I am 1 hour from going on stage with at to pick someone to "press the button"! Who wants to?

4/ Many of the physicists in grad school who were training to work on the SSC went to Wall Street instead to work as "quants", a new field

Spend your time with people who make you love to live.

Video Of The Week: A Discussion Of Accelerators – AVC

It is becoming popular to hold your meetings in abandoned factories in old East Berlin

5 Tips to Build Your Own community

Avoid Humans: Find empty cafes, bars & places nearby. Enjoy, introverts. via

Good, in-depth read on Trump. A mirror in a house of mirrors.

Charging port on phone that illuminates brighter as the cable gets closer to help avoid blindly stabbing your device at night.

"Forget about the mobile internet" —desktop now a "penalty box" for me relative to what I want to do.

Huge, transformative businesses can hide in plain sight

a16z Podcast: Crypto, Security, CS, Quantum Computing, and More with Our New Professor-in-Residence, *Dan Boneh*

Cofactor Genomics (YC S15) plans to analyze cRNA for consumer diagnostics

Taking action to fight climate change is music to my ears - .

25% of Twitter's Verified Users are Media/Reporters, 18% athletes/sports, 14% entertainers

First-gen iPad for sale at antique store. Vintage!

Dave McClure’s 500 Startups Closes Fund III With $85M via

Book publishers raise ebook prices and overall revenue falls (just as Amazon predicted)

Tram up the mountain from our hotel to here for a steak dinner. (@ Allred's in Mountain Village, CO)

Stop procrastinating by understanding procrastination. (Read this now - don't put it off)