaminerAbout a year ago a cooperative organization was formed to work towards solving the name ambiguity problem in scholarly communication. The organization is ORCID, which stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. Name ambiguity occurs when two or more people share the same name, a problem that is extensive in bibliographic and full-text databases. The solution to name...
PhysOrgJust like the rest of us, scientiststoday are swamped with information. As more chemical resources become freely available, text mining applications - previously focused on correctly identifying gene and protein names - are now shifting towards also correctly identifying chemical names. Now database experts have compared two chemical name dictionaries head to head, and report...
The ExaminerCitation: Godby, Carol Jean, Patricia Hswe, Larry Jackson, Judith Klavans, Lev Ratinov, and Dan Roth. (2010). Who’s Who in Your Digital Collection: Developing a Tool for Name Disambiguation and Identity Resolution. Proceedings of the Chicago Colloquium on Digital Humanities and ComputerScience, v. 1, no. 2, p. 1-18. Available:...
The ExaminerDungeoneering Herblore field guide, strong potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Dungeoneering Herblore field guide, normal potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Dungeoneering herblore field guide, weak potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Herblore in Dungeoneering main disambiguation page RuneScape guide kiosk, Disambiguating Dungeoneering; View all »...
The ExaminerDungeoneering patch, new dungeons, ring upgrades, and accessories; main page RuneScape dungeons outside Daemonheim main disambiguation page RuneScape guide kiosk, Disambiguating Dungeoneering; View all »...
The ExaminerIn a little more than a month, Underoath releases its first full length album since 2008. On Tuesday, Nov 9, 2010 Disambiguation is on the shelves. Underoath has officially released a new song called ”Illuminator.” Despite the fact the band is now 100% without an original band member, it seems...
The ExaminerDungeoneering herblore field guide, weak potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Dungeoneering Herblore field guide, normal potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Dungeoneering Herblore field guide, strong potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Herblore in Dungeoneering main disambiguation page RuneScape guide kiosk, Disambiguating Dungeoneering; View all »...
The ExaminerRuneScape guide kiosk, Disambiguating Dungeoneering; Dungeoneering prayer guide, using bones with altar grants 4x prayer experience RuneScape dungeons outside Daemonheim main disambiguation page RuneScape allows return to solo dungeons when discnnected or temperary logging out. How to upgrade Ring of Kinship in RuneScape View all »...
The ExaminerDungeoneering herblore field guide, weak potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Dungeoneering Herblore field guide, normal potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Dungeoneering Herblore field guide, strong potion ingredients, requirements, and uses Herblore in Dungeoneering main disambiguation page RuneScape guide to herbs in Dungeoneering and how they are grouped View...
The ExaminerA preprint of my upcoming article, "Academic Library Databases and the Problem of Word-Sense Ambiguity" is now available at the Elsevier website. The article will be published in the January, 2011 issue of the Journal of Academic Librarianship. Elsevier makes some articles in this journal available for viewing before they are actually formally published. This article is one....