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- blueprint
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- Scott Hassan
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Molecubes - Open Source Modular Robotics [molecubes.org]
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 1:46
- Published: 19 Apr 2008
- Uploaded: 20 Nov 2011
- Author: pwilliams11235
Molecubes, an open source modular robotics platform. This video is an example of what Molecubes can do. In this example a tractor like robot is quickly assembled from Molecubes and a sequence of motion is evolved and executed.
http://wn.com/Molecubes__Open_Source_Modular_Robotics_ molecubesorg
Google IO 2010 Open Source Robotics
Google IO 2010 demo Open Source Robotics
Developing Open Source Software for Human Robot Interaction
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 13:34
- Published: 09 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 10 Oct 2011
- Author: rsj2011opensource
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Yosuke Matsusaka Authors: Yosuke Matsusaka (AIST) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp Paper: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp
Open Melt - Open Source Melty Brain Robot
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 8:14
- Published: 08 Dec 2009
- Uploaded: 24 Jan 2011
- Author: spambutcher
More info at nothinglabs.com Demo and configuration tutorial for the Open Melt open source melty brain (translational drift) robotics project. This system was initially developed for the "Melty B" series of robots by SpamButcher Combat Robotics (Rich Olson).
Introduction to Open Source Robot Audition Software HARK
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 12:27
- Published: 09 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 10 Oct 2011
- Author: rsj2011opensource
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Gokhan Ince Authors: Kazuhiro Nakadai (Honda Research Institute Japan, Tokyo Inst of Tech), Hiroshi G. Okuno (Kyoto Univ), Toru Takahashi (Kyoto Univ,), Keisuke Nakamura (Honda Research Institute Japan, Tokyo Inst of Tech), Takeshi Mizumoto (Kyoto Univ.), Takami Yoshida (Tokyo Inst of Tech) , Takuma Otsuka (Kyoto Univ.), and Gokhan Ince (Honda Research Inst Japan) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp Paper: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp
Urbi Open Source - the universal open source software platform for robotics
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 1:56
- Published: 26 Aug 2010
- Uploaded: 29 Aug 2011
- Author: GostaiRobotics
Here is a short video presenting Urbi Open Source and its core concepts (parallelism, event based programming, tags...) more in formation on www.urbiforge.org
Molecubes - Open Source Modular Robotics [molecubes.org]
Molecubes, an open source modular robotics platform. This video is an example of what Molecubes can do. In this example a tractor like robot is quickly assembled from Molecubes and a sequence of motion is evolved and executed. www.molecubes.org
http://wn.com/Molecubes__Open_Source_Modular_Robotics_ molecubesorg
C4H10 Robot based on HCR-Open source mobile robot platform
Robot build over HCR-Open source mobile robot platform. In this fase we only have the chassis, main engines (12V, 2A peak, 17W and 120RPM), lead battery (12V 7Ah), 3 IR sensors (Sharp GP2D12), 3 bumpers and one CPU board (RoMeo).
Bilibot: A Cheap Robotics Platform
Bilibot is a robotics platform that I'm bunding together. This isn't the first time anyone has put together a create and a kinect, but the software to run all the cool kinect demos is a bit hard to get started with. By bundling this with a laptop, people can have a research quality robot running in minutes! For more information, check out www.bilibot.com
Willow Garage Open Source Robot Revolution - PR2
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 3:59
- Published: 27 May 2010
- Uploaded: 13 Sep 2011
- Author: singularityhub
Willow Garage Open Source Robot Revolution - PR2
Treaded Robot, Large open source Surveyor Robot with GPS
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 4:53
- Published: 22 Dec 2009
- Uploaded: 18 Nov 2011
- Author: inertialabs
This large scale outdoor robot with Surveyor SRV electronics was built for one of our clients. It uses four gear gear motors, a separate speed controller (from the usual built in SRV version), camera tilt servo, and the navigation board (GPS, tilt sensors, and compass). We can build this in a few sizes, also with wheels instead of treads, this one is the largest off the shelf chassis option.
Summer Student Autonomous Robotics Feature Segment
Ten NASA LARSS students spent the summer of 2010 working at Langley Research Center to put together an autonomous robotics lab, using mostly open source tools. This short feature was part of a longer episode of NASA EDGE that focused on the future of Aeronautics. The complete version of that episode can be found on NASA's web site. Vehicles shown in this video include Parrot AR Drones that are being controlled over wifi using their open-source Linux interface and and a Traxxas Summit RC truck which is being controlled by an Ardupilot. Indoor localization is being provided by a commercial Vicon motion tracking system. Software used to manage the tracked volume was written in the Processing programming language and network data packet distribution was accomplished using the Flightgear Multiplayer Server.
Robot Party - Open Design Engine Part 1/2
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 10:36
- Published: 19 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 19 Oct 2011
- Author: RobotGrrl91
J. Simmons explains the features, capabilities, and future of Open Design Engine (part 1/2) Part 2 here: www.youtube.com --- J. Simmons on Google+: plus.google.com Open Design Engine: opendesignengine.net ODE Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com --- The Robot Party is a weekly Google+ hangout where robot builders and enthusiasts discuss the robots that they are building and share their knowledge with others. Every two weeks you can vote on a new theme for the following parties. The Robot Party is held every Thursday at 8PM ET. The hangout is mirrored to the Robot Party on Ustream: ustream.tv so you can watch without joining the hangout. For more information, check out robotgrrl.com Thanks to Laslo (from the band Plasmingo) for the intro music! Join the discussion on Twitter: #RobotParty
DARwIn-OP Humanoid Robot Demo
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 2:48
- Published: 09 Dec 2010
- Uploaded: 25 Nov 2011
- Author: spectrummag
Virginia Tech roboticist Dennis Hong shows off the new DARwIn-OP open-source robot at the IEEE Humanoids 2010 conference in Nashville, Tenn. For more robot news, go to spectrum.ieee.org
Open-source software in the RT-Middleware project
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 11:09
- Published: 09 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 11 Oct 2011
- Author: rsj2011opensource
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Geoffrey Biggs Authors: Geoffrey Biggs, Noriaki Ando, Tetsuo Kotoku (AIST) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp Paper: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp
Could Opensource Swarm Robotics Be The Future?
Swarmanoid is a swarm intelligence robotics hivemind system comprising of differing robots each with a particular skill-set to solve a problem. For example, in the movie they have 3 robots cooperating to find and retrieve a book on a bookshelf: - the eye-bot is the flying eyes of the system watching from above and scouting-out the environment ahead, - the foot-bot is a wheeled robot with a gripper that moves the hand-bot to where it needs to go - the hand-bot climbs the bookshelf and grips the book to retrieve it We discuss robotics research moving more toward the development of interconnected specialty robots into a hivemind with swarm intelligence. They're primarily being developed for use in rescue and hazardous environments, but we also think a MakerBot-like opensource, purchasable kit of swarm robotics could revolutionize the robotics industry. Swarmanoid: Humanoid Robotic Swarms Swarm Robots Video www.youtube.com HIVE45 Singularity Podcast: hive45.com http twitter.com
Choreonoid as a Software Framework for Implementing Graphical Robotics Applications
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 10:32
- Published: 09 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 10 Oct 2011
- Author: rsj2011opensource
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Shin'ichiro Nakaoka Authors: Shin'ichiro Nakaoka (AIST) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp Paper: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp
Robot Party - Open Design Engine Part 2/2
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 11:21
- Published: 19 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 25 Oct 2011
- Author: RobotGrrl91
J. Simmons explains the features, capabilities, and future of Open Design Engine (part 1/2) Part 1 here: www.youtube.com --- J. Simmons on Google+: plus.google.com Open Design Engine: opendesignengine.net ODE Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.com --- The Robot Party is a weekly Google+ hangout where robot builders and enthusiasts discuss the robots that they are building and share their knowledge with others. Every two weeks you can vote on a new theme for the following parties. The Robot Party is held every Thursday at 8PM ET. The hangout is mirrored to the Robot Party on Ustream: ustream.tv so you can watch without joining the hangout. For more information, check out robotgrrl.com Thanks to Laslo (from the band Plasmingo) for the intro music! Join the discussion on Twitter: #RobotParty
COLLADA: An Open Standard for Robot File Formats
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 14:57
- Published: 09 Oct 2011
- Uploaded: 10 Oct 2011
- Author: rsj2011opensource
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Kei Okada Authors: Rosen Diankov (University of Tokyo), Ryohei Ueda (University of Tokyo), Kei Okada (University of Tokyo), Hajime Saito (General Robotix) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp Paper: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp
Willow Garage Unveils Open Robotics Platform
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 6:52
- Published: 27 May 2010
- Uploaded: 24 Aug 2010
- Author: singularityhub
Willow Garage Unveils Open Robotics Platform
Blender 2.59 Real-Time Robot Arm Test
Using a mockup 4 DOF robot arm made of office supplies and 4 RC servos to debug control programs and joint angle calculations. mockup includes: pocket knife - base stability large binder clip - base structure rubber bands - compliant actuator fixturing mechanisms small binder clips - rigit fixtures plastic fast food knife broken in two - lightweight dynamic structural elements piece of printer paper folded and glued - simulated grasping end effector Project Details: Blender 2.59 (free open source software www.blender.org) does the 3D modeling and inverse kinematics (IK). Real-time control is handled by the Blender Game Engine using videogame like keyboard input. A Python 3.2 (http script (Blender 2.59 comes prebuilt with Python 3.2) is running inside of Blender and continually sends joint angles to a socket port. A Processing (also free and open source software www.processing.org) program is running as a socket server and recieves a string of angles from Python. I have an Arduino Uno (open source microprocessor board http recieving commands from the processing sketch through a USB/Serial Port connection. I used this set of Arduino receiver/Processing sender programs to run the RC servos: letsmakerobots.com This is part of an open source mechatronics training project I am putting together for work. Now that the software and computer interface phase of the project is mostly complete, this simple (and I find hilarious) RC servo mockup will soon be replaced with a Scortec <b>...</b>
ChargeCar: Open Source Electric Vehicles
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 8:24
- Published: 26 Mar 2011
- Uploaded: 21 Sep 2011
- Author: cmurobotics
ChargeCar is a community-centered project of the Robotics Institute's CREATE Lab. Researchers are working with local mechanics to develop methods and components necessary for efficiently converting electric cars into vehicles that can be used for commuting. Initial efforts have focused on 2001-2005 model year Honda Civics... ...ChargeCar also continues to study power management as a way of making electric vehicles more efficient. Unlike the battery-only approach currently being used in the car conversion, this smart power management scheme would combine batteries with an electric storage device called a supercapacitor. By using various artificial intelligence methods to control when electric charge is either drawn from the batteries or stored in the supercapacitor, it should be possible to extend battery life and increase the range and performance of electric vehicles. The project sponsors a monthly contest that challenges participants to develop ever-more-efficient computer algorithms for managing power... Read the entire story on the Robotics Institute Website: www.ri.cmu.edu For more about the ChargeCar Project: chargecar.org
iCub Drumming
- Order: Reorder
- Duration: 1:14
- Published: 18 Oct 2008
- Uploaded: 31 Oct 2010
- Author: w0r1dpeace
the iCub drumming. robotcub.org/ Open Source Robotics
Molecubes - Open Source Modular Robotics [molecubes.org]
Molecubes - Open Source Modular Robotics [molecubes.org]
Molecubes, an open source modular robotics platform. This video is an example of what Molecubes can do. In this example a tractor like robot is quickly assembled from Molecubes and a sequence of motion is evolved and executed....
Open Melt - Open Source Melty Brain Robot
Open Melt - Open Source Melty Brain Robot
More info at nothinglabs.com Demo and configuration tutorial for the Open Melt open source melty brain (translational drift) robotics project. This system was initially developed for the "Melty B" series of robots by SpamButcher C...
Introduction to Open Source Robot Audition Software HARK
Introduction to Open Source Robot Audition Software HARK
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Gokhan Ince Authors: Kazuhiro Nakadai (Honda Research Institute Japan, Tokyo Inst of Tech), Hiroshi G. Okuno (Kyoto Univ), Toru Takahashi (Kyoto Univ,), Keisuke Nakamura (Honda Research I...
Urbi Open Source - the universal open source software platform for robotics
Urbi Open Source - the universal open source software platform for robotics
Here is a short video presenting Urbi Open Source and its core concepts (parallelism, event based programming, tags...) more in formation on www.urbiforge.org...
Molecubes - Open Source Modular Robotics [molecubes.org]
Molecubes - Open Source Modular Robotics [molecubes.org]
Molecubes, an open source modular robotics platform. This video is an example of what Molecubes can do. In this example a tractor like robot is quickly assembled from Molecubes and a sequence of motion is evolved and executed. www.molecubes...
C4H10 Robot based on HCR-Open source mobile robot platform
C4H10 Robot based on HCR-Open source mobile robot platform
Robot build over HCR-Open source mobile robot platform. In this fase we only have the chassis, main engines (12V, 2A peak, 17W and 120RPM), lead battery (12V 7Ah), 3 IR sensors (Sharp GP2D12), 3 bumpers and one CPU board (RoMeo)....
Bilibot: A Cheap Robotics Platform
Bilibot: A Cheap Robotics Platform
Bilibot is a robotics platform that I'm bunding together. This isn't the first time anyone has put together a create and a kinect, but the software to run all the cool kinect demos is a bit hard to get started with. By bundling this...
Treaded Robot, Large open source Surveyor Robot with GPS
Treaded Robot, Large open source Surveyor Robot with GPS
This large scale outdoor robot with Surveyor SRV electronics was built for one of our clients. It uses four gear gear motors, a separate speed controller (from the usual built in SRV version), camera tilt servo, and the navigation board (GP...
Summer Student Autonomous Robotics Feature Segment
Summer Student Autonomous Robotics Feature Segment
Ten NASA LARSS students spent the summer of 2010 working at Langley Research Center to put together an autonomous robotics lab, using mostly open source tools. This short feature was part of a longer episode of NASA EDGE that focused on the...
Robot Party - Open Design Engine Part 1/2
Robot Party - Open Design Engine Part 1/2
J. Simmons explains the features, capabilities, and future of Open Design Engine (part 1/2) Part 2 here: www.youtube.com --- J. Simmons on Google+: plus.google.com Open Design Engine: opendesignengine.net ODE Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.co...
Could Opensource Swarm Robotics Be The Future?
Could Opensource Swarm Robotics Be The Future?
Swarmanoid is a swarm intelligence robotics hivemind system comprising of differing robots each with a particular skill-set to solve a problem. For example, in the movie they have 3 robots cooperating to find and retrieve a book on a booksh...
Choreonoid as a Software Framework for Implementing Graphical Robotics Applications
Choreonoid as a Software Framework for Implementing Graphical Robotics Applications
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Shin'ichiro Nakaoka Authors: Shin'ichiro Nakaoka (AIST) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp Paper: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp...
Robot Party - Open Design Engine Part 2/2
Robot Party - Open Design Engine Part 2/2
J. Simmons explains the features, capabilities, and future of Open Design Engine (part 1/2) Part 1 here: www.youtube.com --- J. Simmons on Google+: plus.google.com Open Design Engine: opendesignengine.net ODE Kickstarter: www.kickstarter.co...
COLLADA: An Open Standard for Robot File Formats
COLLADA: An Open Standard for Robot File Formats
RSJ 2011 Open-source Robotics Tools Session Speaker: Kei Okada Authors: Rosen Diankov (University of Tokyo), Ryohei Ueda (University of Tokyo), Kei Okada (University of Tokyo), Hajime Saito (General Robotix) Slides: www.jsk.tu-tokyo.ac.jp P...
Blender 2.59 Real-Time Robot Arm Test
Blender 2.59 Real-Time Robot Arm Test
Using a mockup 4 DOF robot arm made of office supplies and 4 RC servos to debug control programs and joint angle calculations. mockup includes: pocket knife - base stability large binder clip - base structure rubber bands - compliant actuat...
ChargeCar: Open Source Electric Vehicles
ChargeCar: Open Source Electric Vehicles
ChargeCar is a community-centered project of the Robotics Institute's CREATE Lab. Researchers are working with local mechanics to develop methods and components necessary for efficiently converting electric cars into vehicles that can b...
Open Video Suggestions
Most Popular
- Arduino
- blueprint
- bomb disposal
- Carmen Toolkit
- e-puck mobile robot
- Gazebo
- iCub
- Khepera mobile robot
- Leaf Project
- Lego NXT
- Less-lethal weapons
- Make Controller Kit
- Multimachine
- Open Dynamics Engine
- Open source
- OpenRAVE
- OpenRTM-aist
- Orb swarm
- Player Project
- Qwerkbot
- RobotCub
- Robotics suite
- RobotWars
- Roomba
- schematics
- Scooba
- Scott Hassan
- Self-defense
- Softbot
- source code
- TeamBots
- VoIP
- web browser
Science & Technology Ask anyone who lives in the Gulf or the Niger Delta: oil spills are very nasty, and they don't clean themselves up. Chemical dispersants can make spills worse. And deploying hundreds of people in boats to run the clean-up presents a host of health hazards. After the BP disaster...
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Fast Company
This Week In Bots: Open-Source Learning Bots, Sensitive Robo-Skin, Robot Soccer, Chocolate Printer Bot, And More BY Kit EatonToday Qbo Open-Source Bot Par Excellence Qbo is a kind of smaller, cheaper PR2--he's an open-source robot platform (using the ROS operating system developed for PR2), which...
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There's nothing like a little bounty to light a fire under a group of open source fanatics, is there? We saw this principle applied recently when Adafruit offered up cold, hard cash for an Open Source Kinect driver, and now one enterprising reader over at robotbox.net has gone and hacked the LIDAR...
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The Future of Personal Robotics: Open Source
09 Nov 2010
Fast Company
The Future of Personal Robotics: Open Source BY Ariel SchwartzToday This week marks the third anniversary of ROS (Robot Operating System), an open-source software platform for the robotics industry developed by Stanford and Silicon Valley robotics research lab Willow Garage. In that short time, ROS...
size: 2.3Kb
size: 2.3Kb
Meet open source robot
12 Sep 2010
The Times of India
CALIFORNIA: A US company is out to transform the world of robotics with a formula that has helped make Facebook popular. Their bot uses open source code that will let it run third party applications. Willow Garage a Northern California company believes that third-party applications can do for robots...
size: 2.3Kb
size: 2.3Kb
Open source robot
08 Sep 2010
Mumbai Mirror
AFP Posted On Thursday, September 09, 2010 at 02:01:28 AM Willow Garage a Northern California company believes that third-party applications can do for robots what they did for the iPhone and the world’s top online social networking service....
size: 2.8Kb
size: 2.8Kb
Huffington Post
Need a robot to harmonize on your latest opus, but Autotune got you down and vocoder too kitschy and...
size: 0.7Kb
size: 0.7Kb
An open-source robot is a robot whose blueprints, schematics or source code are released under an open-source model.
Sparky Jr., Mobile Telepresence Research Project, Est. 1994
Open Automaton Project (oap.sourceforge.net)
Leaf Project (www.leafproject.org/)
RobotCub, including iCub
e-puck mobile robot, an open-hardware, education oriented, mobile robot.
Open-source Micro-robotic Project, an open-source space swarm robot project
Qwerkbot, simple open source robot from Carnegie Mellon University
Orb swarm
NXJ An open source Java programming environment for the Lego NXT robot kit (http://lejos.sourceforge.net/)
CLARAty Robotics software developed by JPL as part of the Mars program.
ROS (Robot Operating System) (open-source software running on the Willow Garage robot)
URBI (C++ distributed/embedded components framework + parallel/event-driven orchestration script language)
Player (robot fr amework)
Orocos, C++ framework for component-based robot control software
Orca (robot framework)
MOOS (robot framework)
RoboComp (robot framework)
CARMEN (robot simulator)
TeamBots (robot simulator)
Open Dynamics Engine (physics engine for modelling articulated rigid-body dynamics)
Simbad robot simulator (robot simulator)
Gazebo (multi-robot simulator)
Dave's Robotic Operating System
Sparky Telepresence Controller
Home brew robot software running on the consumer robotic platform Spykee
OpenJAUS (robot / unmanned systems framework)
RI-JAUS SDK A cross-platform, GPL-licensed C++ SDK implementing the JAUS protocol for robot control.
OpenRTM-aist (robotics technology middleware)
Open Platform for Robotic Services (OPRoS) Component based framework, GUI editors in Eclipse and a Simulator, OPRoS Components
Make Controller Kit
motherboards with CPU; e.g. Arduino
The Rossum project open-sources certain robotic modules and tools (mappers, robot simulators, encoder designers, ...)
Lower-cost. Costs of a robot can be decreased dramatically with prominent examples being the robots being built by Hanson ($300) and project aiko ($25000)
Interchangeable software and/or hardware
metalworks (precise metal sheets and pipe-bending, sheet/pipe cutting; e.g. via Multimachine and/or other embedded tools as cramps, pliers, ...)
translator for many languages (including the main languages as Mandarin, English, Spanish, Bengali, Hindi, etc.)
calorie-counter for the robot-owner; counting the calories of food items the owner eats and preventing him from eating more that day when he reaches 2000kcal
building electronic circuitry (PCB-boards)
transportation; this e.g. by riding on the back, similar as on a horse (the latter allowing the robot to return to the appearance of a normal person after disembarking)
personal protection (robots, being made of metal, are able to withstand quite some beating and may be learned to incapacitate attackers by punching or Less-lethal weapons )
bomb disposal and/or the making of explosive compounds for bomb disposal (e.g. on the owner's farming fields e.g. in developing countries as Cambodia, countries south and north of the sahara as Angola, Western Sahara, Libia, ..) or destruction of obstacles or to prepare building sites
providing communication through a small computer (e.g. Linutop, EeeBox, gPC, and integrated satellite internet uplink or long-range Wifi or WiMax-antenna). The type of communication may include: active searching on webpages (browsing), e-mail, text and or audio based communication with others (e.g. VoIP calls; both to distant users via internet as local VoIP-communication to team members in close proximity), ...
Scott Hassan (founder of Willow Garage and senior Google board member)
Khepera III
Robotics suite
Open-Source Robot toolkit
DIY Linux robots
Carnegie Mellon DIY Robots
DIY Mobile Telepresence
Current projects
Full robot projects
Open-source software
Open-source hardware
A first sign of the increasing popularity of building robots yourself can be found with the DIY community. What began with small competitions for remote operated vehicles (e.g. RobotWars), soon developed to the building of autonomous telepresence robots as Sparky and then true robots (being able to take decisions themselves) as the Open Automaton Project and Leaf Project. Certain commercial companies now also produce kits for making simple robots. One example being DeAgostini.
At present, open-source robots are not yet sophisticated enough to perform much of the tasks a person can do, nor perform difficult or complicated tasks that only robots may—one day—provide; this being:Despite this however, some DIY builders are already looking to helpful activities that can be performed today as vacuum cleaning, floor washing and automated mowing.
See also
External links
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