Pornography or porn is the explicit portrayal of sexual subject matter. Pornography may use a variety of media, including books, magazines, postcards, photos, sculpture, drawing, painting, animation, sound recording, film, video, and video games. The term applies to the depiction of the act rather than the act itself, and so does not include live exhibitions like sex shows and striptease. A pornographic model poses for still photographs. A pornographic actor or porn star performs in pornographic films. If dramatic skills are not involved, a performer in porn films may be also be called a model.
A distinction is often made between erotica (the portrayal of sexuality with high-art aspirations, focusing also on feelings and emotions) and pornography (the depiction of acts in a sensational manner, with the entire focus on the physical act, so as to arouse quick intense reactions).
Pornography has often been subject to censorship and legal restraints to publication on grounds of obscenity. Such grounds and even the definition of pornography have differed in various historical, cultural, and national contexts. With the emergence of social attitudes more tolerant of sexuality and more specific legal definitions of obscenity, an industry for the production and consumption of pornography arose in the latter half of the 20th century. The introduction of home video and the Internet saw booms in a worldwide porn industry that generates billions of dollars annually.
Déjà las des plans frÃ'lant le banal, manga hardcore version pulse anal
Sans cesse l'hypothèse de la fugue fuse tu tournes en rond et la haine se diffuse
Dénigrant ce passé, visionné, harcelé par un futur hors pair
Le temps passe et le vice t'enlace ultime sévice d'une génération SM
Foncedée à Laure Sinclair, doucement tu prends en mariage le coté obscur d'une verité
Déjà bien ancrée, faudra des années avant de la faire tomber. Aujourd hui ça s'arrange
Mais putain c'est dur, de bousculer les principes , la France croule sous son passé
Inhibé et studieux tout mais pas lâche, damné c'est surtout bon et plus sordide
Pendant que Jenna Jameson
Est si torride, si ton vice alors les novices s'inclinent
Faudrait pas que tu change de route
Qu'est c't'en pense dépasse le cÃ'té sex and roots
Ne cherche pas d'excuses personne ne t'accuse x2
Ils ont besoins de plus de porno
Encore un boost de bombe
Then you'll take our big fucking porn.... watch more porn! watch more porn! x2
Souvent, souvent, souvent les mines-ga sont bridées, grave bloquées
P ar des mans frustrés, à la manière de Nico bébé,
Vé-nère de ne toujours pas assumer le fait
Que les femmes aussi peuvent s'envoyer en l'air avec plusieurs partenaires, tu sais?
Ca se passe comme ça c'est comme du manga ça bute et ça prend lÃ
Mais rassure-toi on a pas tous la force pour ça, y en a qui té-ma comme des porcas
Y en a d'autres qui signent des contrats
Et toi faut que tu fasses le tri dans tous ces pourris
Pas facile de rester belle comme Sissi quand tes proches te traitent de putain
Et pour les autres t'es plus bonne qu'à ça
C'est clair que les Chipy Marlow, finiront par rejoindre les Marlon Brando
Back back de plus en plus core, c'est la fièvre et tu craques, c'est la bombe qui débarque
Tu t'enquilles des trips et t'es si pâle. Bad bad a force de tourner comme un freestyle
D'heure en heure on attend la panique, putain mais quel souk quand y'aura plus qu'la nique
Sodomie cryptée, j'te pompe si tu cliques. Putain mais c'est tricks
C'est pas câblé mais c'est en... CLAIR
Les choses changent et puis ça derange
Les vertus découvertes et de belles oranges degonflées par la fonce-dé
Ils t'ont friqué puis laissé, au bord du bord sâle et pleine de remords
Tu finis par ne plus supporter l'image que les tournages ont pris en otage
Then you runaway and runaway
Pour quitter les lights et laisser place à des plus gourmandes
Bonnes et voraces, pleines de vices j'affirme et je glisse
Pour finir que le porno est un supplice pourtant c'est du pur kiff
Mais si tu donnes pas le top funk à plein temps, belle c'est clair que tu bé-tom
She's the one who keeps me bored
I'm meaningless and uncensored
Baby, baby, drinks for free
I'll let you tumble down with me
So much to do, so much to say
So much to prove, so much to fake
I hate it when you frown this way
I hate you so much got to say
Baby, baby, masquerade
Baby I'll just masturbate
So much to do, so much to say
So much to prove, so much to fake
Hey, yeah
And I hope you like porn
Cause if you want to stick with me
Yeah you better like porn
The way I do
And it has to be real
It has to be real funky
Yeah you better like porn
The way I...
Don't understand the points you make
And should've stayed in bed today
Baby, baby, drinks for free
I'll let you tumble down with me
So much to do, so much to say
So much to prove, so much to fake
Hey, yeah
And I hope you like porn
Cause if you want to stick with me
Yeah you better like porn
The way I do
And it has to be real
It has to be real funky
Yeah you better like porn
The way I d-d-d-d-d-d-d-do
She's the one who keeps me bored
I'm meaningless and uncensored
Baby, baby, drinks for free
I'll let you tumble down with me
Some people have no points to make
So tell me why we're on this date
So baby, baby, drinks for free
I'll let you tumble down with me
So much to do, so much to say
So much to prove, so much to fake
Hey, yeah
And I hope you like porn
Cause if you want to stick with me
Yeah you better like porn
The way I do
And it has to be real
It has to be real funky
Yeah you better like porn
The way...
Well there's so much to do, so much to say
So much to prove, so much to fake
So much to do, so much to say
Joseph Graham gave me all I want
In a language I can't understand
Just a smile in a parking lot
I turned the page and his sister was there
Sister girl, will you rescue me
Be my friend in my fantasy?
I'm tired of Joe you know, he don't know
The things a girl knows, a girl needs
It's subterfuge in action
I give them life
They give me passion
Porn, when I'm all alone at home
Porn, when I'm talking on phone
Porn, when I'm tired of sleeping
Porn, porn, porn, porn
Pretty boy, is this what I need?
I need you to need me
Take the stance, you'd do anything
You'd do anything for me
Tommy's on page 24 and Mike's on 43
I know them well
'Cuz we share a room
I watch them while they watch me
It's subterfuge in action
I give them life
They give me passion
Porn, when I'm all alone at home
Porn, when I'm talking on the phone
Porn, when I'm tired of sleeping
Porn, porn, porn, porn
Porn, when I miss my family
Porn, when I want to be with you
Porn, when I'm tired of needing
Porn, porn, porn, porn
Porn, when I'm all alone at home
Porn, when I'm talking on the phone
Porn, when I'm tired of sleeping
Porn, porn, porn, porn
Porn, when I miss my family
Porn, when I want to be with you
Porn, when I'm tired of needing
Porn, porn, porn, porn
Porn, when I'm all alone at home
Porn, when I'm talking on the phone
Porn, when I'm tired of sleeping
You're young and beautiful some would call you a slut.
All you can give is a paper cut your porn.
You're hot and its dry and the dust devil spins on the plan.
You’re a cloud that floats by you’re a dark cloud giving no rain you're
She’s young and beautiful some would call you a tart.
She’s lying when she says its fine art you're porn.
Dear friend you can see it all but you got nothing.
Believe me when I say she’s a poison spring she’s porn.